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To perceive someone (or a group of people) as "authority" is essentially to place them above the objective moral standard... to deify them.


Consider the word itself: AUTHOR-ity.  What does an author do? They write. In your subconscious mind, you’re thinking “they make things right… they are the RIGHTERS.” That’s how mind control works through words. And people never see it because they never stop to even break down a word or consider where it came from.


So, we believe "authority" WRITES what is "RIGHT," basically saying "I decide and write down what Right is and what Wrong is." In other words, "I am a god." And then they call their arbitrary decrees "legislation" or "laws" which keep all of us in a constant state of duress. If we don't abide by those decrees (most of which are NOT in alignment with Natural Law), we are threatened with violence. And what is that called, without euphemising? SLAVERY.


Believing that other human beings are "authority" is nothing more than deification, placing them above human and believing them to have a god-like power to decide what morality is and isn't, therefore believing them to have special "rights" to rule and command while the rest of us have a moral obligation to obey. They do believe themselves to be gods. That is their mentality. This is what they truly believe they are – our rightful gods, owners, and masters – and that we are "morally" obligated to give them tribute (taxes), adoration, servitude; and our lives and souls.


This false, delusional belief in "authority" has served as a massive hinderance to our Conscience where we end up falsely justifying and condoning immoral behavior in the name of "the greater good." There's a difference between adhering to the direction of someone you work for (due to their greater skill and knowledge) and seeing someone as a master/ruler that you must obey under duress and threats of violence. That kind of "authority" is completely immoral and illegitimate. It's the ideology of a psychopath.


If a thug comes up to you on the street with a gun and demands your property, do you perceive that thug as an "authority" of any kind? No. If rightfully armed you would defend yourself and your property from the thug. If unarmed, you may only hand over your property out of self-preservation. You wouldn't believe that you had a moral obligation to give them your money. But if government demands a portion of your money under coercion and says "it's for the common good," you pay willingly. You perceive them as "authority," and therefore believe they must be obeyed, that being a "law-abiding citizen" makes you a good person. Imagine if you didn't perceive them as "authority." Would you give up that money then? Or would you defend yourself and your property from this group of thugs coercing you and threatening you with violence for not complying?


Again, this erroneous belief in "authority" interferes with our exercise of Conscience. So much violence and other immoral behavior is excused, justified, and condoned because of it. They want us to believe that the world would be in chaos if they weren't here to protect us. This is 100% delusion. When we, as a species, abandon this false belief we will begin to see a world returning to Order because more people would be exercising their conscience where they typically didn't.


Government cannot protect you from Violence and Chaos

because government IS Violence and Chaos.


What about democracy? A democracy is a system of rule by a majority, that 51% of a population gets to declare what is or isn't Right/Moral while the remaining 49% must abide by those decrees. It's the same immoral "logic" as any other form of rulership. A majority cannot legitimately rule anymore than a single person can legitimately rule, nor can they decide for themselves what Morality is or what Rights are. The individual rules himself/herself, period, under the Laws of Nature.


The belief in "authority" is the false abdication of personal responsibility, giving your power away to someone else to protect you or nurture you. This is a child's view, not the view of a mature and evolved adult. We are responsible for our own Freedom, our own safety and security. When you falsely give that responsibility away you are basically saying to yourself and everyone else, "I am not a sovereign being, I am a subject to someone else's will."


If we the people have no "right" to steal from others, assault them, murder them, coerce them, rape them, trespass on their private domain, or maliciously deceive them, then no one has that "right." There is no such thing as "authority" vested in any amount of human beings to rule, therefore ALL government is immoral and illegitimate. The belief in "authority" and "government" is nothing more than a dogmatic religious belief, and it's the most dangerous one. It is the ideology of a psychopath. To believe in or condone these things IS to believe in and condone slavery. 


We are Sovereign Beings. The word 'sovereign' comes from the Latin super meaning "above" and regnum meaning "rulership or control." Therefore, a Sovereign is NOT A SLAVE. Not a physical slave nor a mental slave. To be sovereign is to be above rulership, a free being. That's what it means and what it has always meant. You cannot express your sovereignty under anyone's rule. You cannot have Freedom and Government at the same time. We're here to experience, to grow, to learn and evolve, not to be stagnant under illusions of "authority."


The word 'government' comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means "to control" (also the root for the word 'gubernatorial'), and the Latin noun mens, mentis which means "mind." Put them together.


In colloquial English, the suffix '-ment' means "the state of or condition of," but all things must first begin in the mind. Those who formulated the English language knew this which is why they used the Latin word for "mind" to mean this. All creation emerges first from thought. So, if you want the world to be a certain way then you have to steer and control how people think. If they think and believe what you want then that is the reality they will manifest. So yes, "government" does mean mind control. Through the control of our thoughts with false ideologies (religion, culture, statism, solipsism, scientism, and other erroneous and dogmatic beliefs) resulting in Wrong Action in the world, we are – as a species – manifesting a reality of suffering and slavery.


