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This is what you might call a highly "controversial" topic, more so than many of the other things discussed on this website. But what does the word actually mean? It comes from the Latin contra meaning "face-to-face; against," and the Latin verso, versare meaning "to change; to alter." When we put them together it literally means "face-to-face with changing," or confronting having to change. Topics like this involve a dynamic whereby one side or the other must come face-to-face with changing oneself. That's why they're so uncomfortable to talk about. In order to truly change oneself, the particular ego-attachment has to be faced and overcome.


There is a truth regarding this topic, and that truth is knowable. So, before jumping to any conclusions, please read this section in its entirety. Put the ego aside, and don't let your emotions decide what is or isn't true. Emotions cannot determine the truthfulness of anything. After you've read this, do further research. Not just cursory research and skimming through articles, but deep and objective research. We have to come to an understanding of things from a position of logic, intuition, principle and morality, NOT emotions and beliefs.



This is the singular question you have to ask yourself, and answer honestly. When you have a deep understanding of Natural Law, the answer to that question should be self-evident. If you don't, then honestly ask yourself: is their life your life? Are you breathing through their lungs? Is your blood flowing through their veins? Is your consciousness inhabiting their body? If you go out to hunt a deer, do you say "I'm going to go take my life so that I can eat?" No, obviously not. That's an absurd thing to say. Their life belongs to them and them alone. Therefore, the "do no harm" aspect of Natural Law extends to ALL sentient life, human and animal. Harm cannot always be avoided, but as human beings, we can make a conscious choice to cause the least amount of harm possible.


The word 'animal' comes from the Latin noun animas which means "soul/spirit." We are all imbued with spirit, untethered from the earth and individuated. That means all animals are sentient beings. They are less complexified beings with lower cognitive capacity and less complex emotions, and they are constrained by instinct, but they are quite intelligent and emotional creatures who feel pain, and even compassion and love. Their life is their property, therefore we do not have the right to take it from them. That doesn't mean you need to stop in your tracks and cease eating meat immediately, but I'll get to that issue in the last part of this section.




What is the source of all life in our universe? The Sun. Without sunlight, all life would perish. We don’t even know what the sun is from a spiritual dynamic. We have no idea what the universe ultimately is. But something that’s so powerful that it can sustain all life in the entire solar system, you have to consider the sun as something we've barely scratched the surface of understanding – how and WHY it is the source of life. The sun gives its life so that we may live.


What specific form of life gets its nourishment directly from sunlight? Plants.     


The most balanced and nutritious diet you can be on is plant-based. Fresh, nutrient-dense, raw fruits and vegetables along with nuts and some legumes and roots. If you want to see your health improve, stay as close to the source of life as possible. 


What these plants contain are phyto-nutrients or micro-nutrients, and we get them when we break them down by chewing, getting the water out of them. Plants, in their root system, have an uptake system of all the nutrients in the soil IF the soil is nutrient-rich. The soil has to be acidic for nutrient-dense foods to grow. One of the biggest reasons we have the chemtrails agenda, and the geo-engineering agenda, is to destroy that process by spraying alkaline earth metals. That alkalizes the soil, and alkaline soil cannot grow nutrient-dense plant food.


The root system also acts as a filtration for the water, like a distiller. It brings it up into the plant material and then you have structured water in the plant. This is why it’s so healthy to eat it AND juice it. The more you break down the cellular walls of the plants, the more energy you can get directly into the bloodstream and the cells. 


The consumption of meat is not necessary. Most of the nutrients you get from eating it are second-hand from the plants that the animals themselves ate. You certainly do not need to get your protein from animals. There are plenty of protein-rich foods like spinach, peas, kale, artichoke, mushrooms, nuts and quinoaBesides, meat is high in acidity and cholesterol and contains no fiber. Plants are mostly alkaline-forming foods and are your best source of fiber (including legumes and oats).


Alkalinity of the body is an important factor of nutrition. The more alkaline your body is, internally, the better your health will be. In fact, about 70% (or more) of our food intake should be alkaline-forming. While the body does attempt to maintain a balanced pH naturally, it's still important to eat alkaline-forming foods as much as possible. It doesn’t matter if the food itself is acidic. An orange is very acidic, but when you take it into the body you are taking in an alkaline-forming substance. Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.


