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The ego is the part of the mind that creates one's sense of self or identity. It's what causes us to separate our individuality from everyone else. We commonly associate the word with self-importance like "that person has a huge ego" or "they are very egotistical." That is one aspect of an unchecked ego, but there's more to it than just self-importance. The ego creates attachments to things that reinforce our sense of self, and too often in unhealthy ways. If it's not under control, it will "harden" and we can become attached to roles, traditions, erroneous beliefs and ideologies, and delusions to such a degree that it becomes extremely difficult to break free of them. And when you have a hardened ego your reception to any truth is severely impeded which can lead you away from health and prosperity.




This is probably the biggest obstacle in most people's minds. The ego is in high defense mode. It has attached itself to a belief system or ideology so deeply and cannot be bothered to discover any objective data that might challenge them. It cannot fathom the possibility that it can be fooled and duped. It doesn't want to even consider that as a possibility. It's the "I don't need/want to know that" mindset which is the height of ignorance... of ignore-ance.


When a belief system has its hooks in you so deep that you will fiercely reject and resist any information that might shatter that belief, the Truth has stopped being important to you. All you have is "MY truth" which is solipsism. Solipsism basically says, "what I believe and what I'm comfortable with is what's true." It is the idea that reality is entirely relative and subjective as if you're the only person who exists. No objective truth, no objective morality, only feelings and beliefs. If it makes you feel safe, special or comfortable, it's "your truth," and nothing else matters.


This is a dangerous mindset, and this how the Dark Occult ruling class wants all of us to think. They want us in this post-modern mentality so that we never come to understand what's really going on. That's why they've set up dogmatic belief systems like cultural religion, scientism, statism, the New Age, etc. They want us locked into either a left-brain imbalanced mindset or a right-brain imbalanced mindset. They don't care which one, as long as you're not thinking holistically. When the brain isn't functioning holistically, consciousness shuts down. Then we either have rigid skepticism / rejection of truth or total naïveté / believing whatever we're told. And more often than not, we're in both of these mindsets at the same time. That's how broken we are.


It's the "ME ME ME" mindset, the "I know all I need to know, I've got it all figured out and I don't need learn anything new; what I believe is all the truth I need" kind of mindset. It's the hardened ego that keeps people from ever saying these three words: I WAS WRONGI also hear many people say, "well, if that's true, why don't we know about it?" Good question! But sadly, that question isn't asked honestly, but as a means of dismissing something.

When consciousness is shut down like that – where you can't be bothered to put in the effort to discover reality for yourself or you're being told "all that is nonsense or evil so don't look into it" – control of a population is a piece of cake. A differential in knowledge creates a differential in power. Keep the people ensconced in belief and resistant to anything outside of it (especially occult knowledge), and you have them.


People in this hardened ego mindset never bother to read tomes of knowledge, and never go down research rabbit-holes. And if they do, they certainly don't use the proper methodologies like the Trivium to help them discern truth from falsehood. They cling to belief systems that are rigid and dogmatic, and have extremely myopic world views. They've bought into the mainstream narratives and psy-ops and think they're intelligent and informed when they're far from it. This is the majority of humanity, unfortunately. Get as offended as you like by that, it's still the truth. We are deeply entrenched in ego with our minds divided into a schism of falsities. Many of these people are very intellectual, sure, but that isn't the same thing as intelligence. Intelligence is holistic thinking, the intellect side of the brain (logical, analytical, etc) and the creative/generative side of the brain (heuristic thinking, imagination, compassion, etc). Hence INTELLI and GENCE.


The work that needs to be done to overcome this schism is called Shadow Work. It's sitting by yourself in silence – turning off the mental chatter – and facing yourself, confronting trauma, examining what you believe, going over everything logically and objectively, looking at the bigger picture, acknowledging all of the dark aspects of your thoughts, feelings and actions, being willing and able to admit when you're wrong, and then change. It's the destructive process that needs to take place in order to become truly Free within – free of false beliefs and free of the chains of the calcified ego. This is why the maxim of this website is FREEDOM BEGINS WITHIN. If you're still enslaved by ego and all of the erroneous beliefs that it feeds on then you CANNOT manifest Freedom in the world. It's impossible. As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without. 


