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When we hear the word 'religion' we typically think of cultural religions based in faith and worship like Christianity, Hinduism, or Judaism, but what does the word actually mean?


RELIGIONfrom Latin re- meaning "back; again," and ligare meaning "to tie; to bind." Therefore, religion means "to tie back; to bind back; to thwart from forward progress."


Understand that when I talk about religion here I don't just mean the cultural religions, I mean ANY dogmatic belief system that shuts you off from exploring and discovering reality. A religion is any system of thought that clings to and/or promotes a distorted understanding of nature and truth. It is entirely based on rigid, dogmatic thought and belief rather than objective truth and knowledge; therefore, it holds you back from genuine discovery.


Any belief system that holds you back from truth and says "all you need is confined in this box, and anything outside of it is nonsense, forbidden, or evil," is a false religion. Any belief system that holds you back from health, prosperity, evolution, and freedom is a false religion. Cultural religion, atheism, the New Age, and the belief in "government" and "authority" are all false religions. You can even consider money as a religion, or continuously eating poisonous foods for the dopamine hit. If it's holding you back from positive forward progress, it's a false religion. Continuing to subscribe to such a belief system can and will always result in suffering.


When you understand how just about everything is controlled by sick, twisted, Satanic psychopaths, can you really believe, through thousands of years of control by evil, that your belief system is completely untouched and pristine? Do you really think that any kind of genuine spiritual truth has been left alone and allowed to be propagated? One of the top priorities of these dark occultists since the control system began is to co-opt the spiritual destinies of human beings. The last thing they would ever allow to be widely given to the masses is any kind of spiritual truth.


So now you have to stop and think and re-evaluate what you believe, and re-evaluate the concept of belief, itself. When you're stuck in any kind of belief-system box, your consciousness shuts down. These exoteric ideologies are given to the masses for this reason. Exoteric means "widely accepted or popular among a majority." They are there to serve as proxies for truth. They don't get to the core of it. They're not meant to. They're meant to do the opposite – to suppress the desire for knowledge, to suppress the desire for freedom, to suppress the will, to hold back the masses with dogmatic ideology, to bind consciousness through belief rather than enable it with truth. It's all there to limit what you can perceive and understand and to dissuade you from looking deeper.


Someone said to me, "it's not what you do, it's what you stand for and believe... your faith." This is the damaging result of religion. Yes, you need to stand for something, but then you have to act. It IS about what you do. That's the Wisdom step. You don't take a stand only to sit back down. You acquire the knowledge of truth, you understand it, and then you act on it. Belief is not about action, it's about passivity and stagnation. That's the whole point.


The Dark Occult social engineers do not want you taking an integral and active approach to spirituality, they want you in thrall. So they gave us religion. Religion doesn't help you to develop spiritually, it suppresses the spirit. It doesn't teach sovereignty or the infinite value of freedom, it teaches powerlessness and servitude. It doesn't teach true objective morality, it gives you a false, arbitrary "morality" based in the whims and preferences of a priest class.

While there are many types of dogmatic belief systems, I'm going to cover cultural religion first, specifically the Abrahamic ones.




Our exoteric cultural religions are based on ancient esoteric spiritual philosophies which actually understood the greater truths of reality and the self, but then these philosophies were suppressed and hijacked, and cultural religion was born. Modern-day Christianity, for example, isn't anything new. There is nothing new under the sun. It contains elements of different traditions including Atonism, Mithraism, Gnosticism, Judaism, and the Romans' own Sol Invictus religion. The Roman priests and elites wanted to bring all traditions of the time into one overarching control system (a one-world religion) and called it Catholicism (from the Latin word catholicus meaning "universal").


"The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving the world and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves... these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ." – Thomas Jefferson


If you look at all of the Abrahamic religions you'll see that they are based on what is called Astro-Theology (worship or reverence of celestial bodies). They are allegorical stories that incorporate solar, lunar, and stellar symbolism. The most blatant evidence for this is in the symbols of each religion. Also, note the comments in parentheses.


– In Islam, you have the crescent MOON. Its day of worship is Friday (named after the lunar goddess, Freya). This is the Lunar cult.