>List of Alkaline and Acid Forming Foods


Since the human brain is comprised of fat, there are plenty of non-meat sources of beneficial fats like nuts, avocados, chia seeds, etc. The brain's fuel is glucose which can be acquired from grapes, vegetables, legumes, and potatoes. A great source of Omega-3 is chia seeds (over 5,000mg per serving). What we eat plays a huge role in how we think. If you're concerned with B-12, you can acquire it from many non-meat sources, as well: apples, bananas, mushrooms, blueberries, and potatoes. Seaweed is especially rich in B-12 and iodine. It's best to stay away from supplements as much as possible. Most of them are just pharmaceuticals in disguise. The amount of chemical processing used to get what they might call "Vitamin C" is immense and isn't even a true extraction. Plus, many fortified foods and supplements contain toxic ingredients like preservatives, animal by-products, fillers, refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.


We don't need to overload our system with vitamins and protein. The natural world provides all that we need. All we have to do is stay close to the source of life by keeping things natural, balanced, and moral. We need to get more sunlight, as well (which is the only source of vitamin D you need, as D2/D3 supplements are actually steroid hormones). We want to keep things in harmony with nature as much as we possibly can. Nature isn't our enemy. Illness ultimately occurs due to toxicity from things that we take into our bodies or have around us constantly (processed foods, radiation, plastics, pharmaceuticals, toxic metals, etc) and stress which lowers the body's defense mechanisms. Keep your environment toxin-free as much as possible, keep the body healthy.


While maintaining optimum health is important, there is also the moral issue. We need to be making moral choices about what we eat. What we take into our bodies as fuel can have a drastic effect on our behavior. There is an energetic transfer. A moral diet will contribute to a more moral life. When you eat the dead flesh of a being that has gone through immense suffering you are transferring that energy into yourself.




We typically want to eat things that boost our dopamine levels. The more delicious it is, the better, and we rarely stop to think about (or even care) what it is we're actually consuming, whether or not we should be consuming certain things cooked, or what nutritional value that food actually contains. We especially don't stop to consider the moral implications.


Many people have pets and experience the love and bond that they have with those animals, even claiming to be against animal cruelty, but then turn around and eat the flesh of another animal [that most likely went through immense suffering before it was murdered]. That's how disconnected we are.


To borrow an analogy from Dr. Melanie Joy: Imagine a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. Does that image look appetizing? Does it sound delicious? Let's say you were visiting a friend who made you this for dinner, and it was the most delicious spaghetti you've ever had. So, you asked your friend for the recipe. Your friend says, "well, the secret is in the meat... you just need two pounds of golden retriever." Is that dish still delicious or did you suddenly feel your stomach turn?


What's the difference between a cow and a dog besides the obvious? Is a cow less sentient than the dog? Is the dog's life its own while the cow's isn't? Whether or not you consider one animal as food and another as friend all comes down to your perceptions and has nothing to do with what is objectively true. While American culture may see bovine meat as acceptable food while rejecting canine meat as repulsive, another culture may see things completely reversed. Is one culture's perspective more correct than the other? No, of course not. It's all just perception.


Since the animals people eat in western culture aren't commonly considered "pets," they don't consciously consider them to be sentient or capable of experiencing emotion and pain. We have become unconscious of this disconnection in the heart. This is from hundreds (if not thousands) of years of indoctrination and conditioning. We've also disconnected ourselves from the horror that goes on in the meat industry itself, choosing ignore-ance over facing the truth, using justification after justification, denial, and other psychological defense mechanisms to avoid experiencing guilt. That's the ego at work. The ego never wants to admit it was wrong. It doesn't want to acknowledge that anything is wrong to begin with. 


Thousands of farmed animals in the U.S. alone are killed every minute. That's billions of animals every year. How many of those animals do you even see?


"When a problem is invisible, then there will almost always be ethical invisibility." – Melanie Joy


One of the biggest justifications is that"eating meat is normal, natural, and necessary." It may have been common practice in times of extreme survival, but the "normal and natural" justification is fallacious. It wasn't something we were supposed to continue doing indefinitely. Would you agree that it's normal and natural for an alien species who are far more evolved and intelligent to come to earth and eat humans? Would you plop yourself down on a plate for them to devour? If you hold to the false justification that "we are higher up on the food chain, therefore we have a right to eat lesser creatures," then you'd have to on principle!