Statism – the belief that some people have the "right" to rule and command while the rest of us have a moral obligation to obey – is the most dangerous religion we've bought into. Again, the belief in "government" is the relinquishing of personal responsibility to a higher power. It has rituals, dogma, commandments, punishments for "sin" and disobedience, and savior figures. That's why they tell you to "have faith in the system." It's all just a religion... a mind-control cult that is based entirely in coercion and violence.


You have to get out of your mind the idea that "government" is about people coming together in mutual consent to plan, organize and manage community infrastructure. That's not government, that's called Voluntary Cooperation. That's True Anarchy. This idea that government's purpose is to protect Freedom and Rights is just that, an idea. It's a construct of the mind, a belief system. It has never actually served that purpose because it's not meant to serve that purpose. That responsibility belongs to each and every human being, not to be falsely abdicated to some exclusive group and called "authority." Government is and always has been a control system of covert rulership / covert slavery. It is the operational arm of the Dark Occult controllers to dictate commands that must be obeyed which are always followed by threats of violence if not complied with. Believe and obey, or be punished. That isn't Freedom.


Kingship of the ancient past is the "Old World Order," or "authority vested in one." What we have today called "government" is the "New World Order," or "authority vested in few."


Ultimately, nothing has really changed between those two periods of time. It's still rulership – we've just euphemized it differently – therefore it's still slavery. You cannot have morally legitimate government because you cannot have morally legitimate slavery.

"Without government, who would build the roads?!"

People would, just as they always have, under Natural Law. There would be more cooperation because we would have to actually be adult human beings with Response-Ability for our own lives and communities. This idea that everything would just go to hell because "government" wasn't there to manage everything is complete childish delusion. Government doesn't make anything function, people do. It's time to grow up and evolve out of our childhood where we think we need a proxy mommy and daddy to take care of us and protect us. We can handle it just fine on our own in Sovereignty.


And instead of being forced to pay taxes (legalized extortion), having no control over where that money is going, we would have voluntary contributions to projects and necessities to keep our communities functioning (until we fully abandon monetary systems). Taxation isn't necessary, it's nothing but theft and slavery.


Do you own your own body? Yes. And since you own your body, you also own your skills, therefore you own your labor. And if you own your labor then you absolutely own the product of that labor. Since no one else owns your body, they cannot rightfully demand any arbitrarily decided percentage of the product of that labor to distribute as they see fit. That's theft. Even if a portion of that money is going towards public welfare programs, it's still theft. And since you are put under duress and coercion to pay that percentage every year by thugs calling themselves "authority," that's slavery. People will always be willing to contribute to things that they believe in. There will always be voluntary charity. There is no justification for theft no matter what someone claims the "greater good" is. I will go into this a bit more in the ORDER-FOLLOWERS section.


"We just need to get back to our constitutional republic!"


I'll let Larken Rose have that one...


Human beings – when the belief in "government" and "authority" is abandoned – will no longer hold anyone above the objective moral standard and therefore will not tolerate violence. They will take responsibility for their own defense, as well, instead of waiting on "authority" to show up when it's too late.


Bad people will even reduce their wrong behavior; not because they are suddenly moral beings, but out of self-preservation, knowing that they won't be able to get away with as much criminal behavior if the majority of people no longer depend on and believe in "authority" and "government" for protection (which more often protect the criminals over the innocents).  


When human beings have awakened to and embraced their Sovereignty, and therefore understand and embrace their Response-Ability for protecting their own lives and freedom, the chance for suffering and chaos is reduced. There will always be conflicts and real crime (not victimless "crime" based on arbitrary and immoral "laws"), but the belief in the myth of "authority" would no longer be there to get in the way of Conscience or to justify that behavior.  


When most of society holds EVERYONE to the objective standard of Morality (Natural Law), that society becomes and remains Free, and Order emerges.  No "government" has ever ensured that, nor will it ever, because that has never been its purpose. It only exists in your mind, in the false belief that some people have a moral "right" to rule while everyone else has the moral obligation to obey. That isn't Order, that's Chaos. That's Slavery. And that's the Satanic worldview.

“To make a contented slave, you must make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate his power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery. The man that takes his earnings must be able to convince him that he has a perfect right to do so. It must not depend upon mere force; the slave must know no Higher Law than his master's will. The whole relationship must not only demonstrate, to his mind, its necessity, but its absolute rightfulness.” Frederick Douglass

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