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One of the main tenets of the ideology of Satanism is that morality is completely subjective or relative, that we get to decide what “right” and “wrong” are based on personal preferences, beliefs, whims and feelings. This ideology of moral relativism has been inculcated into the majority of human society, religious dogma, and is the basis for almost every manmade “law.” 


These Satanists [behind every ostensible corridor of power] have to give us their own mindset on a lower level. When humanity is deeply rooted in ego, in perpetual “me me me” thinking, believes morality is subjective and that certain human beings have a “right” to rule, manipulation and control becomes immensely easy.


The reason we continue to suffer as a species is mainly due to this one false belief. Moral Relativism is the real pandemic in this world. It is the absolute destroyer of Freedom. The truth of Natural Law (Universal Moral Law) has been suppressed and replaced with false religions such as “government,” “authority” and “law.” Satanists created those institutions to rule in its place, and due to our ignorance of Natural Law, they’ve succeeded.


Due to the erroneous religious notions of morality, the word itself has become an eye-roller to many. They recognize the absurdity of these notions and end up throwing the entire concept of morality out the window along with the religion. They're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. So, whether someone adheres to the religious version of morality or rejects it, moral relativism still prevails. We need to heal this perspective. If we want to change our situation and move towards Freedom, we must understand Morality objectively as a binding and immutable Law in Nature.




It is not a construct of the mind. It is behavior-based. It's based on what you do in the world, how you act. The difference between right behavior and wrong behavior exists inherently in Nature purely and independently from your perceptions, beliefs, whims and preferences, feelings, opinions, likes and dislikes. It is written on the human heart. It has absolutely nothing to do with man's "laws" or religious dogma, and is not a matter of debate. It does not change based on location or time period. What is moral in one place and time is moral in ALL places and times, and what is immoral in one place and time is immoral in ALL places and times. It is objective, immutable and eternal.


To say "oranges are delicious" would be a construct of the mind. Oranges simply are what they are in nature. Whether or not they are considered delicious is happening in the mind. Morality, however, is entirely defined by behavior in the physical domain, whether an action taken is harmful or non-harmful to another being. You cannot arbitrarily decide for yourself the morality of your actions, you can only align your behavior to morality. 


A person who believes that rape is justified and morally legitimate has not made rape into a moral action, because harm is still being done to a victim. If any number of people believe that it is "right" to force others to take into their bodies a cocktail of chemicals called a "vaccine" because they believe that will keep them safe, that does not magically become morally legitimate, either. It's still violence regardless of any proclaimed "greater good." Behavior that imposes upon another person's free will choice is never conducive to any greater good. Plus, your sense of safety is no one else's responsibility.


So the easiest way to understand whether or not something is moral is to ask yourself the question, "are my actions objectively causing harm to another being?" Or, if your actions are condoning harm. If the answer is yes, then those actions are Immoral. If the answer is no, then those actions are Moral. Period. That's all it comes down to. Not what you personally feel or believe, but what is objectively harmful or non-harmful to another being.




People of religious thought too often tend to equate things that go against their beliefs as being immoral. They read opinions and decrees written down millennia ago by men who themselves had no true moral knowledge, and then take them as gospel.


A prime example is the subject of homosexuality, but here's the truth of the matter: if two consenting adult men or two consenting adult women are engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship, and their actions are not causing harm to others, they are not engaging in immoral behavior. It doesn't matter how you feel about it or whether you agree with it. They own their bodies and can do as they wish with them as long as they are not harming others. If, however, they decide to coerce, deceive or force others into their way of life (and that goes for things like "conversion therapy," too), then and only then does it become an immoral action.


A person's sexuality is no one's business but their own unless harm is being done:

rape, sexual [and psychological] abuse of children, coercion, etc.


This isn't an argument in favor of homosexuality. That's another discussion entirely. It is only an example of how moral relativism has infected our minds, how we believe we can decide what is or isn't moral based on our belief systems. This mentality often causes people to attempt to unrightfully impose violence upon others (e.g. "all gays, blacks, and Jews should be criminalized, banned, or killed") based on what they believe is immoral, and no one has that "right." 


Immorality isn't based on what you find distasteful, disgusting, uncomfortable, or in contradiction to your beliefs. There has to be a victim involved. If there is no victim then no wrong-doing is taking place. The end. To interfere with someone's free will choices when they are not causing anyone harm is an act of violence. It is a violation of their Rights, and that IS immoral.


Feelings and beliefs DO NOT determine what is or isn't moral.


These are the true "7 Deadly Sins," the harmful actions we do not have the right to take:


• Murder

• Assault

• Rape

• Property Theft

• Trespass

• Coercion

• Deception


When you engage in those actions you’re taking something from someone else which doesn’t belong to you: life, physical well-being, sexual autonomy, personal property, security, free will, and the truth itself. There are many things that we can disagree with philosophically, but they are internal issues. If no harm is being done to another being, no transgression is taking place.


The religious version of the 7 Deadly Sins – pride, greed, wrath (non-righteous anger), envy, lust, gluttony and sloth – are things that we should avoid for ourselves. They are vices, not sins. They only become immoral if we act upon those things in a way that causes harm to others. A person can be greedy, but that greed in and of itself isn't harming anyone else. A person can be envious of someone else's property all they want. It becomes immoral only when they act on it by engaging in those above true wrong-doings. It's all about the harm you do to others, not what you do to yourself (your body is your property), that makes something immoral.


