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We want to think that the real enemy are the Dark Occultists, but the truth is a bit more close to home. The real enemy... is humanity itself. It's our own willful ignorance and refusal to learn morality and live within its boundaries. The control system is only the symptom of the problem. 


We've been bombarded with so much deception and manipulation that our consciousness has been so deeply suppressed to the point where logical thought, pattern recognition, intuition, true care, and conscience has been nearly obliterated. As a result, humanity continues to enslave itself through what they erroneously believe and the immorality they comply with, condone, and enact (consciously or unconsciously). That isn't to say that we haven't evolved at all in the last several millennia, because we've made some very important leaps... but we still have a long way to go.


We are all part of one consciousness. Remember the Principle of Polarity: opposites are only the extremes of a singular energy. The same applies to consciousness. All things that seem contradictory may be reconciled, healed, or transmuted. In other words, we can turn this situation around. It won't be easy, but it can be done. As with many things, it's a process, not an event.


So, the masses of humanity – who have not yet begun the journey of discovery and awakening, who are still ego-trapped and still supporting "government" – are not only enslaving themselves but are putting the awakened in bondage, as well. Those of us teaching this information are living under the conditions of slavery because society, in the aggregate, is not living in harmony with Natural Law and Objective Morality. That's why it is our duty to influence minds so that we can change course. It's our "23 Skidoo" – getting out while the getting is still good – but work has to be done.


Most people prefer to think, "we are powerless victims, there is no choice involved here, it's just something being done to us," but Free Will is always in existence. It's all a matter of changing one's thoughts, and therefore changing one's actions. That is our own personal responsibility which can never be abdicated to someone else. You are always responsible for your own actions. Our job as teachers – as the true Illuminati – is to help others break down their cognitive dissonance, face the truth, embrace it, and become a conscious creator with conscience, courage, conviction, and care.


The Dark Occultists are our enemies, absolutely, but they're not the ones creating the conditions. They sit in the shadows giving orders while the unwashed masses obey and comply. The duty of the awakened is to turn that around through Universal Love, through speaking the Truth. Get over your fear, get over your ego, align yourself with Natural Law, and start taking Right Action in the world.



"Loqui verum in esse."


Truth can never be destroyed, but humanity can... IF we refuse to act in service to Truth as its defenders. There are some who think Truth doesn't need to be defended, and that simply isn't true. Truth needs to be fended for at all times and places, because the attack on it is never-ending. If we do not defend Truth, the voice of untruth and deception will continue to rule the day, and the voice of Truth will not be heard. Since Truth doesn't have its own voice in this physical domain, WE must act as its mediums. We must literally BE its voice. That's our Great Work.


It is definitely possible for us to co-create a positive outcome, but that can only be accomplished if we care enough to learn the Truth ourselves and develop the courage to speak it. We have to make the voice of Truth louder than the lie and that includes sharing knowledge on echo-chamber platforms that are blatantly lost in the false narratives (i.e. Facebook, Gab, X, etc), regardless of what political leaning they have or how morally broken they are. Wherever you go, it never hurts to plant seeds. Even if all you can reach is one person out of a million, that's better than nothing.


We are the vehicles by which Truth operates in the world. It is our shared responsibility to help awaken others by continuously speaking it even if we feel burdened by it; even if we feel that no one is listening; and even if it makes everyone uncomfortable. No one ever said that Truth will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. The Truth can be horrifying, yet it still must be embraced.


Consider this Buddhist adage:


"There are only two mistakes one can ever make on the path to truth: not starting, and not going all the way."



I didn't come to know what I know by magical means. I discovered and learned the information from people who invested their time, effort and resources to put out into the world. I used the Trivium Method to go through all of those different sources and piece it all together into something coherent and organized. Without those people sharing their knowledge I wouldn't be doing any of this today. So, you need to be able to communicate this information properly and widely, and certain skills are required. 


Technology is something that improves our life in many ways, making life easier for us. So, in this technological era we live in today, it is absolutely crucial that we learn to use it as our tools for communicating the Truth. Most of what I learned came from obsessively reading, before we had things like YouTube and Odysee. While reading is still extremely essential, we're in a different time now where most people are watching content, or listening to it. If we want to reach more people, we have to do it through modern mediums. That doesn't mean you need to sit behind a screen for hours and exhaust yourself by trying to pump out continuous content. Teach the way you choose at your own pace... when you're ready.


Some people in more rural areas may not have access to modern tech or aren't financially well off enough, and I get that. You do what you can with what you have. It's not about perfection. You don't need to be a professional at every single form of communication tech and do everything all at once. Do what you can the way that works best for you. Maybe you're more proficient at writing than making videos or graphics. If so, write a book or a blog. While doing that, learn other skills and work on them. Unfortunately, we still live in a world that uses "money," so getting what you need isn't always easy. I totally understand that. Again, do what you can with what you have, improve your skills, learn new ones, and so on.


Don't rush yourself, otherwise your content may suffer. The Great Work isn't a competitive race, it's a journey. Yes, we need to get the information out there in more abundance, but the content still needs to be coherent and easy for people to learn, not messy and confusing. You need to know what you're talking about which is why it's important to study and do the internal work firstWhen you've done that, be clear and coherent and get the knowledge out there. Just don't be a perfectionist as that will hold you back.


Here are some examples of the skills you might need:


You need good organization skills to get any of this work done in a clean, accessible way.



You need to have a way with words, a good vocabulary, and organize words correctly. You need to be able to communicate concepts in a very linear fashion so they can be readily absorbed. If language isn't your forté, work on it. Learn and practice. 


Graphic Design

Learn design software like Photoshop and Illustrator so that you can design your own content.



Learn software like PowerPoint so that you can organize your work and graphics in a visual presentation for communicating your knowledge.



Learn audio and video software like Logic, OBS, Filmora, ProTools, etc. Create a podcast, a video series, or create online courses that you can teach via Zoom or Skype.



Build a website to present ALL of your work in a centralized way that everyone can easily access.



Get your people skills in good condition and connect with others doing the Great Work.


Marketing & Promotion

Make business cards, flyers, brochures, info graphics and banners to reach a wider audience.

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