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We typically equate the word 'violence' exclusively with physically accosting someone, but it's a bit more than that. It derives from the word 'violate' which simply means "to do harm to another." So, any action that is imposing on the Rights of others can be considered violence. You don't have to directly inflict physical harm onto someone to be violent towards them.


Voting on a particular "authority" figure, for example. Government by its very nature is violence because it is a group of people imposing its will onto everyone else (through coercion and threats of violence if you disobey). If you condone such an institution and continue to vote for your choice of slave-master who will impose their whims and decrees – not only upon those who voted for them but those who didn't vote at all – that is an act of violence. Yes, it is. It is an act of will and physical power that supports an immoral institution of slavery.


But we need to clarify the difference between the Rightful use of Force and the initiation of Violence. These terms should not be used interchangeably with each other, because not only are they not even remotely similar, they are total opposites. 


For any change to happen in the world, force must be applied. There's nothing you can do that will not require force. Creating this website required force. The pressing of the keys, the use of a mouse, the lifting and setting up of the computer in order to operate software, etc. 


As soon as you step over that line into coercive usage of force, that's what makes it violence. It is the immoral initiation of physical power to coerce, compel or restrain. All action that is coercive is immoral, in complete opposition to Natural Law, because it involves the violation of the Rights of others. So you NEVER have the "right" to initiate force in this way.


Let's look at another an example of the difference between Rightful use of Force vs. Un-rightful Initiation of Violence:


Let’s say a couple of kids get into a fight at school. The bully tells the kid he must do something he doesn't want to do, and says he will hurt him if he doesn't. The kid refuses, and then violence is initiated. The bullied kid says "he started it!" Then the teacher comes in and says, “it doesn’t matter who started it.” ALL that matters is who started it, because the person who actually conducted violence is the person who struck first. THEY initiated the immoral use of physical behavior to coerce, compel, or restrain. Therefore, when the person defends themselves from that assault with Force, they have not committed an additional wrong-doing. 


Re-watch some of your favorite movies or TV shows and pay attention to the language and concepts being portrayed. You'll notice how often they equate self-defense and violence as the same thing, or show a victim of a violent crime who defended themselves with deadly force being arrested and charged with murder. This is deliberate social conditioning. They don't want you embracing the Self-Defense Principle. They want you to hand over that responsibility to "authority," and to remain in fear that taking Right Action will result in punishment. This is a slave mentality.


It’s difficult for many people to understand who are in Right-Brain imbalance. They don’t want to acknowledge that you maintain the Natural Right to use Force when you are accosted with violent behavior. The Ego doesn’t want to hear that. It’s been conditioned for so long to believe that responding with Force is also Violence. We are verbally and mentally equating these two things, and they’re not the same. I’m not saying you have to do that, because you also reserve the Right not to do that.. but the Right does exist. That’s a free-will decision that you have the Right to choose between. 


So, the key here in this situation is Coercion. "You’re gonna do what I want you to do, or I’m going to hit you." This is what government tells us on a daily basis. Do what we say, or else we will initiate violence upon you. This is forever Immoral, therefore NO ONE has the "right" to do so. There is no such thing as a "right" to commit violence, only the Right to use necessary Force to defend ourselves from it; and in some cases that may include the use of deadly force. It doesn't matter what "authority" your attacker may claim, you always have the Moral Right to defend yourself.


The Principle Of Self-Defence

Larken Rose on the question many statists ask...

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