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Before you dive into the information here, please try to be mindful of your emotional responses. It is folly to "think" and "reason" with the emotions. You cannot determine the truthfulness of something based on how it makes you feel. Truth is something you discover through observation and reason, and from that process you gain knowledge. So, do your best to set aside your beliefs and feelings, take the information in objectively, and then do your own further research.



The information on this site may be uncomfortable to hear. It will challenge or even contradict your currently entrenched belief systems, and you'll want to reject it. However, to "think" and "reason" with the emotions is folly. If you want to learn the truth, you must set aside personal beliefs and feelings, take in the information presented here objectively, and then do your own further research. Do not believe... KNOW.



Do you think that the current human condition and life on Earth are tolerable just the way they are? Are you content with our global situation as it is right now? If so, then there's nothing for you here. If you're not content with it and want to learn something, then please read on...


Nothing presented here is new information. It doesn't come from religious dogma or any partisan political position. This is simply knowledge I've come to know from 30 years of research and study. Truth has always been here and it will always be here. I'm simply a messenger sharing what I've discovered to help you on your own evolutionary journey.


I am not an arbiter of truth, however. I'm not asking you to believe what you read. You should always employ logical judgement and discernment balanced with a fully developed intuition. Belief is ultimately the enemy of knowledge. It is divisive. It begets condemnation without investigation, and that will never lead you to the truth. 


There is a lot to read here. This site is virtually a book compiling information from various sources. While modern media has become much more visual, reading is still very important if you want to acquire a comprehensive and definitive understanding of what's going on in the world around you and the world within you. In Latin, the word liber means "book" and "free." It's where we get the words "library" and "liberty." Freedom comes from Knowledge – of Nature and the Universe (episteme), and of the Self and our place and purpose in that Universe (gnosis). You cannot gain much knowledge if you do not do the required reading which goes hand-in-hand with deep introspection and observing Nature and how it operates. 


The content here is a tapestry and meant to be taken in as a whole and within context. Again... please understand that my goal is not to convince you of anything, to get you to believe anything, and certainly not to placate you and tell you what you want to hear. I will speak in absolutes, but my goal is simply to share knowledge; and hopefully, to whet your appetite for further research and discovery. 


Much of this knowledge has been preserved and passed on by ancient esoteric traditions and mystery schools for thousands of years. It is occult (hidden) knowledge, the most important and powerful knowledge in this world. It is imperative that we discover it, apply it in our lives, and de-occult it (share it, teach it) so that we can dissolve the control systems that bind us and end the human condition of slavery once and for all.


I expect a good portion of this content will conflict with how you already think, and possibly make you angry. The reaction of being triggered by something without truly thinking about it should be your first "red flag" of mind control. So, don't reject something just because it causes an uncomfortable emotional response. Emotions are important, but not in determining reality and truth. And please... don't apply your own meanings to my words. Contact me and ask me to clarify something, or you can take my online course.


What ultimately matters is that you understand the core message and then go out and do something with that knowledge. Don't be a bystander, be part of the solution.


There is a real pandemic in our world – a mind-virus called Moral Relativism. It is the idea that morality is entirely subjective; that we get to make it up based on our religious beliefs, personal preferences, feelings, likes and dislikes, and base our actions accordingly. This is highly erroneous and dangerous. Morality is not subjective, nor is it a religious concept. It has zero to do with religion.


However, moral relativism is represented in the biblical story of Eden. It is the "forbidden fruit" of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating the fruit of the Tree symbolized taking upon oneself the role of arbiter or decider of what right and wrong are rather than accepting Morality as inherent in Nature (the Tree). This is the real "original sin." Contrary to the church view, this story was never about disobedience. It is an occult allegory, symbolizing humanity's fall from Natural Moral Law.



