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by River Laurie


We have a bad habit of using the word “believe” in the place of “know" (and vice versa), even placing an importance of belief above knowledge. This form of thought is often encouraged by religion, and I've personally heard religious people speak ill of knowledge. It's all about faith to them regardless of whether or not something is objectively true, and that's the result of the programming they receive from the church. Most people don't know that the bible is full of esoteric allegory that is teaching spiritual lessons about freedom and morality. Instead, they are taught dogmatic and morally relativistic literalisms which completely miss the point, and are encouraged to believe them without examination or scrutiny. This is fallacious and damaging, but that's another discussion entirely.


Aside from religion, we tend to make erroneous claims of knowledge regarding subjects or concepts that we haven't even bothered to properly research or examine, or haven't had any personal experience with, simply because of what we've chosen to believe based on what other people have told us. Someone makes a claim and then we might respond with "I believe that" because it appeals to our ego. This is called "Negative Knowledge." A person with Negative Knowledge is in such a deep chasm of blind belief and willful ignorance that they would have to crawl out of that abyss and back up to a state of zero knowledge before they could even begin the process of genuine discovery.


"He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors."

– Thomas Jefferson


So let's look at the issue of conflating these two words, "believe" and "know." As an attempt to defend belief, a relative of mine asked me, "Do you believe people built this house?”  I replied, “No, I don’t; I KNOW people built this house.”  Then he asks, "How can you know that?"


Well, let’s use deductive reasoning AKA the Apophatic Method. The house didn't magically construct itself, of course. Something had to acquire materials and tools and use physical force. I think we can agree that the yard squirrels didn’t build it. The roaming deer didn’t build it. I think we can rule out insects, too. Such creatures do not have the intellect, strength and dexterity to make measurements, organize, and build a structure such as a house made of wood, brick and stone with windows, doors, plumbing, etc. So, what does have those qualities? As far as I’m aware, the only earthling beings capable of that are Human Beings. So, I can logically conclude that human beings built the house. No belief required. Belief has nothing to do with knowledge. Belief does not determine what is.


Let's take that even further. I can also conclude – through logic and reason – that there is a Grand Architect of the Universe, a Creator. Not in the religious sense of a personal god, but of an all-encompassing creative intelligence behind all things in creation. As human beings, everything we create must first come from the mind. We are small-c creators. So take that understanding into the macrocosm. Look at the complexity of the cosmos, of physics, of nature. The universe operates according to Law. It is orderly and functional. If everything was simply dead clockwork without purpose, there could be no operating Laws. They have to be put into effect by an intelligence – an "overmind," so to speak. 


If Creation were a purposeless dead thing, why does the natural world (and the universe, in general) continue to strive to become more and more complex and diverse? Such a process cannot emerge out of dead randomness. Can you toss up into the air all the components to a computer and watch them fall into place as a functioning piece of technology? No, and it never will no matter how many times you attempt it. It takes an intelligence to properly organize and construct them into something functional. So, do I “believe” in a Creator? No, I don't need to believe anything. I acknowledge its existence by observing the operations of Nature and its Laws. You can call that “God” or “The All” or whatever. It doesn’t matter what you call it. It doesn’t care what you call it. It’s just there, operating flawlessly, 100% of the time. 


We cannot arrive at the truth through belief and faith. We arrive at the truth through Discovery, through the application of intelligent and scientific processes such as Apophasis (deductive reasoning) and the Trivium and Quadrivium methods. We don't have minds capable of critical thought and reason for nothing. We have a higher level of cognition by design. It's called the Neocortex. We are built for discovery, not for blind belief. I'm not suggesting that belief has no powerful effect in other ways, but it has nothing to do with Truth – with WHAT IS


Because we’ve been so programmed for belief – and it is programming via ideology and the demonization of knowledge by religion – it has turned most of society into Solipsists. Solipsism is basically this: that your perceptions of reality and what you choose to believe as true… is true. It’s looking at reality completely subjectively, rejecting any discoverable objective truth as impossible since everything is taking place within your own mind. It’s all based in ego.