The consumption of meat has become a religion. I know some people will argue against this, even people whose opinions I highly value. The reason the eating of meat is more than just "something people have done for thousands of years" is because of the psychological attachment people have which leads to highly emotional reactions to anyone trying to explain to them the moral issues behind it. It's not a religion in the common sense of the word. A religion is simply a belief system that restricts consciousness. When you cling onto a belief that says "I HAVE to eat meat" or "I can't live without meat," you have a religion. It's called Carnism.


There is absolutely no need, at all, to eat meat. It isn't required to be healthy or to live. So what does that mean? It means meat-eating is a choice despite all of the knowledge regarding nutritional requirements. It's a choice based in domination and in violence. You cannot have a steak on your plate without someone having to enact violence on an innocent being. Just because you're okay with it, or just because your belief system says it's okay, doesn't actually make it okay.


Carnism is not only based in domination and violence, it's based in moral relativism. Morality has no loopholes. You cannot have moral justification for the suffering and murder of any sentient being for sport or for the consumption of their dead flesh.


The word 'justification' comes from the Latin jus, juris meaning "right" (or "law," depending on the context) and the Latin facere meaning "to create / to make." Therefore, the word 'justify' essentially means "to create a right" or "to create a law." Human beings cannot create Rights or Laws. So, you cannot "justify" a Wrong-doing. And if carnism is the harm of innocent sentient beings then it is not a Right, and you cannot make it a Right. You cannot justify anything about meat-eating in the modern world when there are morally better options available. In extreme survival conditions, then yes, eating animal flesh to survive may be necessary – not morally justified, but necessary to stay alive – but we are not in such conditions today.


"Well, animals eat other animals, so why shouldn't we?"


We have to stop thinking of ourselves as "just other animals." That's a Satanic world view. We are infinitely more than that. The animal kingdom isn't made up of beings with higher cognitive capacity or the ability to understand Objective Morality, so they are not bound by Natural Law consequences. They don't know any better, because they can't. They can express morality through love and compassion of other creatures, but they can't intelligently comprehend it. Human beings DO have that capacity, and that comes with responsibility – the ability to respond properly and morally to any given situation. If you can understand the principle of ownership and property – that every sentient being owns his/her own life – then you can understand that you do not have the inherent "right" to take that life from them.


“All life eats other life. All life has to kill other life to live.”


False. You’re not killing plant life to use vegetables and fruit to sustain oneself. It is a continuous growth cycle. You’re not taking an individuated life.


"Well, the Bible says God gave us dominion over the animals."


The Bible may contain a lot of wise insights, but it was still written by men with belief systems. Plus, much of what we read in modern versions isn't entirely correct in translation. So, I would argue that there is no reference to animals as being a source of food in Genesis, nor is there anything which states we have a right to violently dominate or enslave the animal kingdom. From a position of Morality and Natural Law, we are to be stewards of the animal kingdom, to protect them and guide them on their own evolutionary journey, not to be their oppressors and violent dominators. If you want to quote the Bible on this, here's a scripture to chew on:


"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so." Genesis 1:29-30, KJV


This was stated before the fall. No book should be used as a moral compass, but the scribe who penned that passage clearly understood that fruits and plants were meant for ALL living creatures. It doesn't say we were given "every beast of the earth" as food. Some Bible versions deliberately translate it that way, but that is not what was originally written. People only interpret it that way to justify their desires and behavior. Plus, many books that spoke against the eating of flesh were left out of biblical canon.


"And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them... And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants (Nephilim), whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones." – Book of Enoch, Chapter 7


"Thou shalt not kill, for life is given to all by God, and that which God has given let not man take away. For, I tell you truly, from one Mother proceeds all that lives upon the earth. Therefore, he who kills, kills his brother... And the flesh of slain beasts in his body will become his own tomb. For I tell you truly, he who kills, kills himself, and whoso eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats of the body of death." – Yeshua, Essene Gospel of Peace


Something happened on a karmic level that destroyed the balance in our collective consciousness. We fell from grace, so to speak, and willfully continue to revel in that state of consciousness through egoic and erroneous justifications and excuses. A truly spiritually-in-tune person is guided by principle and morality inherent in Nature, not the words of men. It is simple and self-evident: do no harm. Anything else is moral relativism which is anathema to peace, happiness, and freedom.


