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"Psy-ops" is an abbreviation of the terms Psychological Operations. Psy-ops are a form of warfare that uses propaganda and other psychological means to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals or groups who are in opposition to the ruling class of the time (or who the state deems as the enemy). They work by manipulating people through exploiting their fear, ignorance, and naïveté. 


Psy-ops are not a modern thing, they've been carried out since the dawn of civilization. Their purpose is to de-moralize the enemy of the ruling class (or state), to break their will to resist, and often to bring said enemy back around to the state's own position.


You could also say they are a test of the human soul: what will we put up with, what will we accept, how much will we believe increasingly ridiculous and absurd narratives and "official" explanations, how much insult to the soul will we tolerate, etc. And the longer we go along with it and continue to reject the objective truth, the more suffering we will experience as more evil continues to escalate.

   • One of the most infamous intelligence agency psy-ops was the ritual assassination of John F. Kennedy which was meant to demoralize the public and install the term "conspiracy theorist" into into the public lexicon to discourage debate against official narratives, social and political.


• Then we have the false-flag 9-11 mega-ritual psy-op to make the public afraid of terrorism (using "Muslim extremists" as the cover story) to such an extent that they submit to the total rape of their freedom in the name of "security," and to support wars for other nations' resources.

• Then there are the mass-shooting psy-ops, often taking place in schools, to make the public so afraid that they call for gun control measures; and then the American public becomes incrementally disarmed. An unarmed population is 100% an enslaved population.


• Beginning in March 2020 was the socially perceived "crisis" called the COVID-19 Pandemic which was about creating fear of a public health emergency so that people accept lockdowns and take toxic, DNA-altering and immune-system-destroying injections, that way the public can accept an increasingly totalitarian regime that increases its control over all human beings and resources. This is also one of the biggest eugenics operations to date. Plus, COVID (and all virology) is based on the bogus Germ Theory and the myth of contagion which has been the means of fear-based health-control for far too long. 


• Starting in the early 2010s was the Flat Earth movement which suggests that the Earth has no curvature and is a flat plane under a domed "firmament." This is rooted in biblical literalism with ZERO understanding of occult allegory. The purpose of this is to associate those gravitating to the belief in this psy-op with the Freedom Movement as having low intelligence, low understanding of true natural science, and possessing little to no ability to reason correctly. You could honestly call this psy-op a new religion considering how deeply ingrained it is in the psychology of those who buy into it.


• QAnon is a stand-down psy-op which has served as a means of reinforcing in the Right-Wing the belief in salvation by some perceived "authority" (e.g. "Trust The Plan"). In other words, encouraging people to "stand down" and take no real-world action themselves because someone else is going to save them (Donald Trump, "White Hats," etc). All forms of salvationism are false axioms, ensuring that those who believe in them never take personal responsibility or right action against evil.


The QAnon movement is basically a rehashing of the psy-op called "Operation: Trust" which occurred during the Bolshevik revolution when they were conquering Russia. The Bolsheviks convinced the loyalist population of Russia that there was an internal operation within the state that was going to prevent the Bolshevik Communist takeover. Just like QAnon, it was a stand-down operation to convince the people that they didn't need to take any action themselves, that "white hats" within the state had the situation in hand.


• Starting in the early 2000s, we have the "Hitler was the good guy" disinfo psy-op. They sell this as Hitler and the Nazis having been on the Right during WWII, that historical accounts of WWII regarding the evils of Nazism were fabricated. The purpose is to associate those gravitating to the belief in this psy-op with the general Freedom Movement in order to associate the movement with racism, Naziism, and white supremacy. Anyone espousing racial superiority is not advocating for true freedom. This mentality is entirely based in out-of-control ego-identity – obsessive identification with the physical body and genetics – which is deeply Satanic thinking.


Personal Note: The shape of the earth is ultimately irrelevant. What matters is what's happening ON the earth (especially what's happening in human consciousness), not what its shape is. Let's say we find out definitively and objectively that the earth is flat. Then what? Is slavery still the human condition? Yes. Does knowing this information fix that problem? NO!


The real issues we need to focus on are the CAUSAL FACTORS of our current human condition, making a proper diagnosis, and then working through those issues. The understanding of Rights and how aligning with Objective Morality / Natural Law is how we create freedom trumps all other investigations. This flat-earth obsession is getting in the way of that vital internal work just like all other erroneous belief systems.


We have to stop falling into these distractive, progress-stifling cul-de-sacs. They are not conducive. Once we've gotten to a critical point in human consciousness regarding Morality and Freedom (and how these dynamics work together), THEN we can start looking into these other areas; and we'll be able to do so without interference or restriction from government institutions... because we'll have abolished them!