If you're still clinging to any cultural religious belief and haven't done any deep examination of it to discover its actual origins and purpose, you're still in a mind cage. If you're still clinging to some other rigid and dogmatic belief system like Atheism/Scientism which completely dismisses spirituality and Natural Law, you're still in a mind cage. If you believe that everything is relative and subjective, you're still in a mind cage. If you believe in the moral legitimacy of "authority" and "government," you're still in a mind cage.



The Ego-Identity trap is something else we have to overcome which is the obsessive self-identification with the physical body whether it be race, gender, sexuality, social status, profession, and so on. That's why ego-identity is a huge part of our society and why more and more labels are created that further divide us.


We are consciousness. We are spiritual beings. We came into this physical realm to experience, learn, evolve and – especially in this time period – to change things. We completely lose sight of that when we start identifying Who We Are as just white, black, straight, gay, doctor, lawyer, and so on. These are only experiences and ego-expressions of the physical vessel. They are roles that we are playing out on this physical world stage. They do not wholly define us. We are far more than that. The body is just our vehicle. When you get into your car do you suddenly identify as a car? You want to take care of it, keep it clean and in good condition, but you don't identify as the car. The same goes for the body. 


This ego-identity trap is rooted in the Satanic tenet of Social Darwinism. While there are agendas being played out that single out specific groups, the dark occult social engineers are well aware of this. They use social engineering to create more ego-identity obsession and division. They want us enthralled in this manufactured conflict to keep our attention away from them, to erode the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine principles, to keep us disconnected from our true spiritual selves, and to make our total enslavement easier to accomplish.


They especially love creating tension and imbalance between race and gender. Racial "superiority" is a popular one. There is certainly no such thing as one "race" being superior to another. This is ego-identity gone out of control. If you buy into that, you're being played. Again, the Dark Occultists want us in deep identification with those things so that we never realize just how connected we are, spiritually and karmically. They want us in smaller and smaller bubbles of illusion and delusion. They want us in their own egoic mindset on a lower level, because a person who is ruled by ego is far easier to manipulate. They want us enthralled in the "white vs. black," "gay vs. straight," "trans vs. cis," and "Christian vs. Jew" types of narratives. The more they can divide us, the easier they can control us.




One of the biggest agendas right now is an extension of the Eugenics agenda called Epi-Eugenics (or more accurately: epi-dysgenics). This is a method of mind control to get the masses to cull themselves, and we see this in Neo-Feminism and the sudden and rampant rise of Transgenderism.


The overall epi-eugenics agenda is about controlling which characteristics are expressed in society and which should be "bred out" of the gene pool. They want to create people with imbalanced traits and characteristics through the manipulation of biology and consciousness to change human physiology for the worse.


Early Classical Feminism was about equality for both genders in natural human Rights, but this new variant has pushed additional "rights" for women over men; to equate genders in all aspects, not just Rights; and that a matriarchy should replace a perceived "patriarchy." We do not have a patriarchy, we have an occultocracy; specifically a technocratic occultocracy.


One of the goals of this neo-feminist agenda is to generate a particular emotional response in women: to dismiss, shun and demonize men who express anger – especially righteous anger – and call it "toxic masculinity." Petty anger or violent rage is certainly unhealthy and should be healed, but righteous indignation is lumped in with it as equally "toxic." The long-term goal is ultimately to purge anger and weaken both genders to such an extent that it becomes easier for the entrenched ruling class to subjugate men and women under their worldwide system of totalitarian control.




And then we have transgenderism. Identifying as the opposite gender (or imagined "genders") is basically the result of a person giving into their "dysphoria" and feelings rather than doing any deep, internal, psychological work to heal whatever trauma, imbalance, or social programming that led to those feelings. They aren't truly examining the root causal factors of WHY they feel that way. This sense of dysphoria often derives from unconscious, deep-seated self-loathing which connects to some form of past trauma (which the person may not even recognize as traumatic). While there are anomalous developmental and chromosomal conditions like Intersexism, this goes beyond that. It's taking gender into the realm of fantasy, delusion, and even perversion in some cases. 