(ISIS was a moon goddess during the rule of Egypt by the Ptolemies).


– The cross of Christianity is symbolic of the SUN, and this symbol has been used to represent the sun (or the divine) in many ancient traditions. Jesus himself identified as "the bright and morning star," identifying as the sun in the heavens. He is seen as "God's son/sun, the light of the world." The three magi visiting him at his birth allegorically represented the stars overlooking the western equinox and the "manger" or "cradle" of the solstice point, but also represented the cults that came before him as they brought him the three gifts symbolic of the sun – gold, frankincense and myrrh – acknowledging the new rising sun king. The last two were the incense and amber-colored resin commonly burned in the solar temples of the ancient world. The day of worship for Christianity is Sunday. It is the Solar cult just like Atonism and Mithraism.


(The Egyptian solar king was RA).


– Judaism has the STAR of David (aka the Star of Solomon, the Star of Saturn, or as the Talmud calls it: Shabbetai/Shabbat). The symbol itself isn't negative, but as with all symbolism, it can be subverted and used for ill purposes. Contained in the word "Solomon" is the sun in three languages: Sol (Roman god) – Om (or Aum; Hindu/Buddhist) – On (the Biblical name for Heliopolis). Or it can be interpreted as Sun (sol) and Moon (mon). Solomon's temple is basically an allegory of the universe. The Judaic day of worship is Saturday (Shabbat/Saturn's Day) and they worship in a synagogue. The earlier Israelites worshipped a moon god called Sin. The holy mountain in Judaism is Mt. Sinai. If you visit Israel you'll see that the Anglo spelling of their temple is "sinagoge," not "synagogue." 


(The ancient Hebrew Saturnian cult worshipped EL).


So, in summary, you have the sun, the moon, and planets all represented in this one religion. Therefore, this is the Stellar cult and the oldest of the three. In fact, the ancient stellar cult (which goes back long before the creation of orthodox Judaism) were the original magi, astrologers, architects and navigators.


Now put those three deities together: 



Don't think of Israel as simply a geographical location or being exclusively "Jewish." Think of it conceptually. It was the "place" or "house" of the great conjunction of these cults. That's what the word means, essentially. It's the unification of the Solar, Lunar, Stellar/Saturnian cults.


Both Islam and Judaism use heavy Saturnian symbolism (such as the black squares of the Kaaba of Mecca and the Jewish Teffilin), and Saturn is especially important in dark occultism, in general, which can be seen everywhere. This is where Tolkien got his inspiration for "the lord of the rings." When you get married before "the Lord" you exchange wedding rings. Saturn was also referred to as "the god of the black robe" which is why black is often worn by priests and judges.


We see astro-theology in our time measurements, as well. The mythographers of these cults divided the cycle of the year to commemorate the deities and theocracies of each cult:


     The Year: assigned to the Solar Cult

     The Month: assigned to the Lunar Cult

     The Week: assigned to the Stellar Cult


Each day of the week correlates to an important celestial body worshipped by the Stellar Cult. That's why a week has seven days, not six or eight. They represent the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.


     Monday: Moon – Moon's Day

     Tuesday: Mars – named after Tiu (or Tyr), a Norse name for Mars

     Wednesday: Mercury – named after Woden (or Odin), god of Wisdom/Knowledge

     Thursday: Jupiter – named after Thor (which is Jupiter in Roman myth)

     Friday: Venus  – named after Freya, a lunar goddess of sex, fertility and mystery

     Saturday: Saturn – Saturn's Day; the Shabbat

     Sunday: Sun – Sun's Day


Even the hands on a clock are symbolic. The hour hand relates to Horus (sun god), and the minute hand relates to both Min (moon goddess) and Nut (sky goddess). We also see astro-theology in political, brand and company logos. It's all right in our faces. 


Again, there are esoteric elements of these religions which reveal deeper truths that were understood and taught before being hijacked and perverted into what they are today. Esoteric means "known and understood by a few, by those initiated into the knowledge." That knowledge is, of course, occult knowledge; deliberately hidden from the uninitiated, "unwashed" masses. This is why it's so important to educate yourself in the occult. You will find more truth about reality and the self in that body of knowledge than any mainstream religion would ever openly reveal, because understanding that knowledge would put an end to the Dark Occultist/Satanist control system in which ALL religion plays a part.