"I don't want that to be true, so it's not true for me." – Wrong.

“If YOU believe it to be true, then it’s true.”  – No, that’s not true.

"Well, that's MY truth, not your truth."  – Wrong again.

"It is true, because everyone agrees."  – WRONG!


This is logically fallacious and dangerous thinking. Again, Truth is what actually is. It’s what has already happened and what is happening right now. That’s the Truth. It isn’t some mystified, subjective thing. We can make the claim that something is true, but it doesn’t actually make it so. We can say "I believe this is true," but that can never be a statement of gnosis.


Would you pick up an apple and say "I believe this is an apple?" No, it's an objective thing in nature. You'd say "this is an apple." If you've never tasted an apple you could say "I believe this is delicious" based on what others have said, but taste is subjective. You might find apples disgusting. To accept something as true simply because a majority agrees, affirms, or accepts it as such is a logical fallacy, and it doesn't make you smarter or wiser. Let's say you've never seen an apple, but others have told you "all apples are red." Would you simply believe them and take their word on faith, or would you seek out the truth and discover that apples aren't exclusively red? What's more important to you: what you believe something to be because it makes you feel good, or discovering what something actually is in reality?


We can look at a clear sky during the day and see that it's blue. The reason most of us see blue in a clear sky is because of light refraction and frequency being translated by our brains into that color. With a slight change in that light we might see pink sky instead. While we all may see it through our own eyes, we're still observing something objective. If a person takes off their glasses and sees a blurry world around them, do they believe that the world itself is blurry? No, of course not. They understand that reality is objective and that the blurriness they see is entirely subjective due to faulty eyes.


So, why do we not think this way when it comes to the spiritual domain? Why do we make this separation? Because we've been tricked. We've been sold a fake bill of goods by false religion. They've duped us into believing that the spiritual and physical domains are completely separate; that the spiritual domain is something above and beyond reach rather than around us and within us; or that it simply doesn't exist at all. Such belief limits what we're able to discover, know, and do. It's all about disconnecting us from something within all of us, and convincing us that we are powerless to make any real difference in the world. That's the point of all religion. Belief is all about keeping us in thrall. Belief stagnates; truth liberates.




We don't make any kind of progress in consciousness through subjective belief. We cannot "think" or "reason" with our emotions. We don't evolve in consciousness through rigid skepticism, either. How we emotionally feel about something does not determine how true it is. We progress and evolve through gnosis. Gnosis means knowledge – knowledge of Truth – through discovery and through intuition.


The intuition is often conflated with visceral emotional reaction, but it has nothing to do with how you feel. The intuition comes from a deeper place. It's the still small voice that guides you when you turn down the internal racket of the ego. The egoic left brain wants to over-analyze and complicate things, but the Truth is simple. It's objective, definitive, and eternal. The intuition is your "higher self" communicating it to you. When you ignore it in favor of the ego's fear-mongering, what happens? Things don't go so well. The ego wants you to believe you're in danger. When you let ego take the wheel you're rooting yourself in the R-Complex of the brain which is all about fight-or-flight. The ego fears the unknown. It clings to false belief to protect itself. Conversely, the intuition wants you to know the truth. It wants you to discover it and be free. You could even say it is a form of knowing.


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

Frank Herbert, DUNE


The "inner eye" is our intuition. It's higher consciousness. So, if we want to create a better world, we cannot do it through belief. What did the allegorical figure called Jesus say? He didn’t say “belief will make you free” or “faith will make you free.” He said, “the Truth will make you free.” It’s all about the discovery of and the understanding of the Knowledge of Truth. But it doesn’t end there. There’s one more step, and that’s Wisdom. Wisdom isn’t knowledge as many people think; it’s what you DO with that knowledge. Wisdom is Right Action in the world.




The word "science" comes from the Latin scio, sciere – "to know." Real science is about discovery, no matter what the truth may be. It doesn't limit itself to a set of restrictive ideals and notions about reality.


