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This is one of the most difficult things for people to consider. Most of us have the capacity for empathy, so the idea that there are creatures in the world who look human but by all neurological and emotional standards aren't is not easy to accept. Such creatures are called psychopaths, and there are two specific types: Primary and Secondary. Primary psychopaths are born that way due to anomalies in the genome that completely shuts down their limbic brain. They make up a fraction of a percent of the population. Secondary psychopaths are made that way due to extremely traumatic experiences. A great example in pop culture of a secondary psychopath is the TV character Dexter. Even everyday people can have psychopathic traits. Our level of empathy can decrease due to constant desensitization, indoctrination, and social engineering.


While it's hard to accept for some that psychopaths exist at all, it's even more difficult to accept that some of these creatures are actually the hidden hands behind most of the world's institutions. We want to project our capacity for empathy and compassion onto the people we believe have our best interests in mind, and that makes it very easy for them to continue ruling.




The truth isn't always pleasant, but we have to acknowledge that there is a worldwide, covert, interconnected cult that is in control of everything in this world. They've operated throughout human history. They've been called many different things (although, in general, they do not call themselves by any name) and have been in positions of power on every throne, behind every government, and especially in the priest classes of religions. Such institutions are their creation, actually. There are plenty of naysayers who will say this is all paranoid posturing, but there is a multitude of evidence that supports it. You have to understand the occult to see it. If you have no deep understanding of the occult, then yes, this will seem absurd or ridiculous. That's the idea.


In the ancient past, for example: if a society had no knowledge of astronomical events like eclipses, a psychopathic king who does have that knowledge could stand on the top of a pyramid and tell the masses, 


"The great sky-beast has eaten the sun because you have disobeyed me! If you wish the sun's return you must do as I command, for I am God's regent!"


Then the people bow before him and the eclipse ends. A differential in knowledge creates a differential in power, and that's the situation we're in today. So, you cannot make proper judgments and come to any definitive conclusions of what's happening in the world if you do not have the required knowledge. And unfortunately, those who don't have such knowledge are quick to call this a "conspiracy theory." This is a term which was intentionally inserted into the public lexicon after the Kennedy assassination to discourage genuine discussion and inquiry into the truth.


The word "conspiracy" is etymologically derived from the Latin con- which means "together" and spirare which means "to breathe" (where we get the word spirit). So, to conspire means "to breathe together" or "to do something together in the same spirit." In other words, people working together towards the same goal. So, yes, there is conspiracy here, and it is Satanic at its core; but we need to understand what Satanism actually is.




There are a few groups out there calling their belief system "Satanism," but what I'm referring to is ancient. It is Ideological Satanism. It has nothing to do with the Christian notion of "the devil," or what is often portrayed in Hollywood. It has nothing to do with any one particular sect (especially any self-styled group such as The Satanic Temple). These are false notions.


Real, ancient Satanism is ultimately the apotheosis of out-of-control ego – the belief that you are a god with a right to rule. The closest thing to this in the public domain is LaVeyan Satanism, but the Church of Satan is very low-level in the hierarchy. Sects like that aren't in any position of overarching authority or control. They are only charged to propagate the ideology to the masses at a lower level and serve as a vetting system for the most psychopathic adherents. The higher-level dark occultists would ultimately throw groups like that under the bus at their earliest inconvenience. Satanism (the "old religion," as they call it) is way bigger than that.


Ex-Satanic priest Mark Passio defines Satanism as:


"an ancient occult religion comprised of diverse, interconnected networks of world-wide adherents."


That means it comes from the ancient world. It is not a modern ideology. It operates outside of the public domain, and is made up of individuals across the globe, of all races, classes, backgrounds, cultures, you name it. Passio goes on...


"At its ideological core, this religion postulates that knowledge of the human psyche and knowledge of the laws of the universe should be occulted and held by only a few human beings."


In other words, it wants to conceal the knowledge of how reality works and how the human mind works from the people it wants to dominate and control. Satanists believe that only they have a right to that knowledge, and therefore a right to rule those who are ignorant of it. So instead, they give people countless religions to believe that dissuade us from ever discovering it.


