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There are two primary methods of influence in the occult world – Magick and Sorcery (or Lesser Magick) – which share the same definition except for one slight difference in terms.


Magick is: the science and art of causing change to occur in accordance with the Will.

Sorcery is: the science and art of causing change to occur in accordance with the will.


While the words are the same, the intent is what differentiates them. For example, teaching Natural Law and sharing knowledge to the world (especially from a distance) in order to cause a positive change can be considered an act of Magick because it aligns with the uppercase-w "Will" of Creation. It's using intentional energy and the voice in the service of truth and humanity as a whole, to uplift human consciousness. On the other hand, Sorcery would be making use of the same knowledge to serve the lowercase-w egoic "will" of selfish desire. Sorcery would utilize the subversive use of imagery, color, symbolism and language to manipulate and control minds such as in mainstream media (news, adverts, entertainment, etc).


"Non-ritual or manipulative magic, sometimes called LESSER MAGIC, consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which when utilized, can create change in accordance with one's will."

– Anton LaVey, 'The Satanic Bible'


In modern vernacular, we think of the term "media" as a means of communicating to a larger population. That's true, but the origin of the word has a particular history. The Latin word "media" itself ultimately derives from the name of an ancient sect of sorcerers called The Medes. In turn, it is the origin of the word "mediate." When an enemy needed to be defeated covertly, a ruler would call upon the Medes to be the "mediators" and deceivers to give them an upper hand. Therefore, you could say that the term "mass media" is nothing more than a euphemism for far-reaching sorcery. The dark occultists are getting the "upper hand" on us, psychologically and emotionally.


In this section, I'm going to show you how this form of manipulation has been done in the last few years during the COVID "pandemic" to program the masses and prepare them for what was to come. Nothing these people do is random or haphazard. It's always orchestrated.


Have you paid close attention to all the adverts, safety signs, social media graphics, and stock photos used in COVID propaganda? You probably haven't unless such tactics are something you're knowledgeable in and aware of. That's okay, most people aren't. Hopefully this encourages you to start doing so. Below are several images that have been used since this "pandemic" began. What common theme do you notice besides the fear-mongering language?


Do you see it? It's the colors: blue and yellow. Regardless of where the graphic came from or who made them, they're all using the same colors. This isn't coincidence, there is deliberate instruction being given to these organizations, companies, schools, and firms to do this. But why? Why use those colors repeatedly in every COVID ad? This is why:

The war between Ukraine and Russia wasn't something that just happened due to tensions between countries, this was an orchestrated, staged event. Nothing these psychopaths do is random. There was never some rogue "virus" suddenly emerging to threaten our health, it was a planned event. It was just one step to ramp up fear in people (especially fear of each other), destroy livelihoods, destroy health and lives through mandated "vaccines" and get everyone to abide by more Rights-infringing control measures. And the use of imagery and blue-and-yellow color was to set us up emotionally to become supportive of Ukraine (Ukrainian government, that is) during this staged war, and even more invested in, supportive of, and dependent on all government due to the stress, fear and devastation that would come from it.


And while we're all distracted and emotionally tense over these "crises," they are pushing forth their agenda to widen control (medical tyranny, increased dependency on technology, centralized digital currency, uniting countries/governments, increasing police/military power, etc). And anyone who speaks out against it is framed as the enemy. It's a classic cult technique. Government is and always has been a mind-control cult serving as the strong-arm of the dark occult priest class.


All of it, ultimately, is a stepwise progression (that's been going on for ages) towards total human enslavement. The use of health pandemics, terrorism, war, mass shootings, and all the other psy-ops are to de-moralize, de-humanize, de-populate, divide, and control. It's no longer conspiracy "theory" when you finally begin to see the patterns, tactics, and methodologies being used.


As an aside, you might have noticed my own use of blue and gold throughout this website. This is also deliberate, for a positive reason. Blue is feminine energy, receptive – of information, truth, knowledge, wisdom. Gold is about intuition, understanding, awakening, and is symbolic of the light of the sun and solar chakra. The negative use of red in the Dark Occult section relates to base chakra, base consciousness/desires and dark energy which is what Satanism is rooted in. You might notice the constant use of red in fast food restaurants. That's intentional. Color has a deep psychological impact on us more than we realize, and these social engineers use it constantly.


But it's not just symbols and colors that are used in subversive programming. It's also wordplay – the use of euphemisms and repetition. The lie has to be repeated over and over and over. Things that people might consider wrong or immoral have to be framed in a different light, under different names, with skewed definitions. It's an age-old tactic that never fails... until we start raising our consciousness to a high enough level to see it. All of this continues to happen because we, as Jiddu Krishnamurti said, have a crisis in consciousness. We let our egos harden, clinging to our belief systems, and refuse to see the hidden truth because we fear the unknown; but ultimately, we fear the personal responsibility that comes with knowing the truth.


As the Jesus figure said: the truth shall make you free. Freedom comes from knowledge. In this case, it's symbol literacy. It's occult literacy. Ignorance of these things can only lead us into more suffering, more slavery, and more chaos. Start using your spiritual currencies of Time and Attention. Spend the time and pay attention to what's going on around you (and within you). That hard-work investment brings you the quality income of truth. That's what having higher consciousness means. 


When you Know, then you can begin saying the word of power: NO.


For a deeper dive into subversive programming, check out Michael Tsarion's work:


The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism In The Media: Part 1 – Part 2

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