If you want to know where the world is being controlled from, don't look at London, or New York, or Washington DC. The real control comes out of Rome, Israel, and Mecca. The high-level priest-classes (dark occultists) of each of these religious centers are the ones directing the intelligence agencies and secret societies. Don't think for a second any of them are giving you spiritual truths.


Culture is there to shape your views about yourself and social dynamics; politics is there to shape your beliefs about how society should be structured, regulated and organized to maintain "order;" and religion gives you a false existential worldview of the universe and your place in it. All three teach you that all fundamental and ultimate truth comes from authority via society, government and religion, NOT the individual, nature or reality. It is systemic gaslighting designed to get you to trust external "authority" of what is right and true above your own senses and rationality.


> Michael Tsarion: "Why Were Religions Invented?"


One of the biggest deceptions of religion (especially Christianity) is the ideology of Salvationism, that some holy hero is coming any day now to rescue humanity from its self-imposed suffering. While there was a higher concept of salvation in Gnosticism (borrowed from the Khemetian / Hermetic traditions), this modern-day version was never present in any ancient tradition. It was deliberately injected into religion as a means of control by twisting an allegory about Morality and Freedom into the biggest abdication of personal responsibility to an external "authority." It manipulates people into believing that no Right Action in the world matters because that "authority" is coming any day now to save them. This is incorrect, and was purposely put into religion to keep people docile, apathetic, inactive, and subservient so that evil can run amok unchecked. It's the biggest "stand-down" psy-op of all time. So, people end up saying, "well, it's all supposed to happen this way, there's nothing we can do, we just have to wait for Jesus." Sorry, but nobody is coming. The story of Jesus is allegorical, not historical.


"Every time that you find in our books a tale, the reality of which seems impossible, a story that is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth... and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of spirit." – Rabbi Moses Maimonides


The allegorical story of the "sun/son of God" was purposely twisted into this ideology, that the figure who represented Morality, Freedom and Right Action in the world must be taken literally and worshipped rather than heeding his message and emulating his actions. This salvationist version was not the original meaning of the story, nor is his story unique. You see it in many traditions which is most obvious in the ancient Khemetian tradition of Horus, the solar hero who was "God's son/sun," except the Khemetians understood its true meaning. It's all just allegorical. Once you understand this for what it is, you can see a greater meaning that is beautiful and empowering.


In salvationism – aside from the belief in an external hero – is an element of coercion, that you must believe in a certain ideology or else you will perish. There is nothing spiritual or moral about that. It's fear-mongering. Again, this is a deliberate, false interpretation. It isn't lack of belief in "Jesus as savior" that leads to suffering. What leads to suffering is choosing not to live in harmony with Truth and Morality which is what the Jesus figure allegorically represents. What leads to suffering is not having that Christ Consciousness within you, not doing what's Right, not being a Moral Being. It has nothing at all to do with belief.


The Gnostics who came out of Khemet (Egypt) understood the allegory of the Trinity and the Son/Sun of God because it was the same as Osiris, Isis and Horus. Osiris being the Father Creator (Thought), Isis being the Divine Feminine (Emotion/Spirit), and Horus being the Divine Masculine (Right Action). Horus was represented by the Rising Sun and was called "The Light Of The World" the same as Jesus. The Sun has always been an archetypal symbol for the Light of God, the Divine Wisdom. It gives its light/life to all of Creation so that we may live, and by aligning our behavior with the Divine Truth that it represents are we saved.


When you understand this allegory you understand that we have always been our own saviors, responsible for our own Freedom. That Divine Truth is Natural Law, the Laws of Morality – doing what's Right for all of Creation, not what's subjectively "right" for us individually while not caring about others. We are all connected. In lak'ech. This wisdom was deliberately omitted from what became modern-day Christianity, and the Divine Feminine was conceptually and literally "ghosted" from the Trinity to make this new religion patriarchal and authoritarian so that people would subject themselves before its "authority."