"It is much more accurate to perceive Satanists (and Dark Occultists, in general) as ancient psychologists who hold and wield hidden information in ways which exploit those who remain ignorant of it.Through the power differential they gain by way of manipulating those who remain in ignorance of this occulted knowledge, this small minority who are 'in the know' wish to permanently rule the masses of humanity and effectively become god on earth."


This is the ultimate goal of Satanism and Dark Occultism. This isn't conjecture, this is the hard truth. This cult has been operating for millennia. Our entire society is rooted in Satanic ideology.




If it's all about the ego, why not call it Egotism, right? The symbolism and trappings of the Christian "Satan" are used in modern Satanism for two reasons:


1) to make outsiders see Satanism as 'just another quaint religious belief' based upon traditional Christian belief systems.


2) to associate itself with the adversarial dynamic in Nature (referred to as Involution in the Occult world), the force which opposes True Evolution in Consciousness. The word “Satan” comes from the Hebrew word שָׂטָן (shah-tahn) meaning “adversary” or “opposer.” It isn't a name, it's a descriptive term. Satanism is ultimately about being opposed to the True Order of Natural Law (the Universal Laws of Morality).




The Satanic “Sins” – as given by LaVey – are what Satanists forbid among their own ranks, but want to peddle to everyone else so that they are easier to manipulate and control.


1) Stupidity – stupid and ignorant are the first things they want the public to be.


2) Pretentiousnessfalsely claiming deservedness.


3) Solipsism – "Reality is whatever I want it to be." Satanists know Truth exists, but want humanity in a mindset of relativism based on beliefs and feelings.


4) Self-deceit lying to yourself; buying into erroneous ideas


5) Herd Conformity – No independent critical thought or reason; collectivism. Satanists want to be the farmers of the human herd.


6) Lack of Perspectiveconfusion; narrow-mindedness


7) Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxiesbeing easily fooled into accepting dangerous ideologies re-packaged into something "new."


8) Counterproductive PridePride in things like identity rather than pride in one's work, self-mastery, or purpose.


9) Lack of Aestheticshaving no eye for beauty and balance; uniformity, etc.




1) EGOTISM/SELF-PRESERVATION (AT ANY COST)  â€‹–  The idea that you should do whatever you can to advance your personal power, influence, and survival in the world no matter who you have to step on or hurt. The survival and comfort of the physical self being more important than doing what is Morally Right. It is the highest goal. It's the "ME ME ME, MY freedom, MY wants and needs, MY survival, SCREW EVERYONE ELSE" mentality. It's living for yourself ONLY, only caring about you and yours, no regard for the whole of humanity, no understanding or care of how we are all connected, no care for what's True and Right.


2) MORAL RELATIVISM  â€‹– The idea that there are no such things as objective standards of Right and Wrong behavior; that we as human beings get to arbitrarily create or decide what Right and Wrong are based on personal whims, beliefs, preferences, likes or dislikes, and base our actions accordingly. And if you look at most of society, more people than not are moral relativists.  â€‹  


3) SOCIAL DARWINISM  â€‹– The extension of the theory of Darwinian macro-biological "evolution" into society. It postulates that a) it is the "natural order" for human society to be ruled by the most dominating and vicious humans, and b) that such humans' genes are the reason they acquired and maintain positions of power. The existence of "kingship" or "government" is a result of this ideology, AKA "the divine right to rule."


4) EUGENICS/DYSGENICS  ​– If you believe yourself a god with a right to rule and make up what Right and Wrong are – and since it's the "natural order" for the most ruthless to rule (whose genes are the "fittest") – then you have the "right" to decide who gets to propagate their genes and who doesn't; who gets to live and who dies. Keeping your own bloodline pure while corrupting or destroying others. The culling of the herd. We're seeing this play out today, especially epi-eugenics which is where the herd culls itself.


Again, Satanism is NOT a philosophical response to orthodox Christianity. Satanists and Dark Occultists aren't dressing up in black robes and going out into the woods to sacrifice goats. It is an ideology, a mindset. It has nothing to do with the Christian deity. As you can see by the above tenets, this is a religion of self-worship, of ego. So you have to get these religionist and Hollywood variants out of your mind. We are given these false ideas about Satanism to make us dismiss and reject the truth of the matter and to more easily accept the Satanic mindset ourselves.


These Satanists (and Dark Occultists in general) are the self-appointed rulers of society. They operate in every possible institution you can think of including the medical field, education, government, police, military, intelligence agencies, all ostensible religious institutions, science, entertainment, mainstream media, banking, you name it.


Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a rich, white male-dominated network or secret order. It involves individuals from all walks of life, all genders, all races, all financial classes, etc. Their symbolism is in our faces everywhere we go, their ideologies woven into our lives; and because of our aggregate ignore-ance of the occult, we don't see it. All we see is the charade, the theatre that they put on our screens to believe as reality. This is why it is vital that we teach this information, to help others become aware of and knowledgeable of the occult in order to see through the facade and understand the bigger picture. Knowledge is power only when that knowledge is put to use, and it is our weapon against tyranny.


Above the lower-level Satanists in public view are the Dark Luciferians (again, not a name they call themselves) who operate in the shadows. They are the cult who are directly connected to whatever non-human force is at work, who deeply understand the occult and see Natural Law as a prison. They are the ones deeply embedded behind every ostensible religion. They are the hidden priest class. The lower-level Satanists are their rank and file. Again, public interface groups such as The Temple of Set and The Church of Satan are used as a means of vetting for the psychopaths of society – the people who are given public positions of power and influence.


Passio explained his experience while involved in the Church of Satan:


As my involvement in Satanism grew and I attended meetings and rituals in my area, I began to become aware that this was not just an isolated group of people working with occult knowledge for their own personal reasons as I was doing. This was way bigger than that. These were an eclectic array of people from every walk of life and social institution... They were people in positions of power in society. I became aware, through my interactions with them, that they were NOT working separately for their own personal goals. They were working together toward a common goal: to increase their collective power at the expense of everyone else’s rights and freedom."




Some of you reading this may even identify with some if not all of those above tenets. There's a reason for that. The Dark Occultists want to create the world in their image and likeness like gods. Most people are unwittingly practicing Satanism on some level. The Satanic mindset permeates society the world over and we're completely oblivious to it. It doesn't matter what someone claims to be or claims to believe; it all comes down to mindset and behavior. This is called De-Facto Satanism.


Go over the tenets again: Self-Preservation, Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism and Eugenics. Think about your own life, your own choices. Do they align with any of those tenets?


  • Do you always think "what can I do for ME today," from the minute you wake up to the minute you go to sleep, instead of what you can do to create positive change in the world? Do you always put "you and yours" first without ever considering the greater human situation? Do you put your own selfish needs and desires before doing the right thing?


  • Do you think "right and wrong" are whatever you want them to be in any moment rather than understanding morality as objective? If it's "right" for you, then it's good, and if it's "wrong" for you, it's bad?

  • Do you step on others in order to get what you want, like wealth and success, regardless of how it affects their rights and freedom? Do you feel justified in doing so?

  • Do you consistently indulge in immediate sensate gratification rather than delaying it to serve a higher purpose? In other words, do you give into ego desires over deep self-improvement and altruistic goals?

  • Do you think your genetic makeup is superior and that all others should be treated poorly, dominated, enslaved, or even destroyed? The same could be applied to gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, etc.

  • Do you always do what's easiest or "safest" rather than what's actually right and moral?


If you're answering "yes" to these questions, congratulations, you're a Satanist. You've bought into the Satanic mindset. The sad thing is, most people have, including myself. And that's where Shadow Work comes in to heal that damage and start making conscious choices in Conscience.


It doesn't matter what you call yourself, or what you say you believe. It doesn't matter if you genuinely believe you're a good person. What matters is how you act in the world. Behavior is everything. What matters is whether or not you live by truth, principle, and morality. Doing the wrong thing is easy. Doing the right thing takes courage and will-power. Sometimes it requires sacrifice. We have to look beyond our own desires, our own selfish will, and remember that we're all in this together. My freedom is connected to your freedom.


We all have the same Rights under Natural Law, and those Rights are under attack. If you don't care about other people's Rights being violated, constantly living in "ME ME ME" thinking, you are a Satanist. The good news is, we can change that dynamic. It won't be easy, but it can be done. We came into this world with a purpose: to end this condition, not to perpetuate it.


"By their deeds you will know them." – Matt. 7:16


This claim is unfortunately rampant in our so-called "truth movement."It's the belief that the whole evil conspiracy is ultimately and exclusively a Jewish one. Many of these people have sadly bought into the "Hitler was a good guy" psy-op. Now... I'm not saying that there isn't a"Jewish" element involved, because there is, but not Jews as an entire people. That's like claiming all Christians fund the Church of Satan just because some fake ones do. 


