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There is death of the imagination on such a grand scale today. I don't mean in the sense that people can't be creative if they want to be. Imagination is deeper than just dreaming up fictional characters or interesting art. The imagination at the soul level... that's what is in its death throes. The ability to daydream and imagine life itself into being; to imagine True Freedom. And there's a reason it's dying. This is a deliberate agenda of the Dark Occult, and it starts in childhood. This is why daydreaming is one of the first things discouraged (and punished for doing) in state-run "education" systems. They have to stifle the imagination as early as possible... because if you can't imagine Freedom then you won't believe it's possible. And then you won't take action to create it.


Let's examine the word IMAGINATION using Green Language:


IMAGINATION stems from the word IMAGE; to conjure images in the mind.


IMAGE – a picture or visual representation


I-MAGE // I, MAGE // EYE MAGE – A mage/magician is someone who causes change to occur in reality through willful intent and visualization. A visionary creator.


IMAGINE-AT-ION – I-ON // EYE ON – Your true Stellar Being is switched ON; your ONE EYE (third eye chakra) switched ON – higher-consciousness thoughts, emotions, actions.


IMAGINATION would therefore be higher-consciousness thoughts and visions, and from that level of awareness and knowledge we can manifest the kind of reality we want.


ALL IS MIND. Everything that exists must first begin in the realm of Thought, the wellspring of imagination. Thought is the neutral creative force. It then must be merged and blended with the Emotions. From that union comes the offspring of Action. If there is no balance of Thought and Emotion, no harmony between the Intellectual and the Generative, then your output in the world will be just as imbalanced. That's why we are given belief systems that trap us in ego, in Left-Brain imbalance or Right-Brain imbalance, and dictate to us how we must think and believe. When you allow your consciousness to be suppressed and limited by these things, your imagination withers away.


If our consciousness is constantly in a state of distraction and suppression, then true mindfulness disappears. We become nothing more than automatons going through the motions, reveling in our slave-think existence. When someone who has not lost their imagination tells the hypnotised masses what is possible they are too often scoffed and accused of having pipe dreams and utopian fantasies. We have to re-awaken that imagination again. We have to imagine our way out of this. If you can't envision True Freedom you won't accept it as possible, and therefore will not take Action to create it. If your mind is constantly bombarded with false realities, erroneous beliefs, flashy distractions and synthetic environments, you are in a state of thrall.


We have to change that, rise above it, raise our consciousness above the illusion, and start becoming Conscious Creators With Conscience. We need to restore balance within – Thought and Emotion, Right-Brain and Left-Brain – and restore our capacity for holistic intelligence. We need to re-discover our true spiritual nature, because that's how you come to remember your Sovereignty and your Power to change the world.


Imagine it. Know it. Create it. Remember Who You Are... Creators, Imagineers, Spiritual Beings who can turn this nightmare around and transmute it into paradise. There is no "authority," there is no "government." None of that is real, it's all just fiction. We have to stop allowing ourselves to be ensorcelled by the illusion, believing in things that do not serve us. Those things are there only to fool us, trap us, and enslave us. We can change all of it, but we have to imagine that it's possible.


But again, from Thought and Emotion must come Action. Work has to be done. Nothing changes magically. It takes willpower, courage, persistence, and vigilance. You have to face the darkness within and transmute it, and then begin to say NO to all evil.... without wavering, without fear. Imagine it then do what must be done to create it.

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