Right = Correct = Moral – actions that do not cause harm.

Wrong = Incorrect = Immoral – actions that do cause harm.


It is that simple.


We all have the Right to live our lives as we choose as long as we are not engaging in the THEFT of another person's Life, Rights, Free Will, and Property. We do NOT have the "right" to impose on the lives of others just because we don't like them or because we disagree with their life choices. To believe otherwise is to make a claim of ownership of that person's Life, Rights, Free Will, or Property, and that's called Slavery. Live and let live as long as no harm is being done. That's what actual tolerance is. We must deeply understand and abide by this if we want to create true freedom in the world. This is called having and exercising Conscience, and my conscience cannot be any different from your conscience. It is knowledge that we know together, AKA Common Sense.


Ultimately, moral behaviors are the actions you take that are within your Rights, and immoral behaviors are the actions you take that are NOT within your Rights. Understanding Morality is also definitively knowing what is and isn't your property. Another being's body, life, rights and freedom are their own property, so you do not have a moral right to harm or steal that property. 


"There should be a law for that." 


When it comes to actual immoral behavior, there IS a Law for that – Natural Law – and there are consequences for violating it. Aggregate humanity is violating it because they're ignorant of it, and the results of that are all around us. Natural Law doesn't care if you know about it or understand it. It is always in effect, 100% of the time, and it works flawlessly. That's why this information needs to be deeply understood, applied in our lives, and taught widely and freely, because it is this truth – when put into action – that will help us manifest a truly Free world.




The biblical story of Adam and Eve and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is an allegory about this "original sin," but most don't truly understand it. They interpret that story as having to do with disobedience, failing to see the symbolism. Eve represents the Sacred Feminine and Adam represents the Sacred Masculine. These characters may or may not connect to actual historical figures; but in the context of this story, they are symbolic of humanity itself.


So, what is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? It's a symbolic representation of the Law of Morality in Nature. Its fruit is forbidden because to eat it means you are attempting to arbitrate Right and Wrong subjectively, to take it upon oneself as arbiter and say "I will decide what Right and Wrong are" instead of accepting Morality as inherent. This is why the "serpent" deceives Adam and Eve by telling them they will "become like god." The serpent represents the ego, base consciousness, selfish desire. Only the Creator can decree the Law of Morality (Natural Law). Mankind cannot. We can only discover and live in harmony with it. If we refuse to do so, and eat of the fruit, we "fall from grace." In other words, we bring upon ourselves suffering.


Again... humanity didn't "fall" because we disobeyed the orders of a deity. That is the church's obfuscation of an esoteric truth. This is how religion reinforces the belief in "authority," through literalizing allegories and externalizing spiritual concepts. It was always about Moral Relativism. That's the forbidden fruit. The belief in human "authority" and that we can be the arbiters of right and wrong IS the fall of mankind. When you fail to live in accordance with Natural Law and try to arbitrate your own "morality" and "law," all you'll ever create is chaos and suffering. Then humanity becomes the 666... the "beast" in base consciousness: base in thoughts, emotions and actions.


As I stated in a previous section, those who do not live in harmony with Natural Law are the Antichrist. It's not a man, it's mankind itself in beast consciousness, who has rejected Christ Consciousness. If your consciousness is whole – thoughts, emotions and actions in harmony with Truth and Spiritual Moral Law – you have Christ Consciousness. Most of humanity is not in that state. Most of us are in the deepest sewers of immorality, ego, and ignorance; and we don't want to crawl out, because we don't want to acknowledge and admit to ourselves that we're wrong.


All the so-called "Christians" who continue to support this system of slavery (government) are themselves the Antichrist. They've all eaten from the Tree. They've taken the words of men as the Word of God, and the "laws" of men as Morality. They've been sold a false bill of goods. They've chosen false religion over real spiritual wisdom, and have been tricked into rejecting the very knowledge that would free them.


Moral Relativism and the belief in "authority" and "government" truly is the greatest, most blasphemous abomination against Creation and its Laws, the only True Authority.


As morality increases, freedom increases.
As morality declines, freedom declines.


We are not eternal "sinners" who must live on our knees as the church insists. All religious institutions are owned and operated by the dark occult who don't want us empowered, who don't want us understanding higher spiritual truth. They want us stagnant, apathetic, living in fear, and believing rampant evil is just "God's Will" while we wait for salvation. Nonsense! We CAN change course. There is nothing new we need to do, nor any new systems we need to create. We need to STOP doing the things we have no moral right to do. We need to STOP trying to be arbiters of Right and Wrong (and allowing others to impose their own moral relativism through"law").


We need to STOP lying to ourselves and believing in false things. We must make a Cosmic Apology for what we've done, spit out the fruit, return to the garden, and re-align ourselves to God's Law (Natural Law, Moral Law, Universal Spiritual Law, Cosmic Law, etc). Then we can reclaim our Sovereignty and take our Freedom back. There is no other way forward. How you come to that understanding is up to you, but the destination remains the same.

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