Trans identity, in and of itself, doesn't make a person immoral, however. A person isn't bad or evil for identifying as a different gender. Your mind and body in this realm are your property, and as an adult you can do whatever you want with them as long as you're not causing harm. Your behavior towards others is what determines your moral status. If you're not harming others, coercing others, infringing on their rights, or violating their property, do as you will. I personally couldn't care less how someone wants to identify. All that matters is whether you're a good person or not. Do you know Truth? Do you know what Rights are? Do you know what true Freedom is? Do you have and exercise Conscience? Are you teaching others about Natural Law? If so, you're good in my book.


What's immoral is the destruction of the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine through this epi-dysgenic mind control, such as equating a person's biological sex with their sense of identity. They are not the same thing. Identifying as female doesn't make you biologically female. Identifying as male doesn't make you biologically male. Changing your body through chemicals and surgery doesn't make it so, either. You are what you are in nature, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to embrace an identity contrary to that, by all means, do so, but don't delude yourself. And certainly, don't make that the totality of who you are. 


The Sacred Masculine and Feminine is within all of us. They are to be in balance, in unison with each other. It's the spiritual androgyne. The trans agenda perverts this by making it about biological sex and identity. It's externalizing a spiritual concept (which is a common control tactic).


Think about this: if a true, courageous, and strong biological female – who is not conditioned and mind-controlled by neo-feminism – stays within their feminine energy, yet balance and incorporate the principle of self-defense and defense of truth, they're beautifully incorporating that Sacred Masculine dynamic into their mental gender. The same goes for the courageous, strong, and unconditioned biological male who stays within their masculine energy while incorporating the Sacred Feminine principle of True Care. That dynamic interplay is going to create the best people, the strongest people; the people who are going to be complimenting each other, cooperating with each other, and most of all, defeating tyranny together.


The social engineers don't want that. They want the deliberate perpetuation and inculcation of this neo-feminist ideology into society to cause harm, to break down that dynamic as early as possible, which is why they especially focus on children and teens. And there are adults who are pushing it onto their children (and other people's children) because they have also fallen prey to this overarching dark occult epi-eugenics agenda. And it's not exclusively about gender-identity. This agenda has the following goals:


1) To create confusion, self-deceit, and self-mutilation

2) To further reinforce obsessive identification with the body (as if that's all we are)

3) To sexualize children, especially in their formative years, through incremental exposure to sexual themes and imagery; and to ease in the acceptance of child grooming/pedophilia

4) To androgynize humanity (complete eradication of "male" and "female" altogether)

5) To sterilize newer generations through "puberty blockers" and "hormone therapy"

6) To wage war against testosterone


When the very vital chemical testosterone is suppressed, it eradicates the Sacred Masculine (Courage, Will-Power, Righteous Indignation and Right Action), and ultimately makes people easier to control. Low testosterone in either gender ultimately destroys vitality and normal human sex drive, and acts as a means of population control. So, it's not just about men. Women require testosterone, as well, although in smaller amounts. If lacking in this, women become overly-feminized, depressed, weaker in overall strength and vitality, and their sex drive is often completely destroyed. If they have too much, as with "trans men," it can cause just as many problems.


The dark occult is not only trying to disconnect us from objective reality, they are trying to create what they call "The New Man" or "The New Human" – in other words, the perfect slave – people who have no internal sense of the Sacred Masculine or Sacred Feminine; who will never get angry, never procreate naturally, never defend themselves, and never rebel against their own slavery. There actually are some trans-identified people who understand this, who are awake to what's going on and are against it, but the majority are still entranced by the agenda.


What we should be doing is trying to REACH those people; to educate them, and help them begin the healing process. I'm not saying that's easy to do, because it's not. But if we don't try we might as well be complicit in the agenda. This is about Agapé Love. You don't heal through hate. If we don't care for the freedom of all human beings then we don't truly care about our own, because our freedom is connected to everyone else's. We cannot be the "MY freedom, MY needs, MY will be done, screw you" movement. That isn't freedom, that's Satanism. A Higher, Universal Love is required. We have to be a beacon of love, light and truth. 