There is an ideology in the world that has a façade of discovery called Scientism which is basically the dogmatic belief system of atheists. Scientism is not about knowledge or discovery, it's about viewing reality through a very limited lens of "matter is all there is; nothing exists beyond the physical." Their concept of the “scientific method” is based entirely on the notion that the universe is a dead, purposeless mechanism and that Matter is Prime. All that matters is Matter to those who subscribe to this religion. And yes, it is a religion. Not in the modern sense of the word, but in the actual meaning of the word which comes from the Latin verb religare meaning “to bind; to tie back; or to thwart from forward progress.” A religion, based on that etymology, is any dogmatic belief system that hold back or binds human consciousness. It holds you back from what you’re able to discover, what you’re able to know, and ultimately what you’re able to do.


The worshippers at the altar of Scientism completely reject the idea that this universe was created by an intelligence. It's not that they have discovered some kind of proof that a Creator doesn’t exist, or that there is no spiritual domain, because they haven’t. They believe such things don’t exist simply because they haven’t found the "evidence" that aligns with their limited “the universe is random, matter is all there is, and life has no purpose except to survive” view of reality. They won’t call it “belief,” though. Basically, if their government-grant-sponsored form of "science" doesn't confirm it, it isn't real. Subscribers to Scientism are always quick to outright reject anything that doesn’t fit their world view, and there’s nothing scientific about that attitude. True natural science is about discovery through logic and reason, not clinging to a rigid "matter is prime" world view while rejecting the unseen planes. That's a left-brain imbalanced way of thinking called Rigid Skepticism which is just as bad as right-brain imbalanced naïveté and gullibility. You cannot truly learn anything if you're in either of these imbalanced states of mind. You have to find the middle pillar, the balance point, unity consciousness, etc.




The ancient Khemetians (Egyptians) understood that there was a force operating in the universe that could be felt and experienced, but not seen with the physical eyes. They called this force NTR (pronounced "neh-cher"), and was symbolized as an axe (or a flag on a pole). This was their word for "god" or "spirit," the unseen force of Justice in the universe, and it's where we get the word "Nature." They understood that the physical domain and spiritual domain were not separate, they were one and the same. Spirit and Matter are One. The Natural world is the Spiritual world. The evidence of a Creator is in its Creation which can be discovered through scientific reason, but it requires having a wider view of reality than "the physical world is all there is." There's more to reality than meets the eye, and the study of this is called Occultism. 


Occultism is the study of the hidden Laws of Nature; the Laws which are at work in the invisible/mental/spiritual domain far more than in the visible/physical world. And, as eloquently put by occultist C.W. Leadbeater,


"The occultist... is a man who studies all the laws of nature that he can reach or of which he can hear, and as a result of his study he identifies himself with these laws and devotes his life to the service of evolution."


(Note: by "evolution," he means the evolution of human consciousness, not Darwinian theory.)


There are Laws that govern the physical domain like Gravity, Electromagnetism, and Thermodynamics, but there are also unseen spiritual Laws that govern human consciousness and behavior. It's been called many different things through time such as Cosmic Law, Karmic Law, Universal Law, Natural Law, the Law of Cause & Effect, and Consequentialism. If you want evidence of it, you have to take a long view of human history and observe the correlation between the amount of morality in a society in any given time and the amount of freedom in that society. The more immoral a society was, the more that society experienced the conditions of suffering, tyranny, slavery and chaos. If a society was more moral, then that society experienced more peace, prosperity, freedom and order. This is Natural Law at work as it governs the consequences of our aggregate behavior.


In scientific terms, it's like a collapsing wave form. All the behavior of society over time collapses into the present moment, and we experience the resulting conditions. That’s how things work at a quantum scale. So apply that in the macro scale. The macrocosm of behaviors create the current human condition.


