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The Dark Occultists aren't the ones creating the chaos and suffering, they're just giving the orders, manipulating minds. Every evil perpetrated in the world is done by those who are obeying the orders. And it all comes down to Moral Relativism. When you believe that morality is just a mental construct and that we get to make up what is or isn't moral based on personal beliefs, whims, preferences, likes and dislikes, then you have no Conscience. A lack of conscience also comes with a lack of self-respect. If a police officer or solider has no conscience or self-respect, they will have no problem doing as they're told and engaging in the daily imposition upon the Rights of others.


Conscience is the definitive knowledge of the difference between Morally Right Behavior and Morally Wrong Behavior. The exercise of Conscience is choosing to do what is Right regardless of what someone tells you to do, regardless of consequence. When you are following someone else's dictates, regardless of what is Right, you CANNOT exercise Conscience. It's impossible. When you have no Conscience, your actions are inevitably going to cause harm to others. Therefore, ALL order-followers are bad people. All police are bad people, all military are bad people. I'm not saying that some of them don't mean well or don't have good intentions, but intentions mean nothing if your world view is damaged, you conscience is broken, and your actions are wrong.


"Cops are bad people? What are you talking about? They take care of their family! They help get criminals off the street! How can you say that!?"  


Consider these points:


1. EVERY cop has agreed, as part of their job, to enforce laws – ALL of them.

2. Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

3. Therefore, EVERY cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, cruel, or wicked.


Every single one. Taking care of their family doesn't mean they're a good person. At what cost to the Rights and lives of others are they taking care of them? The Nazi soldiers took care of their families all while following orders to terrorize and murder innocent people. Finding and caging "criminals" because that's your job doesn't make you a good person because that's just order-following. Just because you yourself may not directly harm other people or steal from them doesn't make you a good person, either. You can be kind, loving, thoughtful, and considerate all day, but if you don't exercise conscience (and put conscience above man's "laws") then you're only continuing to support the control system. By doing that you are ensuring that other people's lives remain in duress.

What actually makes you a good person is knowing the difference between what is objectively Right and objectively Wrong, always choosing to do what is Right regardless of the consequences of disobeying an order or a "law," and refusing to support any harmful, Rights-infringing behavior being done by others (especially government order-followers). Being a good person means taking an active role in the world to educate others in morality and truth, putting principles first, and taking right action. Good people don't sit on the sidelines hoping someone else will do the work, they get involved. They recognize that evil is going on unchallenged, and then face their fears and speak the truth into the hearts and minds of their fellow human beings. They engage their will to make the world a better place.


The only good cops and soldiers are the ones who have truly begun to respect themselves and brought their conscience online, who refuse to obey the commands that they know are wrong and refuse to enforce "laws" that infringe upon the Rights of others. In other words, they've become moral beings, they've quit their cult, and begun speaking out in courage, unapologetically.


It doesn't matter how good you think you are, how nice you are to others, or what seemingly noble cause you believe you are serving. Good intentions are meaningless if your actions are not in line with Morality. If you're obeying someone else's order – even if that order is to feed the homeless – you are not exercising conscience. If you're not exercising conscience then you ARE a bad person. Period. I'm not saying you have to be perfect, because no one can be perfect, but you have to get out of the "me me me, I only care about me and mine, and I won't do anything that brings consequences down on me no matter how Right it is" mentality. That's Satanism. 


Again, conscience is understanding Objective Morality. To understand morality is to understand what a Right is which I will reiterate here:


If your actions DO NOT cause harm to another sentient being or their property (which includes their life, their rights, their freedom, and their body) then your actions are Moral, therefore they are your Rights. If your actions DO cause harm to another sentient being or their property then your actions are Immoral, therefore they are Wrongs. Yes, it IS that simple.  


If you constantly behave out of self-preservation instead of doing what's Right, you are thinking and behaving just like a Satanist. If you're only concerned with the safety and security of yourself (and maybe your immediate family/friends) but couldn't care less about the suffering that is happening to others, you are thinking and behaving like a Satanist. It's called De-Facto Satanism (or Satanism in deed). Again, Self-Preservation (as the highest goal) and Moral Relativism are the first two tenets of Satanism. Is that how you want to live your life? If you're obeying immoral "laws" and other dictates simply to avoid consequence, and placing personal pleasure and sensate gratification above doing the right thing, you're not exercising conscience, you're being a de-facto Satanist. Calling yourself a "good person" or a "Christian" can never make you that thing. If you're a Satanist in deed, you're a Satanist, indeed. You can call yourself whatever you like, but your actions are what truly define you.


No spiritually awake and moral person can be an order-follower. No spiritually awake and moral person believes in the legitimacy of "authority" or continues to support and condone its "laws" and violence. A truly awake and moral person understands their sovereignty under Natural Law and lives by principle, truth and right action.