Thus, we have today's "Christianity": not a spiritually empowering philosophy, but a control system that has convinced people they are unworthy "sinners" who are powerless, who must give up all personal responsibility to something outside of themselves (a savior figure); and if they don't adhere to this salvationist dogma they will be punished. Believe unquestioningly or perish. That's fear and coercion, to keep you from genuine truth-discovery, not spiritual enlightenment.


Who did Jesus fight in his story? He fought the tyranny of the religious establishment of his time (the Pharisees and Sadducees), the tyranny of the monetary system and taxation, and the tyranny of the Roman government. He was a True Anarchist teaching people Natural Law and how to be Free. And who murdered him for it? The military and police of his time: the Roman Centurions.


The cult priests and elites (Council of Nicea), on the first day of the Summer Solstice, decided what the new religion was to be, what texts were to be given to the public, and what its god was to be. So they twisted and perverted true spiritual philosophy into the version of Christianity that we know today which encourages obedience to "authority" and the "laws" of men. This was canonized in what book of the bible? Romans. The very people who are responsible for Jesus' murder are telling you that obedience to their rule is "God's will," but no one makes that connection, they just accept it as gospel. Romans 13 was written to keep the people obedient and docile so that they would never challenge the rule of the dark priest class of their time. That's the purpose of all religion.




I recommend looking into the works of Joseph Atwill, D.M. Murdock, Gerald Massey, Jordan Maxwell, and many others. Follow up on their own sources. Explore ancient historical traditions and compare them. You'll see the "greatest story ever told" all over the world, expressed in many ways, long before the time Jesus is said to have lived. I highly suggest checking out the work of Michael Tsarion on esoteric traditions, especially his "Origins & Oracles" video series. I also suggest reading the bible in the most original form you can find. One of the best versions is the Bullinger Bible, because it has an enormous amount of annotations and appendixes that explore what the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts were saying, etymologically.


Mainstream Religion is not the path to Truth. There is far more to the story than most priests, vicars, or rabbis will tell you, and it is far more empowering and spiritually fulfilling. You have to go deeper, beyond the exoteric and into the esoteric. The Truth is occulted, but it is discoverable if you have the desire and the will to find it. It isn't something you believe, it's something you come to know and understand, and then live in accordance with it.


Belief in something outside of us is not what saves us. Belief is not Knowledge of Truth or Right Action in the world. Jesus himself said, "the truth shall set you free." Truth is absolute. Living by that Truth means having your Thoughts, Emotions and Actions in harmony with Natural Law. If you must believe anything, believe in yourself... believe in your capacity for Love, Truth and Courage to do what is Right. Believe in the power of Consciousness. LOVE is the highest expression of it. That IS power. Our ability to heal ourselves (and others) is rooted in it – in our imagination, our awareness, our living thoughts – and it is beyond time and space. All good things that we experience emerge from it. The higher you connect with it the more truth you will see, and you will begin to understand Who You Really Are as a Sovereign Being with creative power.


With that knowledge, however, comes the responsibility of Right Action in the world: to share what you know, to help others begin their own journey, to heal and reconnect the Divine Thread that has been severed within us, to re-awaken the Stellar Man or Stellar Woman in each of us so that we can co-create peace and True Freedom in the world instead of suffering and slavery. That's true Christianity. That's true salvation.


When people discover the truth of cultural religion, many of them become emotionally reactive and think that the direct opposite of religion is the answer. So they turn to atheism and scientism, but these are also religions (limiters of consciousness). Of course, self-proclaimed atheists would deny that they have a religion or that they believe anything at all, but they defend their dogma religiously. To atheists, the only thing that matters is Matter. Everything is simply a random accident, and there is no underlying purpose in the universe, no Creative Intelligence behind any of it. And if it cannot be proven by conventional, government-grant-sponsored "scientific" means, it is outright rejected. They are worshippers at the altar of Scientism, accepting it as the arbiter of truth (i.e. Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, etc). They are in Left-Brain imbalance like cultural religionists are in Right-Brain imbalance. 