That's why knowledge of truth is vital. Not only the knowledge of objective reality in general, but knowledge of the objective difference between Right and Wrong which is inherent. Morality isn't subjective, it's built into the fabric of reality completely independent of personal belief, preference, or whim; and Natural Law governs the consequences of whether our actions are aligned or maligned to objective morality. Such a perfect and flawless system of Cosmic Law and Justice cannot emerge out of unconscious chaos. An intelligence had to put it into effect. To think that the Laws of Creation govern everything down to every subatomic particle while rejecting that this Natural Higher Power or Force has no governing effect on human behavior is the height of Satanic ego and human hubris. It’s madness and it’s folly.


We were given Natural Law as an immutable, guiding force, and given Free Will to choose which path we may take: the path to Freedom or the path to Slavery. However, if the knowledge of Natural Law is being deliberately occulted and replaced with erroneous belief systems, severely limiting our ability to discover and understand the objective difference between Right/Moral and Wrong/Immoral, then our ability to make the informed choices necessary to create Freedom is also severely limited. The knowledge of Natural Law is obviously not completely absent from the world, but we have been constantly dissuaded from discovering it. All ostensible religions (including cultural religion, atheism/scientism, the new age, and others) were put into place by Dark Occultists for this reason; to trick us into placing more importance on blind belief, to trick us into submission, and to dismiss the importance of knowledge, understanding and right action.


Therefore, anyone who deeply understands this knowledge has a moral obligation and duty to teach it, to share it widely and freely. We can't make anyone accept it, though. Our job isn't to try to convince anyone of anything. Our job is to become de-occultists, to reveal the hidden so that it can one day become common knowledge that will help humanity evolve in consciousness and create a better world.




If you want to find the Truth, you have to strike a balance between a healthy amount of skepticism and a healthy amount of open-mindedness. You also have to strike a balance between the Random and the Deterministic. There is a random component to our reality called Free Will, and a deterministic component called Law. The problem with scientism/atheism and cultural religion is that the former is anchored in Randomness and the latter is anchored in Determinism.


Scientism sees the universe as a purposeless dead mechanism of random occurrences, and Religion sees the universe as the immutable will of a supreme deity. To the scientismist, we're at the mercy of base-level instinct, that life's "purpose" is simply to survive. To the religionist, we're at the mercy of some deity and are just powerless pawns in his grand agenda. Neither one of these positions accepts the most important element of Free Will, that what we do in this reality – the choices we make, the actions we take – matters.


"Christianity doesn't reject free will. You have the free will to sin or not sin."


Sure, but there is still a deterministic element within that religious context. It doesn't teach how our free-will choices and actions matter; that peace and freedom are created by aligning our behavior with objective morality. The story of Jesus is teaching this allegorically, but that isn't what the church teaches. Instead, it tells people they will be judged for arbitrary "sins" (moral relativism) based on dogmatic ideology, and on whether or not they believe a certain way when the world ends according to God's pre-determined grand plan. So yes, it does reject free will. It doesn't truly embrace the concept or what it means philosophically.


It certainly doesn't embrace objective morality, and this is evident not only in the doctrines and actions of every religious institution on earth, but in the behaviors of those who follow them. This is by design. All religious institutions were created to steer us from spiritual truth; to dissuade us from genuine discovery; to keep us in thrall; to keep us in a perpetual state of guilt, shame and fear; to keep us subservient to "the ruling authorities;" to keep us docile, powerless, and never taking right action against evil.


The Creator's Will isn't about us abiding by some arbitrary set of rules, "laws," or dogmatic beliefs, it's for human beings (and all other beings in the universe) to be free, and we were given the gift of Free Will to align with that... or not to align with it. It's our choice. We can choose to create peace and freedom or choose to create suffering and slavery. So, our actions are not meaningless. Our choices and our actions generate consequences for us to learn from and evolve. Life isn't on some unwavering track to oblivion or paradise that we have no control over. We are free-willed co-creators who can take any path we choose to take. This has nothing to do with belief, and everything to do with discovery; especially the discovery of Natural Law. That's the master key.