Moral Relativism is a main tenet of Satanism  not what religion or Hollywood has portrayed, nor any self-styled sect, but a mindset that we've been inculcated with in every area of our lives. It is the ideology of the unseen, psychopathic ruling class. They are the embodiment of the serpent in the garden, representing the rampant ego/beast consciousness that wants to usurp the Laws of the Creator, and usurp the Creator as the Author of Law. In other words, they want to become God and establish their own "authority" and "law," and we've bought it all... hook, line and sinker.


These Satanic "elites," aka The Powers That Shouldn't Be, are advanced psychologists and have deep knowledge of the human psyche. They understand our minds, our motivations, our fears, etc. Through their social engineering, they've perpetuated their own mindset in humanity on a lower level – through culture, religion, politics, and other belief systems – and as a result, we have maintained continuous suffering in the world. Regardless of their agenda, WE still did this to ourselves. WE are the driving force of our own suffering through our willful ignorance and ego; by buying into those beliefs and through our wrong behavior as a result of those beliefs.

Our lack of understanding of Morality IS why we continue to suffer. We have distorted versions of what it actually is and have created for ourselves, as a species, the condition of slavery (especially mental slavery). Again, it's why we've accepted "authority" and "government" as legitimate, and why we falsely justify the immoral behaviors of those who claim such authority in the name of "the greater good." It's why we do not truly understand our Inherent Natural Rights which causes many of us to violently impose (directly or indirectly) our own worldviews, whims and dogmatic beliefs onto others (often through our appeals to "authority" and manmade "law"). It's why we believe that obedience to "authority" is moral, virtuous behavior, and nothing could be further from the truth.

One can think or believe something is moral or immoral all they want, but that doesn't actually make morality itself a subjective thing. It is entirely behavior-based. It is not based on societal standards, likes/dislikes, preferences, religious beliefs, or laws. It isn't something that you can decide for yourself based on how you feel. What is inherently wrong can never be made into a right, nor can something inherently right be made into a wrong. The end doesn't justify the means. Unfortunately, humanity hasn't figured that out. This lack of Conscience can (and always does) lead to the infringement of other people’s Rights whether they intend for that to happen or not.


Those who do have a modicum of conscience too often ignore it because they don't want to accept the personal responsibility that comes with that knowledge, to take Right Action in the moment. They fear the immediate consequence of doing so, having more concern about the personal harm or inconvenience that might happen rather than the worldwide, long-term consequences of continuous wrong action. And so our suffering continues.​.. and it will continue until we come to understand and live in harmony with the cosmic truth: 


Morality is an objective Law of Nature.


Our actions, as an entire species, create enormous inescapable consequences; a long-term karmic judgement of our aggregate behavior. We've ignored this Law and decided that WE will be the lawmakers, WE will decide what right and wrong are, and put ourselves and others into positions of "authority." And what consequences are we experiencing as a result? Suffering, slavery, tyranny, and chaos. If you don't think so, you're not paying attention.


There is a Right/Moral way of behaving and a Wrong/Immoral way of behaving, and it's very simple:


If your actions do not cause harm to other sentient beings or their property (which includes their body, natural rights, and freedom) then those actions are moral; therefore, they are Rights. If your actions do cause harm to their body, property, rights and freedom, those actions are immoral; therefore, they are Wrongs. It is that simple, yet this is not deeply understood by the bulk of humanity. You would think that something so kindergarten-level basic would be common knowledge (AKA Conscience), yet here we are. We've failed and continue to fail, but we don't have to. We can still enter cosmic adulthood. We can change course, as a species, if we so choose.



True Objective Morality is based in Universal Spiritual Law (also known as Cosmic Law, Karmic Law, or Natural Law). It's the deepest, most profound Golden Rule. It is also the most occulted knowledge on Earth, deliberately hidden by the dark occult "ruling class" in order to create and maintain a power differential between themselves and humanity. The knowledge of Natural Law isn't absent from the world, though. It can be discovered and known, but we have been dissuaded from doing so through dogmatism, distraction, obfuscation, and ridicule. Understanding Natural Law and applying it in our lives is the key to manifesting True Freedom in the world. The amount of Freedom in society is directly proportional to the amount of Morality in society.