This is the purpose of all religion, to keep you locked in an imbalanced mindset and world view, because a mind that is whole-brained – both hemispheres working in unison – has a wider perspective. It has systems-level, holistic thinking and is able to see the larger picture which isn't limited by this-world-is-all-there-is "science" or dogmatic "God controls everything so action is meaningless" religious thought.


Both of these belief systems are examples of severe brain imbalance and dismiss Free Will. Religionists believe we are in a deterministic reality controlled by God, that we are powerless pawns in his grand plan, the Earth is basically Satan's kingdom, and action against evil is ultimately meaningless since it's all pre-ordained.


Atheists believe the universe is just a grand accident, everything is random, there are no spiritual laws in place (therefore, no objective morality), our entire "purpose" is simply to survive, and our genes are ultimately the immutable codes for certain traits and characteristics that are responsible for everything we do, controlling a human being’s behavior like a computer program. When free will is dismissed, then the idea that we have the power to change the course of our lives towards peace and freedom is dismissed. And then that ultimately leads to the creation of control systems.


We are not in a completely deterministic universe nor a completely random one. There is a deterministic component (Natural Law) and a randomness component (Free Will). We have the free will to choose our actions, but we do not have the free will to escape the consequences of those actions. That is governed by Law.


True positive change doesn’t lie in the genetic domain, nor is it just "God’s will." Yes, we have to align ourselves with the Will of Creation, but what’s going to create change is through the epigenetic evolution of humanity which is the evolution in Consciousness. Consciousness is ever seeking to learn and to grow and improve upon itself and become more complexified… and more Moral.


This Truth becomes more apparent in a balanced mind. The Dark Occultists can't have that, and so they've given us these false religions. Atheism vs. Cultural Religion just happens to be the biggest dialectic, but there are still more false choices to become conscious of.


This is another religion that far too many people buy into. Much of New Age thought is Solipsistic, believing that there is no such thing as Objective Truth, that everything is relative/subjective, and we're all just here to observe the world no matter what evil is going on. A Course In Miracles teaches this nonsense. This modality of thought is growing, and this is very dangerous.


Many New Age ideologies don't even accept that there are such things as Good and Evil. Plus, you find a version of salvationism here, as well. You have a ton of New Age communities who believe some ET race or "ascended master" is coming any day now to save us. Again, nothing but a false abdication of personal responsibility to some external "authority" or "savior." It's a means of getting people to remain inactive, to believe that reality itself is all just in your mind for you to observe, to just "follow your bliss," and never take a stand.


Not everything in the New Age is wrong or bad, just as Religion has its valuable insights. The problem is that such truths are enveloped with far more untruths. They put just enough spiritual insight to reel you in, and then trap you with dogma, fear, or emotional placation. It's spiritual pacifism, and pacifism is never the answer.


Yes, even the belief in money is a religion. In fact, it's the most widely-accepted religion. People accept the god Mammon more than the Creator itself, and any enlightened being knows that you cannot walk with God while holding the devil's hand. In Christian terms, that's called "serving two masters."


But what is money, really? Examine the word itself using Green Language.



MON, meaning "one," and EY would be "eye."


The true "One Eye," in occult terms, is Divine Essence, the Light of the Creator, etc, but that has been replaced with this false proxy. That's why the seal on the one-dollar bill is the One Eye. They're trying to sell you on something that you subconsciously know is lacking in your life. And then, in that seal, you have a wall being built up (the trapezoidal brick structure). In Satanism, the trapezoid represents the Soul Trap, and money certainly serves that purpose. The text above it is the Latin phrase Annuit Coeptis meaning "he/she/it favors our work," so there's a great work being referenced. The phrase beneath it is Novus Ordo Seclorum – New World Order.


That entire seal basically symbolizes a world in transition. It's the seal of all masonry, and there are two possible outcomes: the tearing down of the bricks to bring in the Light New World Order of peace and freedom (the Light Great Work), or finishing the pyramid to block that light out and bring in the Dark New World Order of slavery and chaos (the Dark Great Work). The direction we take – Light or Dark – all depends on the consciousness of humanity.


