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"There is a law that man should love his neighbor as himself. In a few hundred years it should be as natural to mankind as breathing, or the upright gait. But if he does not learn it, he must perish." 

Alfred Adler, Austrian Psychologist


"A free people claim their Rights as derived from the Laws of Nature, and not as the gift of their magistrates."  

– Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the U.S.A.


"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule."  

– John Locke, English philosopher


First, let's define the terms "Natural" and "Law." The word Natural essentially means "having a basis in Nature, Reality and Truth; not made or caused by mankind." The word Law means "An existing condition in the universe which is binding and immutable."


We are part of Nature, and every physical Law in effect – gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, etc – governs the 3D world. No one can change them, and they apply at all times, all places, eternally. However, those aren't the only Laws at work. There are occult (hidden or unseen) Laws in effect, as well, which govern human beings (or any other intelligent being in the universe). Those hidden Spiritual Laws are what we're calling Natural Law.


Natural Law can then be defined as


a set of universal, eternal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions that govern the behavioral consequences of beings with free will and the capacity for holistic intelligence.


Let's break that down:


Universalexisting everywhere in the universe

Eternal existing in all time, forward and backward

Non-man-madenot a construct of human thought, not created by human beings

Bindingthere is nowhere in this universe you can go to escape these conditions

Immutable there is nothing anyone can do to change it


Natural Law, in simple terms, can mean "whatever you do comes back to you," or "you shall reap what you sow." It has been known as many different things in history such as Universal Law, Cosmic Law, Karmic Law, God's Law, Consequentialism, the Law of Cause And Effect, and The Golden Rule.


Natural Law, as a science, is made up of seven overarching Principles:


I. Mentalism

II. Correspondence

III. Vibration

IV. Polarity

V. Rhythm

VI. Cause and Effect

VII. Gender


Every Principle is always in effect and they work flawlessly 100% of the time. No belief required. It is the Cause and Effect aspect that is mostly attributed to humans when I'm referencing Natural Law on this website.




Natural Law is not conjecture or belief. It is capable of being discovered, understood, and harmonized with unlike religion which suppresses (and often shuns) the desire for knowledge. Religion asks you to believe, accept as is, and act upon without question. Is that really what the Creator of the Universe wants from us? Mindless servitude and blind faith? Absolutely not.


The God of Creation isn't going to torture us with the unknowability of how reality operates, but it takes work and effort to make that discovery. The God of Creation doesn't want weakling, lazy people sitting around all day doing nothing, living on their knees. It wants willful, driven, competent, intelligent, caring and courageous people that go out and search for what is true and right until they discover it and know it all the way through their entire being. 


Just as Freedom requires vigilance, so does Truth. Even though it is my duty to share knowledge and explain what Natural Law is, you still have to figure it out on your own, through your own dedicated journey. Then you go out and teach it to others and help them begin that same journey.




How we think (based on the information we've either taken in or ignored) and feel (about what we know or believe we know) determines how we act in the world. Therefore, as a species, we manifest the reality around us. Just look at the world today. Is the majority of humanity living in harmony with Natural Law? Are we a moral species experiencing the condition of Freedom? I'd say not.


Natural Law applies whether or not you believe it, understand it, or accept it. Like gravity, your belief in it is completely irrelevant. Gravity doesn't care whether or not you understand or accept it. If you jump off a cliff believing that you can fly, you'll still fall to your death. The principles of Natural Law work the same way. They are boundary conditions that exist in the entire universe. While you have the Free Will choice to ignore it, you cannot escape the consequences of doing so.


To think that the Laws of Creation govern everything down to every subatomic particle while rejecting that this Natural Higher Power / Force has no governing effect on human behavior is the height of Satanic ego and human hubris. It’s madness and it’s folly. So we (aggregate humanity) need to discover, understand, accept, and live in harmony with Natural Law. When we do that, Freedom and Order will begin to manifest in the world organically.


It sounds ridiculously simple, right? It is that simple. The process of getting to that understanding, however, isn't. People want to cling to belief systems. They have egoic attachments they don't want to let go of. Some believe there has to be some complicated new thing they can do that will solve the world's problems, but that's not the solution. The solution is to STOP doing the things we're doing that are immoral; to STOP doing the things that we have NO right to continue to do. THAT's the solution. No one wants to hear that, though. Why? Because it places the responsibility on their shoulders, and no one wants to say they're wrong and actually change their mindset and behaviors. And so nothing changes. We keep getting more of the same.