The existence of psychopathic Jews in this agenda doesn't mean that Hitler was a good guy. He was still a dictator of a tyrannical government who was obsessed with acquiring occult knowledge to manipulate and control the masses; ultimately, to subjugate Germany under his will and any other nation he could capture. The entire Nazi party was saturated in dark occultism, taking true occult teachings that were meant to enlighten and inverting or twisting them into ideologies that served the Nazi agenda. I highly recommend viewing Mark Passio's 8-hour presentation Two Masks, Same Face on the dark occult origins of both Nazism and Communism for a deeper dive into this topic. You can find it in the Media section of this website under "Other Videos."


This "Hitler did nothing wrong / white power" world view today is pure social engineering. It is a psy-op; a deliberate misdirection; a trap rooted in ego and ego-identity obsession. It's de-facto Satanism. It's a low-consciousness view, completely devoid of any spiritual understanding. I know you're in full resistance to this if you're of this mindset. Take a step back and look at it from a higher perspective. You have to get out of this egoic, one-dimensional way of thinking. Believing that any human being is superior to any other human being over physical/genetic differences IS pure Satanic thinking (Social Darwinism). Anyone placing themselves in a position of "authority" and demanding obedience to their "laws" and "decrees" under threats of violence if not obeyed IS immoral, evil, Satanic garbage.


The Powers That Should Not Be are not one group of people. It's not exclusively "the Jews," or "the bankers," or "the Freemasons," etc. Again, it is a wide variety of beings from many walks of life who subscribe to a particular ideology rooted in covert religion. They have a belief system in which they act on surreptitiously. One example (among several) is the Die Schwarze Sonne secret society of the Nazi regime. The name – The Black Sun – symbolizes what? The inversion of Light, of the Divine; keeping vital spiritual knowledge in the shadows. So no, the Nazis were not "the good guys." The word 'nazi' itself means "national socialist." It's shorthand for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte. All socialism derives from Dark Occultism, whether it's Nazism, Marxism, Fabianism, etc. It all has the same origin and the same agenda: total abject slavery.




It should be no surprise that this worldwide cult of the "Black Sun" would manipulate gullible groups into believing that all Jews are bad when it has absolutely nothing to do with the common people or modern-day Judaism. Today's Judaism is an exoteric religion given to the masses as a control system along with modern-day Christianity and Islam. These are not important to the Dark Occultists except as a means of dissuasion, control, and to be used as scapegoats.


What the "it's the Jews" people are basing this belief on are those who propagate Zionism. Zionism is an elitist and racist political ideology based on the Talmud (not the Torah). It's gone by different names throughout the world, but it is essentially pure Dark Occultism at its core. It propagates genetic superiority and the slavery of "lesser" people who are not "chosen," who they see as cattle and property. This isn't the common Jewish view, though. Zionism hides behind traditional Judaism, using it as a scapegoat, while simultaneously doing harm to the common Jewish people.


You could say Zionism is an "opposame" of Nazism. Their core ideology is identical in belief and methodology; one of the only differences being which race is idealized as the "Master Race." True Torah-studying Jews absolutely reject Zionism, but the Zionists don't want that coming out.


Zionists say, "Goyim were born only to serve us. They have no place in the world except to serve the people of Israel." It's the same mentality of Dark Occultism, because that's what's behind it. It's a dark occult front. And Israel is more than just a Jewish country. It represents something that is rooted in ancient cult traditions. I go into that in another section on Religion.




When you focus on just one group of people and fail to step back and see the bigger picture, you're being duped. It's far bigger than that, and far darker. Dark occultists will use certain groups of people more than others to cause distraction and misdirection, to reinforce ego identification (like obsession with race, gender, etc) and to keep us hostile towards each other when we should be looking in the mirror and acknowledging how our own egoic beliefs and behaviors are contributing to our current condition.


These psychopaths are adept psychologists who are proficient in mental and emotional manipulation to narrow and distort your perspectives. You have to raise your consciousness to a higher level – systems-level, holistic, big-picture thinking – and learn how to connect all of the dots instead of focusing on just one dot.