This is the Law of Freedom:

As Morality increases,

Freedom increases.
As Morality declines,

Freedom declines.

We are all Sovereign Spiritual Beings. Race, gender, sexuality, or any other differences we have in this physical realm are irrelevant in the bigger picture. None of them make us superior to another. No one has more Rights than another. We're all in this together. We all have the same birthright of Freedom. We're all bound by the Laws of Creation, gifted with Free Will to choose our destiny. It's time we remember that and spit out the forbidden fruit. We need to achieve that understanding, take into ourselves this knowledge, and co-create the world we say we want.


A society that choose to be ignorant, apathetic, cowardly and immoral is only ever going to create for themselves the condition of suffering, slavery, tyranny and chaos. A society that is holistically intelligent, has true care for all beings, and chooses to be courageous, responsible and moral is the only society that can create for themselves the condition of prosperity, peace, freedom and order.


It's a choice between Fear or Love.

What choice will you make?



Intended for those who are just beginning their journey to awakening, who know something is wrong in the world but can't pinpoint what it is, why it is, or envision any applicable solutions. In this extensive 8-week course, we will go over the required knowledge and tools to begin making true positive change – to be part of the solution.











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"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."


– Thomas Aquinas


"Evil enslaves. Evil is found in words such as force, compulsion, tax, violence, theft, censure, and politics. Notice that in such things, there is no joy. None have any value to humanity. This book defines the doctrine of liberty, and teaches you why choices that affect your life can only rightfully be made by you."


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"A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good just because it's accepted by a majority."


― Booker T. Washington


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My name is River Laurie. I am a Natural Law Anarchist, Abolitionist, Animist, Writer, Artist and De-Occultist.


I was born in Houston, Texas in June of 1981. I was indoctrinated early on (as most of us were) and was extremely devout to those beliefs for years. I was a young theologian who studied Christian texts obsessively. My desire for truth, however, was stronger than simple faith. There had to be more beneath the surface of it all.


I began studying religion thoroughly and comparatively and started noticing astro-theological symbolism and hidden allegory. There was a deeper message beneath all the dogma and mythos – a message that wasn't being taught in mainstream traditions.


After everything I had learned, I realized that my life's purpose was to be in service to truth, whatever it may be.

I soon began to delve deep into occult philosophy which helped me realize there is more to the Self, the Universe, and how they are connected. I discovered Natural Law (or Cosmic Law as I understood it) and later found other modern researchers who knew it, as well. This was that deeper message, and this information was being deliberately suppressed in society.


For several years, however, I fell from that purpose. I got disillusioned and lured in by ego-identity nonsense and unhealthy habits. I fell into a deep depression and experienced many unpleasant consequences. I completely lost my way. When you fall from this path, all synchronicities stop, obstacles arise, and life becomes a world of suffering. That's a story for another time, though. I am now back on course and doing what I can to get the truth out there in my own way.


I am not right-wing, left-wing, centrist, etc. I champion only Sovereignty – Self-Ownership and True Freedom. I am a servant of Truth, whatever that truth happens to be. That is my charge in this life – to discover and pass on knowledge to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. I'm not interested in debating or trying to prove anything. I'm just a messenger doing what I can in this Great Work.


We are in critical times. This hidden knowledge must be shared widely and freely. The evils that have dominated our world cannot thrive when humanity understands what that truth is and begins to live in harmony with it. We need to understand Natural Law, apply it in our lives, and teach it – constantly, unwaveringly, and without apology. It is the Master Key.


In order to truly embrace it, we need to do the necessary inner work to free ourselves from our mental prisons – our erroneous belief systems such as cultural religion, culture itself, materialism, scientism, atheism, statism (the belief in "authority"), solipsism, etc. This is my life's purpose, my duty, and my moral obligation. It is The One Great Work of putting an end to the human condition of slavery.

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