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Most people still do not understand what "Anarchy" is or truly means. Do a word association survey in your city and ask people what word comes to mind when they hear the word "anarchy." 99% of the time people will say "chaos,""mayhem," "disorder," or "unruliness." Most dictionaries even define it this way. That is NOT what Anarchy is or means, and never has. This is a deliberate obfuscation, not the true definition. 



from the Greek prefix an- meaning "without; away from;"

and the Greek noun archon meaning "ruler; master."


Put those terms together and you get "WITHOUT RULERS or WITHOUT MASTERS." Not without rules. In an Anarchist society, there will always be rules, and those rules are built into Nature. If you do a similar survey to the one above and ask people what comes to mind when you say "no masters, no rulers, no slaves" – what Anarchy means – do you know what they'll say? Freedom.


The obfuscation of "anarchy" is to get you to associate true Freedom with chaos, and government control with Freedom. When something like this is repeated over and over and over, it sticks. If you told a toddler that a water bottle is called a spoon, and you said it over and over for weeks and months, the toddler would start calling it a spoon, too. This form of mind control is used on us constantly to get us to connect false meanings to words and concepts that the dark occult social engineers don't want us understanding or acting upon.


The correct definition of Anarchy is this:


Anarchy is a state of existence in which individuals are NOT RULED OR ENSLAVED by others, and are FREE to exercise their Natural Rights unrestrained by Violence, Duress, or Coercion.


This state can ONLY be created and maintained via behavioral alignment to Objective Morality through a deep understanding of Natural Law.


Groups like ANTIFA are NOT Anarchists despite claiming that title. What they actually are are Communists and Marxists. The only authority they're against is the authority they're not wielding themselves. They tend to believe that their version of the state, after given total control of all resources and infrastructure, will eventually dissolve itself. This is absurdity. Groups like these are created for the very purpose of causing confusion and obfuscation of what Anarchy really is.


Anarchy is what Creation intended. It means NO SLAVERY. It means SOVEREIGNTY. It means FREEDOM. It isn't a belief system or a political position, it's the natural state of being. It's about voluntary interaction, cooperation, community, morality and personal responsibility. It is life being lived as a Sovereign Being – in charge of your own life, not trying to dominate others or be dominated by others – bound only by the Laws of Creation. The belief in "authority" and "government" is what creates chaos, not anarchy.


When people are not living in harmony with Natural Law (not understanding the objective difference between Right and Wrong behavior, and therefore not behaving morally) it's because they are placing man's whims and decrees (AKA "laws") above Conscience, above the Laws of Morality, and placing the people they perceive as "authority" above moral culpability. So they excuse and justify immoral behavior in the name of "the greater good."  


If you're not holding every single human being to the same objective moral standard as you would your neighbor or a thug on the street (in other words, people that you don't perceive as "authority") then you'll end up allowing evil to run amok unchecked. And that's what we're doing.  


So, the obfuscation of the word Anarchy – along with convincing you that the only way for order and justice is to have a ruling class ("kingship," "government," etc) – is deliberate confusion to deter you from ever realizing the truth of your Sovereignty.  


People who say "anarchy won't work because there will always be someone who wants to take over" are failing to understand what the key component is to having a truly anarchist society: the abandonment of the belief in "authority." If the majority of a society understands that there is no such thing as "authority" vested in human beings to rule and command, that it is completely immoral and illegitimate, then it is impossible for anyone to take over.


Not all hierarchies are bad. Hierarchies like businesses are morally valid because they are 100% voluntary. The owner of the business doesn't rule or claim ownership over their employees. The employee can end that relationship anytime they choose without coercion or threats of violence. Anarchy doesn't oppose such hierarchical systems. Government, however, is not voluntary, it is endless duress of which you cannot individually opt out. To be under duress is called slavery.


In an anarchical society where everyone knows their Rights, the psychopath who thinks they're a god with a "right" to rule would only be seen for what he is and held to the same objective moral standard as anyone else. A society cannot be ruled when everyone knows their sovereignty. Right now, that isn't the case, and that's why we're in a state of slavery. That's what government is, and what it has always been.