So, what is our true money? What is true currency? Again, examine the word phonetically:



CURRENT-SEA, flow of water, energy; sea of consciousness

CURRENT-SEE, present-moment perception/awareness; being "in the now"


Our true Currency is our Time and Attention. A true energetic exchange happens with what we SPEND our time doing and what we PAY attention to. What we get in return is our true INCOME – what we take into ourselves. What quality of information are we taking in? What quality of food and water are we taking in? Are we taking in the truth? That's what we should truly care about, but we are given this false MON-EY / ONE EYE, a proxy of true spiritual energy. That's what they want us caring about, loving, worshipping. That's why the color of American money is green, because green is the color associated with the Heart Chakra. It's the color of Care.


Where does our "money" go? Into an ACCOUNT... just as the INCOME we receive from what we've given our Time and Attention also goes into account. We are held ACCOUNTABLE for it. And we – as the Universe itself is always trying to do – have to create and maintain a BALANCE. We must have balance between our Thoughts, our Emotions, and our Actions. If what we take into ourselves is garbage because of our lack of True Care, then garbage will also be what we put out into the world.


So, instead of caring about Truth and True Freedom we are given control systems, and the love of money is one of the biggest. We care more about how much money we can get more than we care about each other. How much immoral behavior is done in order to acquire more of it? So many people will refuse to do what is Right when doing so might result in less money. For example, cops choose to enforce immoral "laws" because if they don't they won't get paid. They will say "I have to feed my family," but at what cost to the Rights of others? Like "authority," the belief in money interferes with our exercise of Conscience.




One of the names of the gods worshipped by dark occultists in the ancient past was Baal (or Bel). He was often depicted as a bull, because he represented the sun in Taurus. Baal was worshipped in Ba-byl-on. Regardless of what vowel you use, see how this connects in the world:


Money is called a "bill."

You pay "bills" with "bills."

People will enormous wealth are called "billionaires."

If you're in jail, you have to pay a "bail" for your freedom.

Banks get "bailouts."

On Wall Street, you have the golden bull statue and the Bull Market.

What do we call gold coins? Bullion.


It all connects to Baal, and there are many more examples. None of this Green Language stuff is by accident. The Left-Brained are going to have difficulty accepting this, and that's why the dark occult social engineers try to keep us in that modality of mind, to cut off our intuitive ability, our CURRENT-SEE, to realize greater truths.




Many believe that there is intrinsic value to gold, and call it "real money," but what does the term 'intrinsic' actually mean? For something to have intrinsic value it has to serve a practical purpose in nature. If you can eat it for nutrition, it has intrinsic value. If you can shelter with it, it has intrinsic value. If you can defend yourself with it, it has intrinsic value. Human life itself has intrinsic value. The only value of gold is in technology and computing due to its conductivity. The entire concept of money is nothing more than a construct of the mind; something we've collectively agreed upon as having value, but has no actual intrinsic value in nature because it doesn't exist in nature.


So why do we believe otherwise? Where did this idea come from? It was given to people as a control system (like all the other religions) by the dark occult ruling class which has been active since the dawn of civilization. In the work of Zechariah Sitchin, he talks about beings called ANUNNAKI who came here to mine gold and fused their genes with those of the original earth hominids to create a slave race (called ADAMU) to mine the gold for them. If you consider that theory as a possible origin story, that could explain why we continue to believe that gold has intrinsic value. No one really truly knows what gold is (aside from an immortal metal) or why they believe it to have value, it's just a commonly accepted notion. That needs to be deeply explored.


A world without money would be much simpler, far more elegant, and far more abundant. The idea that we have to pay to exist on it is beyond absurd. All notions of scarcity are illusion. Scarcity equals dependency, and dependency equals control. Money doesn't make the world go round, human beings do. We would have everything we need and more when these systems of control are abandoned. We can contribute our skills, talents, services, goods and more as a community, for the community, voluntarily. It's the philosophy of Ubuntu. 


Ubuntu is not Communism as some people may assume. Communism is a statist ideology that advocates collective ownership (no such thing) and has a centralized "authority" (slavery). It is very anti-abundance, anti-individual, anti-freedom. Ubuntu is a South African ideology focusing on people's individuality and creativity as part of a community, and on their allegiances and relations with each other. It's a voluntaryist society that isn't based on competition but rather on collaboration. Check out Michael Tellinger's work on this.


