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Postmodernism as defined by Wikipedia:


"Postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward what it describes as the grand narratives and ideologies associated with modernism, often criticizing Enlightenment rationality and focusing on the role of ideology in maintaining political or economic power. Postmodern thinkers frequently describe knowledge claims and value systems as contingent or socially-conditioned, framing them as products of political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies."


Postmodernism is the decimation of Enlightenment everywhere. The prevalence of it is destroying people’s ability to become enlightened beings; destroying their ability to spiritually awaken. That’s why they’re putting post-modernism into today's outcome-based education system as well as in institutions of so-called “higher learning." It’s everywhere.


It's basically this:


"Don’t bring forth rational arguments, logic, or true philosophy. We’re going to make people take on Ideology."


What does ‘ideology’ begin with? I-D. It is identification with a political power or economic power. This is where Identity Politics comes from. It’s ego-identification through post-modern thinking – that it doesn’t matter about being Right; being Right is just some antiquated notion.


"Don’t worry about facts, don’t worry about Right. What do you feeeel about it?"


It’s all feelings that determine what “truth” is to people who subscribe to this, no objective truth. There is such a thing as Truth. It is not relative or based on someone’s comfort level, feelings, whims, likes and dislikes, or their perceptions; but that’s what they’re trying to frame how people should think, that everything is relative. It’s nonsense. It’s not at all consistent with itself. If everything is relative, then nothing is true.


"Common targets of postmodern criticism include universalist ideas of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, science, language, and social progress. Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-consciousness, self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, and irreverence."


What they mean by "self-consciousness" is Solipsism. "Epistemological and Moral Relativism" is about believing that reality and morality are entirely subjective and can be anything anybody wants it to be based on their feelingsUltimately, they reject Objective Truth and Objective Morality. They don’t believe in Reason, or even real science. They’re also against language because they don’t want real definitions of words; they want it to mean whatever they decide and then flip-flop the definitions as they choose.


The word solipsism is derived from the Latin adjective solus, meaning “alone,” and the Latin pronoun ipse, meaning “self.”


It is the ideology that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. Solipsists contend that knowledge of anything outside of one’s own mind is unsure, hence there is no such thing as Objective Truth and nothing about the external world can actually be known or communicated to others. In other words, they believe reality is contingent upon whether they believe something is true or not, or are comfortable with its existence. It's pure egotism, believing "reality works that way only because I SAY it works that way, and I’m comfortable with it because it’s based on my perception; there is no independent, objective reality." 


That is what solipsism is, that the world revolves around your beliefs. Not just revolves around you physically, but revolves around what you think because you might be the only one in existence and everything else is just an illusion. This is going on subconsciously more than consciously, but there are New Age philosophies that do teach it such as "A Course In Miracles."


I see this mentality in so many people. They'll say "well, I don't believe that, so it's not true for me" as if that somehow magically makes something untrue; and they're uninterested in finding out whether or not it is true. This is why we're enslaved as a species. When you've been so brainwashed to believe that everything is subjective opinion, it makes you resistant to the objective truth which is what this Postmodernist/Solipsist agenda is all about. They want you focused on feelings and beliefs, not knowledge, so that you will never dare to know what is actually true. When you subscribe to this, and someone tells you what they definitively know to be true, what's the usual response? 


"Well, that's your opinion...that's what you beliiieeeve."


This is dangerous thinking. There is no "my truth" or "your truth." Truth is what IS. We have to get out of this mindset that everything is subjective and based on feelings and beliefs and that no truth can be known. This is what keeps the power differential in place between the ruling class and the general population. I can't express this enough: truth is not about belief. You can't determine the truthfulness of something based on how you feel about it. Truth has to be discovered which requires reading, listening, observing, filtering, understanding, etc.


For example: when I say there's no moral legitimacy to "authority," that isn't my feeling, or opinion, or belief. It isn't conjecture. It's what I know to be true. I have come to an understanding that is based in principle and morality. Anyone can do the same. No belief required, only knowledge and understanding. To be clear, I'm not talking about someone being an authority on a particular subject or skill; I'm talking about the belief that someone has the moral right to rule and command others. There is nothing moral or principled about believing some people have more rights than others, or that some people get to rule over others. No one has that "right" – not now, not in the past, and no one can ever have that "right" in the future. ALL "authority" is slavery, and slavery can never be moral. It doesn't matter how you want to euphemise it, whether you want to call it government, monarchy, oligarchy, technocracy, democracy, etc. All of it is illegitimate and immoral. You can either understand that... or refuse to. Either way, it remains the truth. I go into this more in the next section.


Solipsism is not only a false religion, it is a defining hallmark of total spiritual infancy. We need to depart from this diseased ideology. Doing so would be a sure-fire sign of the beginnings of Human maturity and spiritual development. Those who are truly Awake fully understand that objective Reality DOES exist and that Truth CAN be known.

"The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make them virtuous; the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths; and the fact that millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make them sane." – Erich Fromm

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