There is no such thing as "consent of the governed." There is either consent or governance. You cannot be both free and ruled at the same time.




Again, one of the biggest reasons why many resist the concept of Anarchy is that they are terrified of the world becoming chaotic (as if it already isn't). While Anarchy doesn't mean "chaos," there is always that possibility. Chaos shouldn't be seen as something to be feared, though. It should be viewed as a teacher. A harsh teacher, but a teacher, nonetheless. It teaches us, through the apophatic process, what not to do.


What is pictured above is obviously a very bad idea. You probably shouldn't do that if you don't want to burn your hand. If you don't care about burning your skin to the point of blistering then go for it. If you do not want to get burned then there are requirements for obtaining that condition. You can't keep your hand on something that is extremely hot or Natural Law will take over and burn your hand.


In our current human condition, sadly, it seems a lot of people are saying "No, I WANT to put my hand on the burner while it's on and NOT be burned!" Well, it doesn't work that way. If you don't want to be burned you can't keep your hand on the hot stove. If you don't want self-inflicted suffering and chaos in your life, you have to align your behavior to Natural Law. You've got to know the objective difference between Right and Wrong behavior and, through your free-will choice, deliberately choose Right Action over Wrong Action. Only then will you not get burned.


True Freedom means infinite possibility, and that includes the possibility of chaos. This possibility must be embraced without fear if we are to be truly free. For real freedom to exist we have to accept that in the physical world there are risks and possible dangers. There will always be the possibility of something unexpected happening, something going wrong, someone getting hurt, etc. But if you're living in a state of fear then you're living in a very low state of consciousness.

Fear ultimately leads to chaos. The fear of chaos itself can only get you more chaos. The fear of the possibility of chaos is, ultimately, the fear of true freedom.


This can be symbolically seen as the "death" of the imagination. Imagination is the ability of the human mind to envision a different state or condition than the one we already have. It must be present in order to create a different state than the one we're currently experiencing. If the imagination is stifled or destroyed, creating any positive change in the world becomes impossible.

​Through the fear of the possibility of chaos, most people continue to advocate the legitimacy and continuance of "authority" and "government" which is actually advocating the legitimacy and continuance of violence and slavery. Those who believe that "authority" is necessary and must continue have been duped into believing that human slavery is necessary and must continue in order to prevent chaos... but violence and slavery cannot prevent chaos, they ARE chaos.




Either someone else claims ownership and "authority" over you, decides how free you can be according to their own whims, preferences, decrees, and "laws," and threatens you with fines, kidnapping or violence if you disobey – OR – you own yourself and the product of your own labor, enjoying your natural and inherent liberty as a sovereign being in a stateless society, living only in accordance with the Non-Aggression and Self-Defense Principles and the self-evident Laws of Nature. The former scenario is called Statism (or Slavery). The latter scenario is called Anarchy (or Freedom). Which is the moral choice? Which is most appealing? You have to choose one or the other, because you can't have it both ways.


Anarchy is not a utopian ideal, because there is no such thing as perfection in this world. There will always be people who do bad things. Not everyone is going to be kind, compassionate and good all the time. Anarchy is simply the understanding that no one can own or rule over others. And that understanding comes from the definitive understanding of Objective Morality.


Know your Rights, live, and let live. Don't aggress against others, and don't tolerate aggression from others. Don't steal from others, and don't tolerate theft from others. Don't use coercion upon others, and don't tolerate it from others. Don't enslave others, and don't tolerate anyone trying to enslave you. Most people can abide by this. Those who choose not to will face the natural consequences that come with wrong behavior.


Morality doesn't come from governments or documents, it's a Law of Nature. If we can come to understand this as a society, and abandon the false belief in "authority," we will see human progress and evolution on a scale never before seen in history.


"What Anarchy Isn't" by Larken Rose


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