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Before we begin delving into the deep waters of esoterica we must put ourselves into a teachable mindset. We have to become receptive to knowledge and be able to consider an idea without immediately accepting or rejecting it. That places us in the perfect position to learn.


When you tell yourself that you have a genuine desire to know the truth on whatever topic it may be, only to outright reject something that you read or hear that seems impossible,"out there," makes you uncomfortable, or contradicts something in your mind, then you've lied to yourself. You're letting personal feelings and beliefs interfere, and that only holds you back.


Many people will say that if they were confronted with information which contradicts their beliefs they'd look into it and find out whether or not it's true; but when that information is actually presented to them they immediately reject it. They will throw away entire datasets because they disagree with one part. They cling to their programmed beliefs (that's the ego at work), and never look further. This isn't always the case, of course, but it's the usual one.


People's idea of truth is too often only what they want it to be, what makes them comfortable, or what aligns with an ideology or belief they already have. They have pre-judged notions of information (often referring to socially accepted or established "facts" as a template by which to judge anything alternative to that information) and extrapolate their own meanings from someone else's words. They hear only what they want to hear. Because of this willful refusal to truly listen, and refusal to even begin the process of genuine discovery, we've taken ourselves into a very dark age.


Much of what we "know" about the world is wrong. We're in a state of negative knowledge. Most of what we've accepted as "truth" needs to be un-learned. We need to come back to a zero point – to become a tabula rasa, so to speak – and re-learn how to learn using the correct methodologies of discovery. Then we can become properly in-formed and then re-formed into a truly conscious being.


The reason humanity is so immoral today is because we're so ill-educated. The word 'education' comes from the Latin Ä“dÅ«co, Ä“dÅ«cere meaning "to lead out of; to raise up from." When we are properly educated we are being led out of darkness (ignorance), and our consciousness is being raised up into the light of knowledge. Unfortunately, we're not a truly educated species in the aggregate sense. We are rejecting knowledge in favor of nonsense. The more we become knowledgeable, truly, the higher the chance we're going to come to understand true objective morality and align ourselves with it.




There are two ways to NOT know something – Nescience and Ignorance:


NESCIENCE is not knowing something because the information just isn't available at all, to anyone. It is impossible to know because it is completely absent from the world. Therefore, nescience is no one's fault. 


IGNORANCE is not knowing something because information that is available and discoverable has been willfully rejected or ignored in favor of personal beliefs. That kind of not-knowing carries blame and can cause harm.


The truth is everywhere. In this modern era, nothing is truly hidden anymore. The knowledge is there, and it's vast, but we are dissuaded from discovering it. As a means of keeping us in that state of ignore-ance, we are given erroneous belief systems and ideologies to trap us in a mental schism, either in an imbalanced Left-Brained mindset (atheism, scientism, etc) or Right-Brained (cultural religion, new age, etc). When you're stuck in one of these modalities you either end up being rigidly skeptical and reject anything that doesn't fit your worldview, or you end up being very naïve and gullible, accepting anything you're told.


While there are exclusively Left-Brained modalities and exclusively Right-Brained ones, most people have this mental schism within one mind, blindly accepting what they're told by people they perceive as "authority," "experts" or religious figures, and rejecting everything else. When someone comes out with information that doesn't fit the widely accepted narrative about reality it is immediately rejected, the messenger is ridiculed and scoffed, and no one dares to look into what the person said, to find out for themselves if the information is true or not. Or you have the "I don't want/need to know that" mentality. That's the ego. The ego never wants to know the truth. It never wants to acknowledge anything outside of its own perceptions. It wants to feel safe and in control.


"Ignorance – the root and stem of all evil." – Plato


Ultimately, the brain is in a state of imbalance. We let one hemisphere of our Neocortex dominate the other instead of thinking holistically and looking at information objectively without pre-judging it. No one can truly learn anything or be taught by anyone when this schism exists.


True learning has been deliberately replaced with belief and memorization. Outcome-based education systems have conditioned us to believe that rotely remembering information makes us "intelligent." Remembering what you've learned is important, but it isn't a mark of intelligence. True Intelligence is two-fold, and it's in the word:


Intelli - Gence


It is the Left-Brain Intellect aspect (logic, reason, analysis, etc) and the Right-Brain Generative aspect (creativity, empathy, intuition, etc) working in unity. There are a lot of intellectual people, but that doesn't mean they're intelligent. 


While Truth is discoverable and knowable, it isn't always out in the open in an exoteric way. You have to learn how to learn and discover the Truth for yourself.  




One of the biggest obstacles of learning is called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This is a cognitive dysfunction in which people wrongly assume that their knowledge is greater or more accurate than one who has done exhaustive research or has had direct experience. This has nothing to do with the "Appeal To Authority" fallacy which is making the assumption that someone with an official title or letters after their name must, by default, be an authority on a subject. This is about knowledge. A lot of "professionals" don't have complete knowledge, they have data that they've taken in by rote or through very limited sources that are only meant to train them in a particular field. Anyone can become deeply knowledgeable on any topic if they do their diligence. Certificates, diplomas and titles don't make you intelligent. Mental discipline, true care, and hard work does.


I began studying religious origins (particularly Christianity) and occult philosophy around the age of 13. I've immersed myself in hundreds of books, documentaries, and various other forms of literature and documentation on those topics. I took all of that information in, filtered out anything that didn't add up, and came to an understanding of it. I have decades of knowledge under my belt, and I'm still learning. I certainly don't know everything, though, and I'm probably wrong about some things even now. The point is, I did the work and I'm still doing it. Truth-discovery is a never-ending journey and I love it.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect is when someone has only ever shaped their views on hearsay, extremely cursory research, religious rhetoric, or personal feelings and proceeds to speak blatantly obvious fallacies, naïve interpretations, incomplete data, and bogus claims. They think because someone (or some thing) they perceive as an "authority" said so, or they've read a few articles or watched a few YouTube videos, that they have everything figured out. It's an egoic overestimation of their knowledge or ability which prevents them from truly learning anything at all. Like the quote in the image above says:


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."