We need to abandon belief systems and start learning how to properly think and reason. We have to learn HOW to learn, and there are methods to do that. They’re not taught in so-called “education” systems anymore. Let's look at one of these methods called The Trivium, the true scientific method. The Trivium Method is simple, and it’s been called a few different things:


Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric is the classical terminology. In more modern terms, it would be Input, Processing and Output. In the esoteric traditions, however, it’s known as Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.


Step 1 – Knowledge/Grammar/Input – is about putting aside all belief, and gathering all your data from a wide variety of sources without pre-judging it, without letting any current belief systems edit and criticize it; taking it in objectively. This step answers the "who, what, where, and when."


Step 2 – Understanding/Logic/Processing – is about processing that data with discernment and reason, clearing out all logical fallacies, inconsistencies and other dross so that what you have left is the truth, and then coming to a definitive understanding of that information; aligning your perceptions with the truth that you've discovered. This step answers the "why."


Step 3 Wisdom/Rhetoric/Output – is what you do with what you’ve come to know and understand, so that you’re taking Right Action in the world, not Wrong Action. It’s about speaking it to others and helping them go through the same process. This is the "how," the methodology of action.


The Dark Occultists who run the world do not want you knowing this methodology which is why it has long been occulted, removed from all modern "education" systems and universities and replaced with ideology and belief. They want us thinking everything is subjective and relative and based on feelings, not logic and reason. Belief can be easily manipulated. No human being who is close to their intuition, who has a sharp mental apparatus and a sharp sense of judgement, can ever be manipulated. When you've mastered the Trivium, not only will you have the tools to discover the truth, no one will ever be able to fool you; not for any lasting amount of time. These faculties of true intelligence and discernment can sometimes be temporarily diluted, but it's like a muscle you have to keep working on, and keep on sharpening. If you fail to do this and fall back into solipsistic thought, control of your mind becomes a piece of cake.




The Trivium corresponds to another trinity you might be familiar with:


Mind, Spirit and Body –OR– Thought, Emotion and Action.


Mind corresponds to Thought and Knowledge.

Spirit corresponds to Emotion and Understanding.

Body corresponds to Action and Wisdom.


That’s our true “Holy Trinity” within each of us. Belief is completely irrelevant. Belief does not and never has had anything to do with Truth. It is inherently dogmatic, solipsistic, and is ultimately divisive. Truth unifies because it is objective, definitive, universal, immutable and eternal.


So, let’s connect all of that to the “Holy Trinity” of religion. Before the Christian variant, the Trinity comprised a Father/God Creator, a Goddess, and a Male Child offspring. When Christianity was created, Mary was the original part of the Trinity, but the Feminine Essence was deliberately “ghosted,” so to speak – thus, “The Holy Ghost.” The offspring of God and Mary was Jesus, the male child. So, let’s examine this:


You have the Father (the Creative Force, the Mind behind it all). Then you have the Mother (the Divine Feminine Essence, the Spirit in which we do things, or our Emotions). And when they are wed and unified, they beget the offspring of the Male Child (the Divine Masculine Essence which is Right Action in the world). Jesus represents that offspring. He was the personification of Morality, of doing what’s Right.


Father/God/Thought/Creative Mind –  Knowledge

Mother/Goddess/Emotion/Spirit – Understanding

Offspring/Male Child/Right Action/Body – Wisdom


That’s all the Holy Trinity has ever represented until it was co-opted and twisted by false religion. And what does false religion do? It’s holds us back from the Truth, keeps us in thrall, suppresses consciousness with erroneous belief instead of enabling and empowering it with Truth.




”The truth shall make you free.”


We have the words “liberty” and ”library,” but have we ever considered how these two words connect? Most people never look into the etymology of the words they use, and that’s a huge problem. Words were created to mean specific things with proper Definitions.


First of all, what’s the definition of “Definition?” When we want to buy a television that has supreme clarity, what do we say we want? A High-Definition TV. So, definition is about clarity. When it comes to words, we want clarity of meaning. We can’t get that clarity of meaning unless we go to the original intended meaning of a word by studying its etymological origins.