But again, we need to differentiate between the agenda and individual choice. If a grown adult wants to live their lives as the opposite sex and they are not harming anyone or coercing anyone into their lifestyle, then that's their free-will choice. All we can do is share knowledge and be available as mentors and teachers. We do not have the "right" to impose upon their lives with violence. Morality still stands true regardless of how we feel about it. The agenda is another story. The agenda is violence, and it absolutely needs to be addressed and ended.




Getting back to the core concept: I'm not demonizing the ego as a whole, because it serves a purpose. Again, without the ego we wouldn't be able to differentiate our individuality from others. The ego allows you to be able to consume food and water with your own mouth instead of putting it into someone else's. It's there to help you survive in this physical domain. The problem is when we let it take control of the wheel.


I'm also not demonizing identity as a whole. The problem is when we confuse ego-identity with Who We Are as sovereign, spiritual beings; when we think that part of our human experience is the totality of who we are; and then we allow hostile divisions to develop over our differences, imposing our will onto others, becoming disconnected from our True Selves and from each other. That's what these social agendas are all about. They don't care about anyone's lives besides their own. They only care about putting you in a mental prison; to cut you off from higher consciousness, from the Divine, and from other people so that you remain in an ego-trap mentality that can be manipulated and controlled. Distract, Deceive, Confuse, Control. Divide and Rule.


And that's also why we have all of our belief systems. Any belief that holds you back from Truth-discovery and holds back the evolution of human consciousness is a false religion whether it be cultural religion, culture itself, atheism, solipsism, statism, etc. They are limiters of consciousness. 


If a belief system is in the realm of the Exoteric (given to the masses to accept and believe) then you're not getting to the Truth of anything. This is on purpose. There is still a much bigger picture, and you're miles away from the bull's eye of Truth. What we think we know about reality is only a fraction of a fraction of what actually is. But as long as your ego is in the way and you're still clinging fiercely and desperately to some physical identity or some mainstream belief system, you're not going to get to it.




The Dominant Ego also keeps you in the mindset of Self-Preservation (above all else, the highest goal). It's the "MY freedom, MY comforts, MY safety, me and my own only, screw everyone else" mindset which is the opposite of True Care (Agapé Love). Freedom is not wholly an individual thing, we are ALL connected. This is the Law Of One. If one is not free, none are free. If one is suffering, ALL are suffering. Concern for the Freedom of all of humanity is vital to your own Freedom. To make it all about you and your immediate family/friends only, without that True Care, is a Satanic way of thinking.


Remember – the Ego is the playground of Satanism and Dark Occultism. It is the very first tenet of Satanic ideology. They want us ensorcelled by it so that we never raise our consciousness, never come to understand our Sovereignty as Spiritual Beings, never understand our interconnectedness, and never discover the occulted knowledge that reveals the truths that will bring their control system crashing down. As long as we stay in that state of being, that power differential will remain and only grow bigger and more powerful.


So, this is the shadow work you need to do:  


1) IDENTIFY – Acknowledge the trauma, the lies you tell yourself, the erroneous beliefs, and whatever else that is holding you back.


2) CONFRONT – Face every single one of them with all of your willpower, with total honesty, and be willing to admit to yourself and all of Creation:"I WAS WRONG."


3) TRANSMUTE – Evolve the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you act. Those three expressions of consciousness must be in harmony with each other. Above all, STOP LYING TO YOURSELF and start taking Right Action in the world, speak the truth that you've discovered, and help others begin this process themselves.


Again, this isn't an easy process. It's the hardest work you can do. It's painful, destructive work, but it has to be done. It's the alchemical process of breaking down the False Self, dissolving the hardened black shell to reveal the Philosopher's Stone. This is required before anyone can truly begin the One Great Work. If you're not doing it then you are still part of the problem. 


“Above all, do not lie to yourself. A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

– Carl Jung

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