Natural Law – again, whether you want to accept it or not accept it – is real. It cannot be proven just by reading about it, though. It has to be observed. It is a Science. The Laws of Morality are discoverable and knowable. We are able to discover their operation through observation and study, and we are able to understand how they work over periods of time. It requires taking a long view of human history to understand the consequential results that we receive as a species. If we don't figure that out, history will repeat once again; and the consequences will get worse and worse.




Natural Law does not apply to the animal kingdom. It applies to human beings because we have a higher complexity of thought and logic and are able to reason out which behaviors are moral or immoral (and WHY they're moral or immoral). Again, human beings have the capacity for holistic intelligence. That means there's no excuse for our ignorance and wrong behavior. We are not constrained by instinct. We are free to choose any behavior which can go in any direction. But we are NOT free to escape the consequences of the behaviors that we choose to take in this reality. That is governed by Law. There is nothing we can do that can take these Laws out of effect


These Laws are not here to control us as man's "laws" are, they are here to teach us and guide us in creating balance, harmony and freedom. In biblical allegory, Natural Law is represented by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating the fruit of the tree represented the subjective arbitration of morality, taking it upon oneself to decide right and wrong rather than recognizing it as inherent in Nature. Unfortunately, we made that grave mistake, but we can change course if we so choose. We can spit out the fruit and return to the Garden.


As we continue to ignore and violate Natural Law, we will continue to experience negative consequences. Those consequences must be experienced. Because of our aggregate immoral behavior in the world today, we ARE manifesting and experiencing those consequences.


Understanding Natural Law means truly having Conscience. Conscience is the definitive knowledge of the objective difference between morally right behavior and morally wrong behavior. The word 'conscience' comes from the Latin con meaning "together" and scio, sciere meaning "to know." Therefore, when combined, it means "to know together." In other words, common sense.


Acting in accordance with Natural Law means exercising Conscience, or willfully choosing morally right behavior over morally wrong behavior once the difference is clearly understood. It is to do what is Right because it is Right... unwaveringly.


When human beings live in accordance with Natural Law (and are therefore Moral Beings) they become and remain Free, and their society exists in a state of Order. When human beings live in opposition to Natural Law (and are therefore Immoral Beings) they become and remain Enslaved, and their society exists in a state of Chaos. This is where we're at today.


When you understand Natural Law, you also understand your Sovereignty and that there is absolutely no moral legitimacy to "authority" and "government," that these are only euphemisms for slavery. A Sovereign Being is the ruler of the Kingdom of Self, no external control or governance. No one has the "right" to rule others or to impose their will onto others.


If a society is Moral, in the aggregate, then the consequences of that manifest as Peace, Freedom and Order. If a society is Immoral, in the aggregate, then the consequences of that manifest as Suffering, Slavery and Chaos. And when the majority of a society is not in harmony with Natural Law, those consequences manifest for ALL of humanity, not just the majority. Therefore, the immoral behavior of the majority is a perpetual act of violence against everyone else.


Natural Law brings us the consequences of our aggregate behavior over an extended period of time. It is not instant. There is no"instant karma." It's accumulative, over time. All of the things we do as individuals build up. When the majority of people are behaving immorally in some way (causing any amount of harm to other beings or their property such as their life, rights, body, etc), Natural Law responds accordingly as those behaviors continue. It's a build-up of consequence; and those consequences come down upon ALL of us. This is where the Law of One comes in. If one is suffering, ALL are suffering. If the majority of society is immoral, ALL of society suffers.  


If we choose to do something that is immoral (initiates harm to another sentient being) we get a negative consequence. If we stay within the parameters or boundary conditions of Natural Law, we get a positive consequence. When this builds up over the whole human population, over long periods of time, we get what we call the human condition. Our behavioral choices through our free will - over time, in the past, as a species - have given us the condition today called slavery (mentally, emotionally and physically). That is what we have based on all the aggregate behavior of all the human beings of the past leading up to the present moment.


In scientific terms, it is like a collapsing wave function. All the choices of the past are a wave function that has collapsed down into the present moment, and that creates the current condition. That’s how things work at a quantum scale, so apply that in the macro scale. The macrocosm of behaviors create the current human condition. Our present-moment choices are a wave function for the future. If they’re within the boundary conditions of Natural Law, those choices can create a positive future. If they’re not within the boundary conditions of Natural Law and are completely out of alignment with the Laws of Morality, then they’re going to create a chaotic future. That is very simply what Natural Law is and how it functions.