The pursuit of knowledge doesn't have an expiration. It's ongoing. It takes an enormous amount of time, attention and effort to accrue; it takes proper methodologies; and you always update that knowledge when new evidence comes along. To assume you know everything there is to know based on some paltry effort, and then to insult the intelligence of someone who has done that work, is a hallmark trait of an idiot. Don't be the idiot. Become a true student. I'll show you how.




The image below shows the Teachability Index or Bell Curve. It goes from Arrogant all the way to Naïve. If you're at either of these extremes — where you're either rigidly skeptical and refuse to consider anything outside of your current belief system, or you're extremely naïve and gullible and will believe whatever you're told — you're not going to truly learn anything.


True learning takes place when the mind has been alleviated of competing thoughts. In other words, clearing out all the chatter such as focusing on trivialities, nitpicking and trying to find loopholes. That isn’t being present in the moment. It's not truly listening. It's holding onto an idea or belief in your mind while trying to dismiss any information that conflicts with it. This is typically how logical fallacies emerge such as the Straw Man Fallacy.


All of that mental chatter has to be cleared. Meditation techniques can help with this. Then you're simply taking in information. You want to have a healthy amount of skepticism and have discernment filters up, but you also need to have an open-minded willingness to take in and consider a concept or idea without immediately accepting it or rejecting it. Then you run that information through a logical, unbiased filtration process, and come to an understanding of it. Now you've learned from it. If it contradicts what you previously believed is true, you then have to be willing to change your thinking... otherwise, what's the point of learning?


Be honest with yourself. When you hear or read something that seems absurd, ridiculous or uncomfortable, research it. Don't just dismiss it. Use the Trivium Method. The Trivium is the ancient, scientific methodology of truth-discovery that helps you filter out the dross: the logical fallacies and inconsistencies within the information, not what you "feel" or "believe" is false. After you've done that process, what remains is the Truth, or the closest thing to it. Do the process repeatedly. I will go into this more in a later section.




Truth isn't always going to be what you want it to be, and it's not always comfortable to hear. Sometimes it's bizarre. Sometimes it's insulting and can be the hardest thing to hear, but you still have to accept it. The quest for Truth is also arduous. It isn't going to fall into your lap, you have to seek it out. You have to do a LOT of reading, observing, and testing. Humanity has been conditioned to not want to do this. We're encouraged to accept public "experts" and "authorities" as the arbiters of truth. No one is an arbiter of truth, but everyone can discover it for themselves. 


Knowledge, however, is only power when it's applied. That's what Wisdom is – the right action that you take based on what you've come to know and understand. The most important knowledge on Earth has been deliberately kept from the masses to create a power differential. When the world is given erroneous belief systems like Religion, Statism, Scientism and the New Age as a proxy for truth, control of a population is a piece of cake. 


Always be cautious of your sources. Many modern institutions (like the mainstream media or so-called "educational" institutions) seek to control human perceptions by refusing to present certain information and by influencing people to dismiss that information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider. By doing so, they limit what people may come to understand. Then the person is automatically limited in what they're able to do and what they're able to change. So, you have to do your own research, but don't just believe what you read. Use the Trivium.




What does it have to do with learning? If we want to be receptive to truth and create positive change in the world, we need to understand what Human Nature actually is. Many assume that we're either inherently good or inherently evil, that it's "in our nature" to do bad things. Not true at all. To truly understand our nature, we need to consider the operating conditions (our environment) in which human beings exist, because that influences our behavior to a great extent, creating the current human condition.


Basically, the true nature of human beings is that we are capable of being programmed, kind of like a computer. I'm not saying we are computers, but we are similar in that we can be programmed to output a certain mode of behavior. Like a computer, if a human being has a bad "hard drive format" (conditions during a child’s formative years), a bad "operating system" (culture), and bad "software programs" (erroneous, rigid, and dogmatic beliefs), their "output" (behavior) onto the "screen" (life) will also be bad and will contribute to deteriorating conditions on a mass scale. Like a computer, the behavior of a human being will largely depend upon its programming (the quality of the information put into it, which enables it to process and create efficiently).


So, if garbage goes in, garbage comes out. If quality goes in, quality comes out. That is how our nature works. We are programmable… and we are the programmer, as well. We can change the code. That’s where Free Will comes into the picture. We are not at the mercy of our environment, or even our DNA. We can decide what goes into us – through diet, through what we’re going to pay attention to or consider, or take into our mental selves. We are in control of that process. It’s not just something that’s being done to us, nor do our genes determine how we will behave.


What happens when we take in information, good or bad? We develop a personal worldview. If we’re taking in bad information, our worldview is going to be faulty, and then our behavior will be faulty. Unfortunately, this is the majority of people today. We need to heal our worldview. So, how do we do that? We have to learn how to properly solve problems, within and without. In order to fix what’s out there, we have to fix what’s going on within. Quality in, quality out.


So, get into the teachable mindset. Don't let any visceral emotions decide what is or isn't true. That's called Emotional Mind Control. It is a logical fallacy. Our emotions serve the purpose of guiding our moral choices; they cannot determine the veracity of information. 


Do your due diligence with a critical but open mind. Being open to possibility doesn't mean you have to be gullible. Maintain that balance, keep your emotions in check, and you'll find the Truth.

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