When the concept of profit and imagined value is removed from our hearts and minds, our consciousness will evolve. Unfortunately, we're not there yet. The majority of people on the planet are still attached to this, so we still have to use "money" as a resource in many cases. We have to eventually move beyond it if we're ever to fully progress and evolve as a species.


We are not observers of reality, we are active participants. We don't create our own individual realities, we co-create reality together as a species through our thoughts, emotions, and actions. What we do here matters, and if we do nothing then all we'll get is suffering. Religion doesn't teach responsibility for one's own freedom and spiritual evolution, it teaches blind belief, submission and obedience. There is nothing spiritual about that. 


True spirituality is not a belief system, it's a way of being in the world. It is understanding your Sovereignty, understanding and living in accordance with the Laws of Nature and Morality, and doing what's Right. It's about having True Care for humanity, not just you and yours. True spirituality is about FREEDOM – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Creator doesn't want us to be slaves to some external "authority" figure and obedient to their arbitrary dictates. It wants us to be Free. Only beings with out-of-control egos who want to control everything want us subjugating ourselves and believing we're powerless. That's not spirituality, that's slavery.


“Freedom of thought is the only guarantee against an infection of people by mass myths, which, in the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into bloody dictatorships.” – Andrei Sakharov


All slavery must end, therefore all false religion must end. It only exists to keep you in a state of ignore-ance. It is the #1 problem in this world because it reinforces all the rest of the immoral behavior and ego-traps (and therefore, reinforces our enslavement) due to our lack of Knowledge.


The word religion does have another meaning, however. Instead of "to tie back from," it can mean "to tie back to" or "to re-unite with." Truth is the true religion that we need to return to, to reunite with, to be bound to. We need to stop buying into false beliefs that do not serve us, and start discovering and Knowing the Truth. No belief necessary.


"There is no religion higher than truth." – Mme. H.P. Blavatsky




With all my talk of religion and belief being a problem you might be thinking to yourself, "well, you obviously believe in God, so... how is that different than all of this?"


Actually, "belief" isn't the right word in this context. I do not have a religion. I don't subscribe to the "Personal God" belief. I certainly don't believe this Force wants us following arbitrary rules dictated by some priest class or text. I understand Creation as being put into effect according to Law, and that there are spiritual consequences to those Laws along with physical consequences. Belief is about accepting something on faith rather than evidence. Belief requires no logical mentation or reasoning to come to objective conclusions about reality. As I've said a thousand times, belief is the enemy of truth. Our brains were designed for reason and truth-discovery, not blind faith.


The Universe and its Laws are blatantly evident of a Creative Intelligence. Whatever you want to call that is up to you; it makes no difference to me. To the atheists, I ask: do you really think all of this randomly sprang out of nothingness into a system of cosmic Order and Law? Is the universe that is always expanding, evolving, and striving to become more and more complex and diverse nothing more than dead clockwork without purpose? Not to my understanding, it isn't. If you tossed up all the components to a computer, would they fall into place? No, and they never would no matter how many times you tried. It takes an intelligence to put things into working order.


You could call this understanding "Simple Deism." It is the balanced world view that far too often goes completely ignored in the dialectical war between Atheism and Religion.




• There is no separation between the Creator and Creation; Spirit and Matter are ONE.


Evidence of the Creator may be scientifically discovered and known through the observable effects of Universal Law. A Law of Creation doesn’t accidentally emerge, an intelligence had to put it there. The observation of these Laws (including Natural Law) is evidence of the Creator. No belief is required.


Neither the physical nor spiritual domains take precedence over the other; in essence, they are one and the same. Again, Spirit and Matter being One.


The Universe is a place of learning and spiritual growth built upon Law for the benefit of ALL. Suffering, chaos, and tyranny are not "normal" or "natural." That isn’t why the Universe was created nor why WE were created. The Creator wants us to evolve in consciousness, not be stagnant and live in self-imposed suffering. That is a false teaching. Life is meant to be experienced.


Natural Law behavioral consequences are in place for our maximum evolutionary progress. They are not here to punish us or control us as man's "laws" are. Natural Law is our guide. If we live in harmony with it we WILL manifest a better world and evolve the way we were meant to.