In a more individuated analogy: it's like all the little things you do that ultimately causes an entire room to be cluttered. You don't see it happening until it comes to the point where you can't enter the room without stepping over rubbish. And then it's not just you having to deal with the mess, it's anyone else who uses that room. Your actions have affected the whole. If you're not conscious of the cause then you won't change how you think, and therefore how you act, so you'll continue doing the same behavior that leads to chaos.


This is why other people's ignorance of Natural Law is our responsibility. People are so conditioned to the notion of short-term consequence. We have to observe things holistically, looking at the big picture. If someone's ignorance of Natural Law is resulting in harmful behavior, they have no right to that ignorance. Being ignorant of how to bake a cake is one thing, but ignorance of Truth itself carries immense blame. So when you know the Truth, that places you in a position of moral obligation. Just as that person has no right to be ignorant, you have no right to hoard your knowledge. We're all in this together. We're all co-creating the reality we share together. If the majority of people are creating chaos, that chaos affects everyone. If the majority of people are condoning slavery, everyone becomes enslaved.  


If we want to change the consequences we have to change minds. While you could pick up all the trash in that room (the external world / Plane of Effects), it will just become a mess again if the person making the mess doesn't acknowledge and change their thoughts and behavior. The mess is only a symptom of the problem. The problem is always within (the internal world / Plane of Causality). Natural Law will respond accordingly when WE start making changes within ourselves, in how we think, feel and act. There is no other way forward.


"The True God neither rewards nor punishes, for He has established the Law whereby each man decrees his own fate. The future destiny and circumstances of the soul are shaped in the earthly body. When, in the hour of its release, the soul takes flight, freed from its earthly container of flesh, it assumes the form moulded by its desires. In that awesome day of reckoning the wicked shall be revealed in hideous shapelessness, but the upright shall step forward in splendour... Therefore, give due respect to the Law of God, walk in His ways and bow to His decrees. You are placed on earth that His purpose may be fulfilled. Therefore, fight not against His Will, nor rebel against his Laws, lest you bring about your own destruction. God will not destroy the transgressor of His Law, for he will destroy himself. Each man ultimately decrees his own fate and receives his reward or punishment according to the Law." – The Kolbrin Bible, 'The Nature Of The True God' - 2:20-2:21


Again, Natural Law does NOT apply to the animal kingdom – meaning, the behaviors of animals do not factor into the equation as animals do not have higher-order thinking. If a being does not have the logical capacity and innate intelligence to be able to, through their mentation and communication, reason out which behaviors are moral (and why they are moral) and which behaviors are immoral (and why they are immoral), then Natural Law does not apply to those beings. Their level of cognition doesn't permit them to understand morality. Human beings, however, CAN understand it. We should not look at ourselves as “just another animal.” That is Satanic thinking. We are infinitely more than that because of what the complexity of our brain and central nervous system makes possible for us to do that the rest of the animal kingdom does not possess. Therefore, we are held to the standards of moral behavior because we have the capacity for holistic understanding.


The "do no harm" aspect of Natural Law, regarding our own behavior, does apply to the animal kingdom. If you understand that the life of another sentient being does not belong to you – that we own our own lives, not other beings' lives – then you should also understand that you do not have the "right" to take that life from them (except in the case of self-defense). We may be animals ourselves, but we are Human beings, and being an intelligent animal with greater cognitive ability and complexity comes with responsibility. This is where the Law of Correspondence comes into effect. What we do to other beings will be done unto us.


People often see the prison being created around them, and even describe it in detail, but never make the connection between the effects and the actual causes. You can learn what those causes are by looking within. It is ultimately our willful ignorance and rejection of Truth, our false religions and dogmatic beliefs, our ego entrapments, our compliance, and our blind consent that allows these conditions to continue. We, as a species, co-create our reality together based on our aggregate beliefs and behavior, so we cannot change our conditions unless we change within.


At the deepest level of our subconscious we have abandonment issues – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – and as a result, as a species, we've become self-loathing, psychological children who are terrified of taking personal responsibility for our conditions and believe we need a proxy parental figure to protect and nurture us (government, kingship, etc). These issues need to be addressed and corrected through deep introspection (Shadow Work). We need to develop Self-Respect and stop believing that we can abdicate our responsibility to others. Freedom is and always has been our own responsibility. If we don't have that self-respect and don't understand the Truth about Who We Really Are, about Natural Law, what Freedom actually is and what is required to create it, then we don't fight for it. If we don't fight for it, we lose it.