If you look at the etymologies of the words “liberty” and “library,” you’ll see that they both stem from the Latin noun liber. Liber, in Latin, means “book” in some contexts. So, why would the word “liberty” derive from that? Because in other contexts, liber means “free.” So, what does that tell you? It’s saying that knowledge is required to obtain freedom. Knowledge of Truth and Freedom go hand-in-hand. Again, “the truth shall make you free.”


Even Thomas Jefferson knew this. He said,

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization,

it expects what never was and never will be.”


So, if we want true freedom in the world, and if we want to be “saved” from suffering, we have to move away from belief. Knowledge is required, Understanding is required, and then Action is required. That’s what the Jesus story is all about. It’s an allegorical lesson on how we save ourselves through Right Action in the world. It was never about belief, or sitting around waiting for someone else to save us. All of that is just church dogma that was meant to keep us docile, subservient and inactive while evil (e.g. sorcery and “government”) runs amok unchecked. We’re our own saviors through aligning our Thoughts and Emotions with Truth, and doing the Right/Moral thing in the world.


If something is Right, then it’s Correct and Moral. If something is Wrong, then it’s Incorrect and Immoral. If, as a species, we don’t have a deep understanding of what’s objectively True and Moral, then our actions in the world are going to be folly (not wise). And if we’re not doing the Right thing – not exercising Wisdom – what happens? We create suffering, for ourselves and others. That means all that we experience in the world is our own fault. We made this mess, together, as a species. We come up with scapegoats all the time to reject having to take personal responsibility, pointing fingers, saying “it’s this group or that group,” but it’s always been our own doing. The good news is, we can change it. We can turn it all around. We can co-create the kind of conditions we want to see manifest in the world. But belief can’t do that. It can only be done through Knowledge of Truth – through knowing the objective difference between Right and Wrong – and ultimately through our Actions.


This truth is poetically expressed in biblical scripture:


 "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."  

– Matt. 6:22


The "light" is Truth and Wisdom. The "eye" is your consciousness. If your consciousness is whole (thoughts, emotions and actions in harmony) then you will be filled with Truth. If your consciousness is in duality (thoughts, emotions and actions in dis-unity), then your recognition of Truth will be hindered. You'll be in "darkness." This is a primary teaching in all positive occult traditions.


All Freedom begins within. If we’re not free in our thoughts and emotions, and still bound by false belief and hardened ego, then we cannot manifest freedom without. We have to unify these things so that there are no contradictions between them. If our Thoughts and Emotions are in harmony with Truth, so will our Actions be. Then we will have developed true Conscience.


It needs to be understood that Conscience is not a thing, it's knowledge. It is the definitive knowledge between what is Objectively Right/Moral and Objectively Wrong/Immoral. The word comes from the Latin prefix con- meaning "together" and the Latin infinitive scio, sciere meaning "to know." Therefore, Conscience means "to know together." In other words, Common Sense. Having Conscience and exercising Conscience in the world is how we save ourselves. Unfortunately, most people don’t have it (or simply don’t exercise the amount of conscience they do have out of fear of consequence). Those of us who do have this knowledge have a moral duty to teach it. Other people’s ignorance of Truth is our responsibility, because their ignorance is perpetuating not only their own suffering, but ours, as well.


This is the Law of Freedom that needs to be deeply understood:


As Morality increases, Freedom increases.


Or you could say, ”The more aligned we are with Truth, the more Free we become.” This is the fundamental crux of Natural Law. Truth is the true religion we need to be unified with or bound to. That’s true salvation. If we continue down the path of solipsism and moral relativism, the only thing that will increase is suffering, slavery, and eventually the total extinction of the human species. We have to reunite with Truth.


"There is no religion higher than truth." – Mme. H.P. Blavatsky


As above, so below. As within, so without. As we know, understand, and act through wisdom – together, as a species – so we create a better world. Natural Law (the governing Laws of Morality in the Universe put into effect by the Creator) is the key to the cage – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  


Will you take it?

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