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LOVE is the highest force at work in the universe. It is the expansive force of consciousness. It is the force that seeks evolution, expansion, growth, etc. When we choose Love we open ourselves to the acceptance of Truth and we gain Knowledge. When you take in the Knowledge of Truth (of the Self and the Universe) you begin to understand your Sovereignty (Internal Monarchy). So, internally, we each need to master and rule ourselves. Our body/mind is our Kingdom that we get to rule; nowhere else nor anyone else. Each of us is a sovereign being. And when we achieve that understanding, the only thing that can ultimately manifest is Freedom (External Anarchy) and Order.


FEAR is what shuts consciousness down. Fear is the force which influences us to become closed to Truth, shutting down our awareness. It leads to Ignorance (willful refusal of Truth). Ignorance negatively influences the quality of our lives because it negatively influences our decision-making processes. If you’re ignorant about how anything works you cannot create the conditions that you desire such as Freedom, Peace, Prosperity and Order. From Fear comes Confusion (Internal Anarchy), and from Confusion comes the need to Control. When you're in the state of Fear, the only thing that can ultimately manifest is Slavery (External Monarchy) and Chaos.


 The expressions of Natural Law are unilateral. They don’t cross into each other. They cannot be skipped, either. They must proceed in order and in the same column of expression. You can only get to Order through Freedom which comes about through the understanding that we are Sovereign, which comes about through taking in Knowledge, and which comes about through staying in a vibratory energy of Love… or Higher Consciousness.  


Conversely, we can only create Chaos when our society is bent on Control, because we are Confused beings that don’t understand our Sovereignty, and that comes from Ignorance which is based in Fear.   


None of this has anything to do with belief. This is how Laws operate in Creation. It is eternal Truth. Right now, as a species, we have succumbed to the force of Involution. If we want to see peace, love, freedom and order in the world, we must align ourselves with the force of Evolution – Natural Law.


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