Stop being an order-follower and stop supporting their behavior. Stop glorifying them as heroes. Instead, start understanding Objective Morality and Natural Law, and teach it to the order-followers you know and meet. Their ignorance IS your responsibility. Their ignorance, their wrong behavior in the world, and our support of it is what keeps all of us enslaved.


"It is the greatest absurdity to suppose it in the power of one, or of any number of men... to renounce their essential natural rights, or the means of preserving those rights. If men, through fear, fraud or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up an essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right of freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave."  – Samuel Adams, 'Chief Conspirator' of the American Revolution


Man-made "laws" will always be disobeyed by criminals, and good people will always do what is Right regardless of what a "law" says, because they understand that there is no such thing as "authority." Therefore, the entire point of "laws" is not to maintain peace and order but to control those who do believe in it. In other words, "laws" are for obedient slaves, for order-followers. For someone to want a "law" made about something, that means there's no real knowledge present within them. They have confusion regarding right and wrong, and want to make it up and have it imposed on society.


You could say that most man-made "laws" are just a form of sorcery. They may call it "legislation" and "law books," but without euphemising, it's really sorcery and spell grimoires. It's Lesser Magick, or Black Magick, because it's using words, intent and energy to create change in conformity with the selfish will of the ruling class and its lawmakers. Teaching Natural Law, on the other hand, would be a form of High Magick, because it's using words, intent and energy to create change in conformity with the Will of Creation.


Man's "laws" are always complied with out of fear of consequence, not because they are morally correct. Natural Law is harmonized with due to one's knowledge and understanding of it, of objective morality. In other words, Conscience.


"Well, if there’s nobody in charge how would things work?” 


Things will work the same way they’ve always been working according to the Laws of Nature. When we align ourselves to Morality we’ll have an orderly experience that is based in Freedom. When we refuse to align our behavior to the objective Laws of Morality operating in Nature we get Chaos and Enslavement. Natural Law is always based in Principle and Truth. When we set our entire lives based upon those First and most important Truths, things will be orderly. If we don’t do that, and base them in rigid and dogmatic belief systems which may or may not be in harmony with Truth (and more likely they’re not), we get chaos.


Natural Law is not complied with because you fear retribution or punishment. It’s harmonized with because you have arrived at an understanding of how it works. Has anyone coerced or forced you to obey gravity? If a person goes to the top of a 100 story building and steps off, does it matter what they believe regarding gravity? They can believe in it or not believe in it, and still end up as a splat on the ground. Gravity doesn’t care whether you understand it or not. It’s not forcing you to understand it. It’s just THERE. So, it would be a really bad idea to jump off the ledge of a roof. You don’t refuse to jump because anyone is threatening you. You refuse to jump because you know what the consequence will be if you do it, because you understand how a Law of Nature operates. That’s how our understanding of Natural Law should work. We understand what behaviors lead to the betterment of our condition – order, freedom, peace and harmony – and then we understand what behaviors CANNOT lead to those conditions that we say we want.


Man’s "law," however, differs with location based upon the whim of whoever the legislators are of that location. In some states, you’re allowed to have high-capacity magazines according to man’s "law," but go to other states with those ammunitions, just across a border, and you can be thrown in a cage just for being in possession of them. Not for ever using them or doing anything with them, but simply for possessing them. It’s "moral" in one location, but not in the other, according to man’s "law." That's complete and total nonsense. Possession of any item (except another person’s life or property) is essentially moral as long as you Lawfully acquired it. If you try to possess something you don’t Lawfully own, that’s called Theft; and of course, that’s Immoral.


So, the whim of legislators is what determines man’s "law," and that is called Moral Relativism which, again, is the idea that there is no such thing as objective Right and Wrong, and we get to make it up, and it can all be different in any given location. You can go into some places in the Middle East and be jailed for listening to a certain kind of music because it bases its "laws" on Islamic religion. You have a legislator over here who likes things one way, and a legislator over there who likes things another way, and they have nothing to do with whether anyone was harmed or not.


"You have to do it, because it's the law!"  


No, you don't. What if it was "the law" that every home must have a house slave? Would you obey that "law" even when you know that slavery is wrong? Would you shame your neighbors who refuse to get a slave and say, "well, they should have obeyed the law" when cops raid their homes and throw them in cages? It doesn't matter how extreme the "law" may be – morality doesn't discriminate. There are no acceptable immoral "laws," whether it's "legal" slavery or "legal" theft. If your conscience says "this is wrong," then don't comply with or condone it!



Your Conscience should always be obeyed over any man-made "law."


