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“The Baphomet represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat… In its ‘pure’ form, the Pentagram is shown encompassing the figure of a man in the five points of the star — three points up, two points down — symbolizing man’s spiritual nature… In Satanism, the Pentagram is also used, but since Satanism represents the carnal instincts of man, or the opposite of spiritual nature, the Pentagram is inverted to perfectly accommodate the head of the goat — its horn, representing duality, thrust upwards in defiance; the other three points inverted, or the Trinity denied.”


—Anton LaVey, Founder of the Church of Satan,

 from The Satanic Bible

The first and probably most famous is the inverted 5-pointed star, the Pentagram. When the goat head is superimposed into it it is known as the Baphomet. In LaVey's quote above, it needs to be understood that he isn't referring to the Trinity as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. He means the True Trinity of Thought, Emotion, and Action which is what they want to put down in others. In control organizations such as the police, this inverted pentagram is used often.

Since Satan represents the Ego, which is the adversarial force preventing the emergence of Christ Consciousness, many Satanists embrace the symbol of the Inverted Crucifix. Satanism may be seen as an ideology which is attempting to invert everything that is wholesome and good, to turn good into evil and evil into good. Thus, in view of some Satanists, the inverted cross serves to represent this inversion of standards and morals. Often used in black metal music logos and artwork.


The Hypercube (tesseract) is one of the most occulted symbols within all Dark Occultism, yet is found prevalently throughout our society in the form of octagonal symbolism. The hypercube is a representation of a four-dimensional object. In three dimensions, it appears as a cube within a cube. Symbolically, it represents a never-ending prison for consciousness which perpetually renews itself. In other words, Hell. The two-dimensional projection of the hypercube is an octagon which is one of the big Satanic symbols that they use everywhere (like stop signs and security services). They also use the octagon in the form of two squares overlapping each other.

”The double square, one square on top of another in any form, is more secret society symbolism. In the secret language of symbolism, one square on top of another means control of all that is right and all that is wrong, all that is just and all that is unjust, all that is positive and all that is negative. In other words, ‘we control everything.’”


— David Icke, The Biggest Secret


In Satanism, the Trapezoid represents the imbalanced, ego-driven consciousness and identification purely with the physical self. It is considered a perversion of the “divine” shape, the Circle, since its angles total 360 degrees. In its Satanic connotation, the trapezoid is considered a “soul trap,” symbolizing "going around in circles of base consciousness." LaVeyan Satanists use trapezoidal altars in many of their rituals.


That’s why it’s part of the symbol of the pyramid and all-seeing eye in the dollar bill. As I stated before, the eye is not a dark occult symbol itself. The eye represents Divine Wisdom, and the brick structure represents their efforts in blocking that Divine Light from the world. They want to BE God. They don’t want the Light of the Creator actually coming down to the Earth and into the people. They want that trapped in this prison, this soul trap. The block aspect of that symbol is the brick that weighs us down and keeps us absolutely rigid and unyielding, and not be able to say that we were wrong, not be able to grow in Consciousness, stuck in uni-dimensional thinking.


The checkerboard is another form of symbolism used, often with the police (especially in the UK, Australia and New Zealand). The checkerboard, in Freemasonry, is called "the floor of the house" and represents base consciousness. It is the starting point of the initiate before ascending to higher grades of knowledge and spiritual attainment. It is used by the Dark Occult in police uniforms as a form of mockery, wrapping it around the heads of the police officers as to say "you're nothing but a beast in base consciousness." They actually call the police and military "our dogs." Someone in that level of consciousness has no conscience (the knowledge of objective right and wrong), and will do as they are told. You also see the hypercube (the two squares overlaid) and inverted pentagram on their hats (third eye / crown chakra position) and badges.

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Another form of occult symbolism/mockery of police is the use of Blue and Red colors together in an occult context. Red represents the Masculine energy, and Blue represents the Feminine. Putting these two colors together is symbolic of dualistic consciousness, the divided mind, or the mental schism. This is just another way of symbolizing base consciousness. The mind isn't whole, therefore it is susceptible to manipulation, ego, and slave-think.


Masculine energy is dominant and feminine energy is passive. Police express the imbalanced masculine energy as dominators in society, but express the imbalanced feminine as order-followers. That's why they typically wear blue uniforms ("boys in blue") and why the lights sitting above their heads are blue and red. They are conscienceless, order-following "house slaves" of the ruling class. 


We also see the use of blue and red in politics to represent the two parties. Republican is red because it is the archetypal "father figure" or protector, and the Democrat is blue because it is the archetypal "mother figure" or nurturer. None of this is coincidental. It is a deliberate form of mind control and occult mockery. They see us all as psychological children (and sadly, most people are) and see themselves as our ruling "parents." But beyond that, they see themselves as our gods.

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