Plants are directly connected to the earth. They do not have a nervous system, emotions, or sentience. Eating fresh whole foods, not other sentient beings, is what Creation intended. They are a non-sentient living food, not dead or decaying flesh which is inherently toxic. Reduce the suffering of animals by reducing your meat intake. The harm we do to other living beings comes right back to us. Their suffering and murder affects the whole world, etherically and karmically.


Here's what occultist C.W. Leadbeater has to say on the matter:     


"The world is being affected by it in many ways which most people do not in the least realize. There are constant feelings of causeless terror in the air. Many of the children are unnecessarily and inexplicably afraid; they feel terror of they know not what–terror of the dark, or when they are alone for a few moments. Strong forces are playing about us for which most cannot account, and we do not realize that this all comes from the fact that the whole atmosphere is charged with the hostility of these murdered creatures. The stages of evolution are closely interrelated, and you cannot do wholesale murder in this way upon your younger brothers without feeling the effect terribly among your own innocent children. Surely a better time shall come, when we shall be free from this horrible blot upon our civilization, this awful reproach upon our compassion and our sympathy; and when that comes we shall find presently that there will be a vast improvement in these matters, and by degrees we shall all rise to a higher level and be freed from all these instinctive terrors and hatreds.  


We might all be freed from it very soon if men and women would only think; for the average man is not after all a brute, but means to be kind if he only knew how. He does not think; he goes on from day to day, and does not realize that he is taking part all the time in an awful crime. But facts are facts, and there is no escape from them; every one who is partaking of this abomination is helping to make this appalling thing a possibility, and undoubtedly shares the responsibility for it. Some will say: 'What can we do to improve matters–we who are only tiny units in this mighty seething mass of humanity?' It is only by units rising above the rest and becoming more civilized that we shall finally arrive at a higher civilization of the race as a whole."


The moral implications of carnism are immense. We are placing selfish desires over the good of Creation as a whole. We've become disconnected from the Heart, from True Care. So, not only are our actions causing suffering and death to the animal kingdom, they're causing our own suffering by way of karmic consequence. The least harm we can do, the better. As I said before, we can't avoid harm all the time, but we can make a conscious choice to cause as little as possible.


"For as long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." – Pythagoras


We can't just address our own diets and change them, though. We have to share this knowledge to others. For every person who begins a plant-based diet, another person is born who is indoctrinated into the religion of carnism. We need to change that dynamic. We do our part by becoming more Moral beings than we were yesterday, and by speaking the Truth.


I highly recommend viewing the documentary "EARTHLINGS" and not turn away from what you see. Watch it in its entirety, and face the truth of it. If you can watch that and not feel sick or guilty, take that as evidence of how disconnected you are from the heart, and then heal that rift... if you still can. To have no deeply felt empathy for the suffering of other beings is called psychopathy, and you'd have to be a psychopath on some level to continue believing in and practicing the religion of carnism after seeing what occurs to these animals behind the scenes.


Until we abandon this path of moral relativism and violence towards other sentient beings (human and animal), and align ourselves with Natural Law, we will never stop being enslaved and destroyed ourselves. As above, so below. This is the Law of Correspondence. And as with all Natural Laws, it works without failure and cannot be escaped from. If we want to experience better consequences we have to change how we think, feel, and act.


"We patronize the animals for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they are more finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time." – Henry Beston, The Outermost House


With all of that said, and you want to stop eating meat, you have to understand that going "cold turkey" isn't the best way to go about it. It's a process, not an event. It's no different than quitting any addictive compound. If you quit eating meat without a tapering process your body will go into shock. It isn't pleasant. Anxiety will skyrocket and your body will physically "freak out" with such a sudden detox. This happened to me the first time I attempted becoming vegetarian. I had to re-introduce meat temporarily and taper down before everything returned to normal. Afterwards, my health not only recovered, it improved. So, suddenly quitting meat and the unpleasant detoxing is why most people fail a vegetarian or vegan diet. It's not the diet itself, it's the incorrect way people attempt to transition to them. 