• And, of course, cultural religion itself is a psy-op. It's the Father of ALL psy-ops, and it's been going on since the dawn of humanity. The public "sell" for religion is that God and Spirituality are what our religious belief systems say they are, and that human beings who don't blindly accept this on faith are ultimately "damned." This is all about giving humanity a distorted view of "God" and "Spirituality" to lead them away from genuine truth-discovery and keep them dis-unified and fighting each other to make them easier to rule. It is the biggest world-view / disinfo / stand-down psy-op of all time.

• The belief in human "authority" is the second to largest psy-op to religion – the idea that a command-obedience structure is morally legitimate and necessary for humanity to function, otherwise chaos would erupt. This is to make people believe in and support the notion that some people have the "right" to command and rule others while everyone else is morally obligated to obey. This erroneous and dangerous belief is the key factor necessary to keep humanity in the condition of perpetual enslavement, and was made canon in biblical scripture: Romans 13.


These are only a few past and ongoing psy-ops. I go more into those last two in "THE PROBLEM" section. We have to be mindful of these operations, and understand how they work so that we don't fall for them; and we can do that by putting our attention towards what's happening within so that we can free ourselves of all of the erroneous beliefs that make us easy prey; and we need to observe things from a big-picture perspective rather than focusing on all these fragmented symptoms of the overall problem. These cause division, not unity.


All psy-ops depend on human ignorance, naïveté, and blind belief. The best defense against any psy-op is to develop true self-respect, do the required internal work (shadow work) to free oneself from erroneous belief systems, obsessive ego-identity, ego-attachments, and learn the Trivium Methodology of truth-discovery.



I would also suggest we have a false "awakening" psy-op. I've heard so many people in the "truth and freedom movement" saying there's an awakening going on, but I disagree. Being awake doesn't just mean you can see that there's an agenda. Most of these people who speak of tyranny and claim to be pro-freedom are still moral relativists who continue to believe in and condone the legitimacy of government and "authority," continue to accept incorrect definitions of "anarchy," and fall for many of the other psy-ops mentioned above. Most are still very ensconced in ego. Most still do not understand the actual causal factors of our current condition, or that the solution is rooted in consciousness and spiritual understanding, not external factors like money and politics. Most continue their willful ignore-ance of occult knowledge while favoring the solipsistic and dogmatic belief systems given to them by the dark occult to keep them in check.


It can seem like there is a growing awakening happening when your social strata is limited to the like-minded, but it's illusory. A tiny percentage of the population can seem like a lot of people within that limited perspective, but in comparison to the aggregate it's miniscule. And even then, it's still not a true awakening. People are simply feeling the brunt of tyranny in more personal ways, becoming slightly more aware of it. There's still more to wake up to; still more to learn; and still a ton of internal work to be done to achieve freedom within. If you're not free within your own mind, heart and soul, you cannot expect to create freedom externally.


True Awakening is a deeply internal, deeply spiritual and immense shift in consciousness where all of these false beliefs and ego-entrapments are completely broken down, dissolved, and abandoned. It's about coming to understand Who You Are as a spirit-in-the-flesh being. It's about understanding that the current human condition is slavery, and the ONLY way out is through deeply understanding and abiding by Objective Morality and Natural Law. It's about bringing the three aspects of consciousness (thought, emotion and action) into unity. It's about developing Care, Courage, Conviction and Conscience, and taking Right Action. Is that what we're seeing in the world? No. Perhaps a very, very tiny sliver of humanity has truly awakened; but beyond that, the bulk of humanity is still very much in an ego-hardened, willfully ignorant trance. The Great Work still has to be done, and it needs to be done in a bigger way than the paltry effort we're doing now. I include myself in that criticism.


The Dark Occultists aren't at all nervous or panicking right now. They're laughing. They see our "truth and freedom movement" as a clown show, and it is. A true awakening won't be something only a few people notice, it will be obvious to the whole planet, because it will shake things up in ways that will devastate the control system worldwide. That's not happening today. Tyranny is growing. Abject slavery is at our doorstep. We still have time to turn it around, though, but that requires knowledge, care, conscience, will power, and sacrifice. It requires shadow work and abandoning false belief systems. It requires taking personal responsibility and right action; to speak the truth fearlessly, persistently, and unapologetically.


WE make an awakening happen. It will not happen suddenly or magically. A critical mass has to be achieved. For each individual who becomes awake through our efforts and service to truth, the whole awakens a bit more. If we don't do our part, evil will win... again. Get to it.

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