The conspiracy here is no theory. There is a worldwide network of psychopathic dark occultists working towards a single goal – the total destruction of the human soul to create the perfect slave and to rule the earth as gods – and they'll use any method possible to achieve it such as exploiting any group of people to sway focus away from themselves. It has nothing to do with any dogmatic religion they've given to the masses. It's about an ideology that says "I am a god, and I own you." The high-level dark occultists do have an attachment to maintaining their bloodlines, but their idea of a "master race" is ultimately beyond any earthly genetics. It's not about Judaism or ethnic superiority, it's about blood ties to the gods (divine right to rule) in which some tribes may have. See "THE ARCHONS"section for more on who/what these "gods" may be.


Ego-dominance is a huge part of the Satanic "old religion," and they want humanity in that mentality on a lower level. When they get people in the "ME ME ME, screw you" mentality, the "I'm superior to you" mentality, and the "what's right for ME is what's moral" mentality, they can play you like a piano. They could get you to believe the world was controlled by pigeons if they wanted to. So, the idea that some common race is behind everything is all just a ruse.


If you still insist that it's exclusively a Jewish plot, you're under mind control. It's bigger than that. If you think it's just about politics or money, you're under mind control. If you think it's about ethnic superiority, you're under mind control. I can't emphasize this enough: this is a Dark Occult agenda by a hidden priest class. Everything else is just a means to an end, a means of deception and misdirection. They give you the ego narrative to buy into so you remain divided in conflict and never find out what's truly at work behind the curtain.


If you don't understand the occult, and even think you don't need to, you need to think again. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe it, THEY believe it, and they act on it. Know your enemy. It's time to get over the ego bullshit, understand what is actually taking place, and then do something about it.




Listen to this interview between the Satanist Nikolas Schreck (who was married to Anton LaVey's daughter, Zeena) and the white supremacist talk show presenter, Tom Metzger. While someone like Shreck was only a rank-and-file, low-level Satanist, he espouses the philosophy to a tee, and Metzger is 100% on board with it. Why? Because genetic supremacy is pure Satanic ego. It doesn't matter if it's white supremacy, black supremacy, or otherwise. It's the apotheosis of ego identity which is completely anti-Freedom, anti-Sovereignty, anti-Spirituality, anti-Love, and anti-Truth.

Note: Schreck says "nature is the only law that we follow" and "we need to return to nature," but understand that he's NOT talking about Natural Law, he's talking about the third tenet of Satanism, Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest, the "natural order," etc). They turn everything good and true on its head.

And lastly, here is one of the most revealing death-bed confessions of a Satanist:


"Governments everywhere cater for those people who would rather live on their knees than die on their feet. Politicians did not invent the human condition; they only take advantage of it. The Satanic aristocracy sees the masses as tools; means by which the ends envisioned may be achieved – individual suffering is irrelevant. The ends are all that matter; the means are chosen based on totally utilitarian and logical decisions. Corruption is endemic but accepted."


"But the average Homo normalis is beyond caring. Provided their bellies are full, their minds empty and their time consumed with frivolous entertainment, Satanists are free to triumph. It took less than sixty years to turn the Western world from war heroes to poofters; from bold, adventurers to crybabies; from devoted couples to divorcees and although never afraid of work in the past, now everyone has a Doctor’s Certificate. Chronic apathy bolstered by cynicism litters the economic cul-de-sacs of our society. Literacy is almost gone, television is almost irrelevant, public infrastructure is heritage protected and most are crushed by the foreboding knowledge that tomorrow is another day."


"If viewed objectively, Satan does not need to buy souls. The crowds are drip-fed belief systems, pointless choices and hollow opportunities. From radios, televisions, print media, billboards and the accepted agenda of the day, they exist in a constant state of boredom."


“Homo sapiens are herd animals, after all! …Give them an election with no policy choices and for the most part they are happy. Allow their children no real prospects of success, inhibit their natural drives, particularly their sex drives; limit their options, coarsen their choices and society (such as it still is) quickly falls apart into predetermined categories. No families, just weak individuals free to do as they are told. Satan is a wonderful ‘systems man.’"

"Their structure will be hierarchic, with the Satanic caste at the top and outright slavery at the bottom, and the crushing out of liberty would exceed anything the world has yet seen."


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