And if you are willing to disobey a "law" that goes against your conscience, do you really believe in authority to begin with? Do you really believe that the individual making that claim has the moral right to rule and command you? Not if you're willing disobey them. Everyone is an anarchist already. All they have to do is strip away that statist cult programming. Quit the cult.



Speaking of theft, the "law" requires that you give up 10-20% of your income every year called Taxes. What if it was 80%? What if it was only 1%? What amount of money demanded and taken from you every year would not constitute theft? The correct answer is 0%. And yes, it IS theft. If you cannot opt out without consequence then that means you are under duress and coercion to pay. That in itself is a form of slavery. Where do you draw the line?


However, there can be a form of "taxation" that is voluntary. A community could state that a certain contribution must be made if a person wants to be an active part of that community. If the person didn't want to make a financial contribution, they could voluntarily opt out and either find another community to join; or they could discuss other means of contribution that could be made in compromise such as providing their particular expertise, talents or skillsets. Another alternative to taxation is crowdfunding campaigns or fundraisers. Whichever they choose, there would be no coercion or threats of violence, only mutual arrangements. Taxation in society today, however, does involve coercion and threats of violence if not complied with. Even if some people are willingly paying, that system is still based in violence. People are being fined, assaulted, arrested and caged for refusing. There is no moral justification for it. The end does NOT justify the means.


Imagine if the majority of human beings stop paying taxes. It would be physically impossible for the "authorities" to punish all of us. People continue to pay, not because it's the right thing to do, but because of the fear of punishment. There is absolutely NOTHING to fear. We outnumber them, and they have no "right" to steal from us, assault us, arrest us, or cage us. They don't own us. We have to stop believing they do, and abandon this false belief in "authority." If that belief wasn't present in our minds, no one would give up any percentage of the product of their labor to a group of thugs calling themselves "government." They would know that there is no such thing as "authority" vested in human beings and that no amount of theft can ever be justified.


The only true Authority in this world is Natural Law. That's the kind of Law-abiding being you want to be, living your life in accordance with the Laws of Morality, not the arbitrary and immoral "laws" of human beings who believe themselves to be our gods and masters.


So, what does all of this mean for man's "laws?" 


If a particular man-made law is in Harmony with Natural Law, then it follows logically that it is redundant since it is stating a Truth that is inherent, pre-existing, and self-evident. Therefore it is both irrelevant and unnecessary. It's no different than making a "law" that states the existence of gravity or that the sky is blue. It doesn't need to be written down and legislated, it's self-evident.


If a particular man-made law is in Opposition to Natural Law, then it follows logically that it is both False (Incorrect) and Immoral (Harmful); or in other words, WRONG. Therefore, it cannot be legitimately binding upon anyone no matter how many people believe or claim otherwise.


How do we deal with criminals under Natural Law?


Under Natural Law, criminals get dealt with immediately and appropriately. And because of that, the chance for actual crime diminishes. Not because criminals suddenly become moral beings, but because they know people will be quick to defend themselves instead of waiting on "authority" to show up (or worrying about the consequences of exercising their Rights). The belief in "authority" always gets in the way of conscience, and makes people afraid to do the right thing.

There's nothing wrong with having people patrolling communities to stop criminal behavior, but when we perceive those people as "authority" it prevents us from taking right action which only enables the perpetrator and allows the cops to get away with their own criminal behavior.


When we perceive someone as "authority" we stop holding them morally culpable as we would anyone else which allows them to get away with evil. The amount of violence in the world will dramatically decrease when we stop holding this false belief in our minds. The day we abandon that belief is the day we will stop making excuses and justifications for the behaviors of those who falsely claim it.


We need to stop instilling into our children this mentality of order-following, teaching them that it's a virtue. What you're teaching them is that being a SLAVE is virtuous. How many times have you or someone you know told a child "do as you're told?" Is that teaching them to critically think and make moral choices? Or is it teaching them to obey unquestioningly?


Children are not our property. We do not own them. We are their stewards. Our job is to RAISE their consciousness to be Sovereign, Moral Beings. Instead, we instill in them our own broken worldview which perpetuates the conditions we're in. Then many of them grow up to be like those thugs in the image above, violently harassing and infringing on the Rights of others because someone they perceive as "authority" told them to, never exercising Conscience.


Again, this is what brings tyranny and evil into our world far more than the one's giving the orders. No one can legitimately abdicate their responsibility for their actions. Every single one of these psychological children have the most moral culpability because they are the one's doing the wrong behavior, violently enforcing arbitrary and immoral "laws" and assaulting and killing innocent people. Stop supporting dominator culture. Inform order-followers and get them to engage their conscience. We need the numbers to overcome these conditions. Freedom can only manifest when aggregate society aligns itself with Natural Law.


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