We see Simple Deism in the Declaration of Independence, contrary to the belief that the Founding Fathers were Christians. They didn’t base anything on religion, but on the understanding of Natural Law:


”When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the LAWS OF NATURE and of NATURE’S GOD entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

  – such entitlement is our birthright as a result of our being born into Creation.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident"

  – in other words, common-sense knowledge, not dogmatic belief.


"Created equal"

  – all equal in our Unalienable Rights under Natural Law. No one has more or less Rights than anyone else. 




The Christian Bible was deliberately edited and compiled by a ruling priest class (Council of Nicea) who had no intention of allowing true spiritual wisdom to spread. They wanted to create a new religion, a new control system that encouraged obedience and subjugation to an external "authority" in order to disarm the people by convincing them they are powerless and unworthy "sinners" who must be "saved." They couldn't have people acknowledging their sovereignty and power.


Again, the Gnostics understood this truth. They knew that salvation was about Higher Consciousness, Morality and Right Action, not externalization of power and responsibility to others. I'm not suggesting that they had all the answers, though, because a lot of their theology was very ascetic (complete denial of the physical self) and leaning towards seeing the physical domain in general as evil; but due to their Khemetian influences, they had a decent grasp on the Hermetic principles of Natural Law. But as with any tradition, there are dark sides, and we can see those negative Gnostic elements resurfacing today such as the transhumanism / VR / metaverse movement which sees the body and the natural world as something to shun and "transcend." That is a very dangerous agenda brought forth by the dark occult.


The important element in true salvation is Consciousness and its connection to the Heart. The Heart-Mind connection is a living language. It has resonance, and that language speaks reality into being. True capital L-O-V-E LOVE isn't an emotion, it's an expansive, resonant, creative force. That force is within all of us. From that Love we come to understand our Power and our Sovereignty as spirit-in-the-flesh beings. When ego is out of the way and we're resonating on that level of higher, present-moment awareness, we can take Right Action in the world and manifest miracles.


To quote the book of Genesis, "and God said let there be light." The sound comes before the form. The "Word of God" has nothing to do with religious dogma or doctrine. It's metaphorical of  Natural Law, especially the principle of Vibration: everything vibrates and resonates. The Universe is "spoken" into existence. That's why True Care must be present within us – in the aggregate – so that we align ourselves with those principles, speak the Truth, and manifest the kind of world we want. That's why this knowledge has been kept from us and replaced with false religion. We are the saviors we've been waiting for, and it's time that we begin to realize and accept that.




While I speak ill of belief regarding truth and knowledge, belief does have a powerful effect in other ways. For example, if we believe we are sick, or fear the possibility of illness, then that acts as a signal to activate genes that will make that a reality. Stress is one of the biggest causes of sickness, not "viruses." That stress comes from the low vibratory state of fear, and that state of consciousness is activating genes to start shutting down your immune system. That's why surgeons give patients stress hormones when replacing their organs, so that the patient's immune system is suppressed and won't reject the new organ. So, when we are told about some new "viral threat" by government, that increases fear which increases stress. The immune system shuts down and then the body can't properly fight off all the environmental toxicity (heavy metals, chemicals, radiation, microwaves, etc) that we're deliberately bombarded with everywhere we go. I suggest looking into the work of Bruce Lipton who explains how our beliefs/perceptions affect our cells and genes.


When you're in the higher vibratory state of Love (or higher consciousness) healing takes place. Surround your being with Love and with the deep heart-mind knowing that you are healed, and the body will respond accordingly. That's what true prayer is; it's surrounding yourself with the answer instead of waiting for one. If you pray for good health to happen then you're acknowledging an absence of it and pushing that healing in the future rather than the present moment. Instead, feel with your whole being that you are already healed. Know it. Train your mind away from doubt so that you have full conscious knowing. Do this exercise daily. You still need to actively take care of yourself through nutrition, but you also have to understand the power of consciousness. This knowledge is kept from us for a reason: to control perception – to control humanity as a whole through dependency on drugs and through erroneous beliefs.

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