Some try to argue that veganism isn't moral which bewilders me. What is morality about? It's about our behavior towards other sentient beings. If we willingly continue to take into our bodies the dead flesh of a being that had a right to its life then we are supporting a wrong-doing. What is immoral, however, is the behavior of many militant vegans. They are only hurting the cause, so you shouldn't base your opinions of vegetarianism/veganism on their actions. Many of them espouse erroneous belief systems and actually encourage harm against non-vegans. They've turned a moral position into a religion, themselves. This isn't moral behavior at all, and it's completely misguided. But that behavior is not evidence against a plant-based diet, and to accept it as such is completely foolish. It's a logical fallacy.


"Well, what about people like Bill Gates encouraging veganism and fake meats?"


First of all, fake meats are not the answer, and should not be a regular part of a plant-based diet. Some brands (like Impossible) use genetically modified ingredients and preservatives. Beyond Meat uses no GMOs, so it's a "safer" choice; but again, don't make that a staple in your diet. It's still an ultra-processed food. In the early days of your transition to plant-based it could serve as a substitute without causing harm, but don't make it a habit. Avoid it if you can. Secondly, the only reason the Powers That Should Not Be promote a plant-based diet is because they see the ecological impact of the meat industry on their human farm. That's what this earth is to them.


Moving people to a plant-based diet is a hit they're willing to take to maintain control. It has nothing to do with them wanting to undermine our health. They'll always find other ways to do that and to keep the endless Satanic bloodletting ritual going; and that's what the meat industry ultimately is, a continuous blood sacrifice. They're already coming up with "3D printed meat" made from cow cells as a replacement. Clearly, this doesn't fix the moral issue, only bandaids the ecological one. They still want you to be a morally inept slave.


Without euphemising, carnism is the support of or participation in the suffering and murder of innocent beings by consuming their dead flesh and blood. I'd say that's pretty Satanic. If you're honest with yourself, you'll realize that. 


More recently, they are pushing the consumption of insects. Insects (as well as shellfish) contain a polymer called Chitin (KY-tin) which, if over-consumed, can be toxic. It cannot be digested and can disrupt how the gut functions, causing inflammation. Chitin is also in mushrooms which is why they should be cooked most of the time. Gut health is extremely important to maintain. Chitin is also very bad for the lungs if inhaled. So, don't fall for this.


Again, transitioning to plant-based is NOT an event, it's a process. Reduce your intake little by little. See what you can handle, and keep moving forward. Going plant-based is not about being perfect. There is no such thing as perfection in this world. If going 100% plant-based is "too extreme" for you, then be vegetarian instead. We simply want to contribute the least amount of harm possible.




A great way to start is juicing fresh, organic fruits and vegetables (heavy on the green veg like spinach, kale, cucumber, etc). You'd be amazed at the clean, vibrant energy you get from it! Just don't overdo it or use it as a meal replacement. And instead of cutting meat out of your diet immediately, eat less of it every week. Cut out red meat, and then move onto other forms of meat. Do this over time (at least a year) until you've completely stopped eating it. Then slowly cut out by-products if you want to go fully plant-based. If you think you can handle cutting everything out all at once, then try it, but it's not the best approach.


Lastly, consider looking into alternatives to pharmaceuticals like nascent iodine and algae superfoods (such as chlorella and spirulina which are loaded with phytonutrients and help detoxify the body of heavy metals) and adaptogens (such as rhodiola rosea, chaga, mucuna pruriens, and ashwaganda which help with stress, mood, energy, and hormone imbalances). Most disease is due to inflammation in the system from stress and toxic substances entering the body. Nature provides everything that we need. Two of the best remedies for inflammation are turmeric and moringa. Plus, a combination of chlorella, turmeric, moringa and garlic is a powerful weapon against cancer!


> Roshi Philip Capleau - To Cherish All LIfe

> Henna Maria - On Carnism

Henna Maria - Animals, Our Kin (Presentation)

> C.W. Leadbeater - "Vegetarianism & Occultism"

> Nutrition, Assimilation, and Natural Law


This dog clearly knows that fish need water to survive.

This is evidence of sentience and compassion in animals.




If you think this baby doesn't deserve more rights than a potato, you are a psychopath.

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