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Disclaimer: This is a speculative observation based on the writings of mystery traditions and ancient historical accounts. This is what the Dark Occultists themselves are most likely controlled by (or serve). Do your own research, though, and make up your own mind.


"We form an association of brothers in all points of the globe ... yet there is one unseen that can hardly be felt, yet it weighs on us. Whence comes it? Where is it? No one knows ... or at least no one tells. This association is secret even to us, the veterans of the Secret Societies."Giuseppe Mazzini, Bavarian Illuminati


Above even the Dark Occultists (Satanists, Dark Luciferians, etc) – above the top of the pyramid of control – is the prime force behind the whole global agenda, and it isn't of human origin. Cultures around the world have given it different names. Christianity calls it Satan and the Demons; Islam calls it Iblis and the Djinn; Gnostism calls it Yaldabaoth (or Demiurge) and the Archons; some Native traditions call it Wetiko (mind virus), etc. I would also suggest a connection to what has been called the Nephilim on some level, or their bloodlines (hence "the divine right to rule").


This non-human force has pulled a veil over our eyes with a false sense of reality. Not some artificial simulation as David Icke suggests, but an altered state of perception. Everything it does is to disconnect us from Truth, from Nature, from the Divine. Its prime directive is completely anti-human. Look at all the agendas put forth by government institutions and "authority:"


Allopathic medicine which has never been about improving health, but about controlling it; dependency on treating symptoms while ignoring legitimate causal factors of disease, and is based upon the bogus Germ Theory which suggests that Nature is out to get you ("viruses"); and the only way to be safe is to take man-made drugs and "vaccines."


GMOs and neurotoxic additives to food and water (aspartame, fluoride, MSG, etc)

The anti-CO2 climate change agenda (CO2 is what makes the world green)

Toxifying the environment with chemtrails, radiation (like 5G), microwaves, etc.

The vampirism of the earth (oil is the blood of this planet, not a "fossil fuel")

The meat industry (continuous blood sacrifice)

The rising AI/Smart Device/Smart City agenda (technocratic control)

Encouraging convenience and government dependence through technology (which encourages laziness over personal responsibility and acquiring genuine life skills)

Transhumanism (the merging of tech and biology)

VR / Augmented Reality / Metaverse (pushing consciousness into false reality)

Continuous War (modern human sacrifice)


This force is completely anti-nature and anti-human in everything it does. It wants us completely disconnected from the natural world – to see it as something that needs to be feared, conquered, or shunned – and more and more immersed in the artificial to the point of merging with it.


If this force is anti-human then it cannot, itself, be human. It cannot be in harmony with the force of Evolution, Syntropy and Natural Law. This idea that we are living in a simulation has to be abandoned. Why would they go to all the trouble to destroy our connection with Nature if none of it is real? While reality is holographic (matter as energy in various states of vibration, self-similar across all scales), it is not an artificially simulated alien construct where everything is relative. If nothing is real, then Rights aren't real, Truth isn't real. Simulation theory is basically solipsism on overdrive.


This negative controlling force shouldn't be perceived in any particular religious way because culture negatively influences our perceptions of what this force looks like. It is (or "they" are) ultimately the prison warder, the prime controller, the master director of the whole planetary prison system. It sees Natural Law as its own prison, so it would rather reign in Hell than serve Truth and Love. In order to achieve that goal, it has to convince humanity that Natural Law doesn't exist which it does through religion, moral relativism, ego and erroneous ideology.




If Love / Higher Consciousness serves the force of Evolution (Natural Law), this controller force is in service to Involution (Entropy). It's the adversarial/opposer force. Again, don't religionize it. That's already been done, so connect all the cultural perceptions together and summarize them. They're all referencing something that has been at work against us – a low-vibrational consciousness of some kind that thinks it's the god (or gods) of the planet.


It's the inverter of all that is good and true. That's why anyone serving this force inverts positive symbols. The inverted cross, the black sun, the sauvastika (used by Nazism; the inversion of the positive swastika), and so on. It obfuscates and perverts Truth, as well, which is why we have so many religions, and divisions within religions. That's why we have to raise our consciousness above the illusion, to see the bigger picture, to see the patterns and dots and connect them.












And of course, this dark force is attracted to psychopaths, especially Primary Psychopaths who were born that way. Psychopaths revel in the ego and have no capacity for empathy or love, only control. They're the ones who end up being the biggest names in the game like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Yuval Harari and so on.


This force can be overcome, though, through knowledge – knowledge of the Occult (the secret sciences of consciousness and the cosmos; the Self and the Laws of the Universe). The consciousness of Love vibrates at a higher frequency than Fear, but we're not in that higher state of mind and being as a society just yet. We're still under the spell of the Archons, the Djinn, the Wetiko, whatever you want to call it. We're still in low-vibrational consciousness of ego-identity, moral relativism, mental schism, and spiritual infancy. They've given humanity their mindset, and we have to break free of it.


If you know the Truth you have to speak it. Other people's ignorance becomes our responsibility because that ignorance keeps us in these conditions of slavery, keeps us in the darkness, not the force itself. It cannot create anything, it can only pervert and invert. It can only dissuade, deceive, divide, and hide. We have to rise above it, discover the Truth for ourselves, and activate our Spiritual Power.


Whether you want to call that force alien or demon,  it's there. The details aren't as important as the solution. There could very well be ET involvement on some level as ancient history suggests, and while that's important to know on some level, it's how we overcome it that we need to focus on. 

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