Again, creating a truly free world cannot be done by turning the blame around to all the external factors of control and influence and trying to change things on that level (the Plane of Effects). What has already happened cannot be changed. There's nothing new we need to be doing nor any new systems we need to create. We have to be looking within (the Plane of Causality), doing the inner work, so that we can raise our consciousness and align our perceptions with Truth rather than clinging to erroneous beliefs. We have to align our behavior with Natural Law and have True Care for all humanity. We need Courage, Persistence, and Willpower to do what's Right, to say NO. Only then can we begin to manifest True Freedom. As we change within we, in turn, change without.

It has absolutely nothing to do with any of these things:
  • Darwin's theories regarding macro-biological "evolution"  

  • The Darwinian notion of "survival of the fittest"  

  • The so-called "law of the jungle"  

  • The so-called "natural order"  

  • Any aspect of behavior in the entire animal kingdom for any creature with less cognitive development and capabilities than a human being  

  • Any and every human-made law, including "common law"


The English word 'Nature' is etymologically derived from the Egyptian word 'NTR' meaning "God, Divine Force, etc," symbolized hieroglyphically as an axe (or a flag on a pole) which represented a force which was known to exist through its observable effects, but difficult or impossible to see with the eye. That symbol is where we get the courtroom gavel from. It's a symbol of judgement which is what Natural Law acts as, a judgement of our behavior.


NTR was actually pronounced neh-cher, extremely close to the English pronunciation. Then if you add the Sanskrit suffix -al (which means "of, from, or related to") you get the word 'Natural.' Therefore, 'Natural' means "of / from / relating to God/Divine Force." Not the animal kingdom, not any Darwinistic ideology, but the impersonal Creative Intelligence that put Natural Law into effect.


True Natural Science (not state-sponsored, atheistic scientism) must be wed – unified – with a spiritual understanding. To dismiss the spiritual aspects of reality is folly, and you end up focusing entirely on the physical as if matter is all there is. If everything is simply just matter with no underlying purpose, no Intelligence at work in the universe, there would be no Higher Laws governing the consequences of our behavior, and yet there absolutely are. Again, this can be tested and observed.


But that's exactly how the Dark Occultists view reality. They live in the delusion of "I want to be able to do whatever I want no matter how destructive or chaotic it is, and get away with it." Of course, they know this isn't how reality works, but they want humanity believing it is so that they can sit back, give orders, and avoid the brunt of Natural Law consequence as they have other people doing all the dirty work for them (governments, police, military, etc). They convince the masses of their own Satanic worldview of moral relativism and egotism, and then sit back and feed on the madness high up on their false thrones.


There is only one Authority in this universe, and that Authority is not vested in human beings.


Natural Law is the secret of secrets of all ancient and esoteric traditions. This is what the dark occultists don't want you to know so they can rule in its place as gods. It is what the Justice card of the Tarot represents: Natural Law on its throne, with the Scales of Justice in one hand and the Sword of Truth in the other. The Law Is King.




"We live in this world, governed by the laws of nature. Under these laws we must live and work, and we are powerless to change them. If we know them and intelligently cooperate with them, these nature-forces become most valuable servants... If, on the other hand, we do not understand them and in our ignorance work contrary to them, they become most dangerous enemies, capable of terrible destruction. Therefore, the more we know of the working methods of nature, which latter is but the visible symbol of the invisible God, the better able we shall be to take advantage of the opportunities for growth and power; for emancipation from bondage and for elevation to mastery."


– Max Heindell, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception


"Nature is the unalterable factor in what many people feel to be a man-made world. Nature is inevitable. Nature is the divine criterion of all merit and demerit. By the mysterious processes of Nature we come into being; by equally mysterious processes we are preserved and perpetuated for a certain time; and in the end, by these same mysterious processes we depart from this theater of physical action.


In our every thought and act, we are utterly dependent upon natural munificence. Men are constantly building up and tearing down the various institutions which together constitute the pageantry of empire; but all men, great and small; all enterprises, vast and humble; all processes, noble and ignoble are circumscribed by a vast natural design from the boundaries of which they can never for an instant escape.


When men study the words of men, they gain a certain knowledge of passing things. Books are filled with opinions, and very often these opinions are limited in their usefulness to certain generations and decades. Nature, however, propounds inevitables. The book of nature sets forth unchanging principles before which all human ingenuity must bow. Men can resist nature for a little time, but in the end, natural law is ever victorious." 


Manly P. Hall, Words To The Wise

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