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Many people often have a hard time explaining what consciousness is or give overly mystified meanings for it; or they equate it with brain chemistry alone. There are physiological expressions for consciousness in the physical domain, and the brain is one of them, but it isn't the source. The brain should be considered as a conduit for consciousness. It isn't a localized, chemical phenomenon. It is an intangible and invisible force, so to speak, but not in some hyper-mystical way.


We each have our own individual awareness of things, but consciousness is more than just being sentient. There are different levels to it. Animals have their own levels of consciousness, obviously lower than humans. But even within humanity there are different levels. Some are higher, some are lower. We all start at a low point, and then we are "raised" (if we have truly conscious parents). Unfortunately, most of us do not have conscious parents, so there are a lot of low-consciousness people in the world who end up falling prey to false belief systems like moral relativism, statism, solipsism, and so on.


The heart is also very important (we'll get to that in the PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL LAW section). It has an even bigger electromagnetic field than the brain. What all of our false belief systems do is prevent the activation of the heart. Not only do they prevent real knowledge from manifesting within us, they prevent True Care and create apathy, inaction, laziness, and cowardice so that we don’t actually take action based on what we’ve come to know. Beliefs shut consciousness down.


While the heart is an important thing to understand, we first need to understand the basics of consciousness to understand the types of imbalances that go on within us that lead to the debilitating conditions and false beliefs within humanity. We need to de-mystify the word and stop trying to make it more complicated than it is. Consciousness, in simple terms, is: 


the ability of any being to recognize patterns and meaning with respect to events taking place within oneself (the Microcosm) and in the world at large (the Macrocosm).


And the events that are taking place is the Truth. So, in the most simplest of terms, it’s our ability to accurately perceive Truth of what has happened and what is happening. That’s what having consciousness means. We have our own individual expressions of it, but it also connects to a larger, expansive field of awareness. As an individual's consciousness raises, the consciousness of the whole raises.


The higher your consciousness, the more aware and receptive you are to truth, within and without. The lower it is, the more you're susceptible to ignorance, fear, control, ego, etc. Unfortunately, most of humanity is in very low consciousness. We have to remedy that.



There’s a difference between what it is and how it expresses in our life. What are the ways that we make ourselves known to any other being? There are three ways: Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions. Your speech is a form of action, as well, because it derives from our thoughts and emotions.


Thought can be seen as the Creative Force, the expression for Consciousness within the individual. It’s a neutral force. You wouldn't look at your thoughts as being masculine or feminine, but simply as creative forces. In order for anything to manifest in the physical domain it had to first exist as a thought. Everything that exists had to first exist in the realm of Thought. Then it comes into physical manifestation through Action.   


Your Emotions are a polarized component. They are a Feminine aspect of Consciousness because other people don’t feel your emotions. They could perceive or sense them, but you’re the one who’s feeling the emotions in your physiology. It’s an internal expression. So, the Emotions in the Mind-Spirit-Body connection are the Spirit in which we do something.   


Then there’s a marriage between Thought and Emotion – the Creative Essence blends or merges with the Feminine. This is a notion that has been taught in many different traditions through what is called the Trinity: a Father Creator figure and a Sacred Feminine figure that the Father impregnates; and then from that union is the offspring which, in every tradition, is a Male Child. The Male Child represents Behavior. It is the Active or Masculine Principle that interacts with the physical world to change it. That's what the Trinity has always allegorically represented. The "savior" is our own Right Action in the world. It is the only way to save ourselves. 

People in religious thinking will immediately attack this and say that saving ourselves will only come through faith. Not faith in the sense of taking creative risk, but faith in the sense of passive blind belief. That kind of faith will not do anything good for you. Saving ourselves will only come through ACTION. Faith is an egoic attachment that people have due to religious notions, and those religions are created by the control system to keep humanity's evolution in a condition of stagnation.


I’m not saying there aren't any valuable concepts in religion, however. We should take all the good concepts from all different kinds of traditions and philosophies and reject the nonsense. This is called Syncretism. Again, one of the nonsense things is that you need to believe in something to be saved from the current human condition. You don’t need to believe in a thing. You need to KNOW the Truth and act on it – Right Action. That's what True Wisdom is. 


What is the one prescription that the Jesus figure gives to the people when he is asked about Freedom? They ask, “what will save us? what will make us free?” Jesus then says, 




Not belief, not faith – truth. Religion is what tells people "all you have to do is believe and then you'll be saved from suffering," but that is not how it works. That's deception. Beliefs are irrelevant. Knowledge must be aggregated and understood, and then Right Action must be taken. As the saying goes, "God helps those who help themselves." That's all about action.


"Well, Jesus did say to believe in him!"


Hopefully, you'll come to understand his story as allegorical of Truth itself, not as literal history. Let's examine this scripture:


"And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world." – John 11: 26-27 (KJV)


This is about living in harmony with Truth, not dogmatic belief. The eternal, immutable and objective Truth of Creation IS the Way, it IS the Life.


The woman says "I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God."


The word 'christ' means 'good, virtuous, moral.' She recognizes the Truth of Morality. The Son is the Masculine aspect – Right, Moral Action. This also correlates to the sun, the light of the world. The sun (symbolic of truth and wisdom in many traditions) gives its light/life so that we may live. It is the Light of Truth "which should come into the world." Ultimately, she is saying, "I acknowledge the Truth, and the Truth should also be acknowledged by all."


Again... the expressions for Consciousness are Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions which are likened to Mind, Spirit, and Body. A Father Creator (thoughts, mind), the Feminine Essence (emotions, spirit), and then they unify. When you bring these aspects into harmony with Truth you create peace, prosperity and freedom through Right Action in the world.


This is very important to understand. This is our Internal Trinity, and it must be in balance if we are to create the kind of change in the world that we want to see.

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